2 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Please cite a source on the "fraud".

Maybe some sort of requirement that states you must own land too?

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Removing porn and all images not uploaded from an imgur account

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What does a room temperature super conductor allow us to do?

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Lemmy users trying to go 3 minutes without talking about Linux

Lemmy users trying to go 3 minutes without talking about Linux

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Asklemmy desperately needs better / more mods

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Republicans: Makes wildy controversial and unpopular opinion

Also republican: Surprised when they might start losing popular votes

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How does it diminish functionality for you?

To me it seems like it only updates the accent pieces of the UI

Only security updates.

OS updates are only 3 years

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Went to San Francisco and California in general for the first time this past May. I've grown up in the suburbs on the East Coast with a very conservative family.

They were all losing their minds when I told them I was going to go. They were convinced I was going to get 16 times a day.

The city and state as a whole was absolutely beautiful (visited Yosemite and got engaged). There was so much to do that I had never experienced as someone who grew up in the suburbs. There was only one time we felt a bit uncomfortable but we were aware of the situation and had plans to get out if need be.

We rode public transportation (the horrors!) the whole time without any problem.

I know it's not perfect by any means but to me the problem is fear mongering by the likes of Fox

Working to make sure the electric grid doesn't blow up when we add a few more generators.

Been using Pixel phones since the Pixel 2XL.

It simply comes down to simplicity and updates.

It always seems like with other manufacturers (especially Samsung) they try to throw everything they can at you to see what people might use. Whether that be 3 different apps for taking notes or 19 camera modes depending on what kind of food I'm taking a picture of.

When it comes to updates, I know manufacturers have definitely stepped up their game, but I'm still burned out on updates from before I had a Pixel. I used Moto phones before then and would often wait a year after a major version release to get the update.

Getting day 1 updates and being able to participate in betas is a big plus for me

I was going to reply with "so I always come out on top" on my account but it's down lol

Yes that is my point.

Pixels only get 3 major version updates which is less than the iPhone

I use the little drains on the floor so I don't have to aim as high

I'm playing both sides

Here's my shot from May

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They all look so incredibly bored to be there...

Surely there's a machine that can do this testing lol

cries in Now on tap

Lemmy moment


The mammals are using the dinosaurs to kill the mammals.

So who's really winning?

Your shot is great too! We were surprised at how few tourist there were in May

Really bums me out that Moto doesn't do always on display.

Really interested in the 2023 razr and it really makes sense for the cover screen to be always on

Land of the giants is one of my favorites

Only about 1 season a year but each season is about the rise (and sometimes fall) of big tech companies

Unexplainable is cool too, about weird sciencey things that we don't have an explanation for

AFAIK were stuck waiting until Apple rolls out their version of tracker alerts

To be fair, where I'm at in the south we have these. Still a lot but most are very regional

And here is another in Mariposa Grove, also in Yosemite

How ever did people survive in the early 2000's

If we get enough air conditioners and put them outside it'll fix everything.

Other than MAGA supporters traditionally being against EVs

I don't deny that there are a significant number of people that still use the 3.5mm jack when driving

But I believe that the majority of people do not.

But once again, how often is this a problem? I would say the majority of people are not in overnight flights that often

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Typically through the car speakers though

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I always hear this argument, but seriously how often is this a problem?

I plug my phone in in the car and when I go to bed at night. Neither time of which I would be listening to music

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