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Joined 1 years ago

McKenzie followed up later with a similar statement to the one today, saying “we don’t like or condone bigotry in any form.


verb accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue

Are you trolling, or just a fool?

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That is god teir!

  • Lost gold
  • A kidnap victim
  • Your target as a prof. hitman
  • Inspiration for your novel
  • A cure for cancer
  • A path to immortality
  • Your lost car keys

This could probably uplift any path you choose to take in life.

I guess olive with it ;)

Is your position that sexual abuse cant occur to an adult, that when it occurs it can and should be laughed off (what other physical abuses should be treated the same) or a third position entirely?

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While I would like to agree with you, because far too often people dont ask for a source in good faith, would have to be consistent with the etiquette and require that the burden of proof falls on the person that makes a claim.

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What 9 month old baby has less rights than a newborn? Edit: or vice versa.

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Ah yes, the $450 million homestead!

Joking aside, cool info thx.

Sorry but that's not true... either emergency c section at around 7 months onwards or regular delivery etc. No such thing as an abortion as far as Im aware. Is this what you think a "late term abortion" is?

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Thanks a lot for the post! Super nice to hear. Would also like to point out that "the customer is always right" was originally meant for sales. I.e. if they want a meat themed car, sell it to them, dont tell them its in bad taste. So for more ways than one treat those that serve you with respect. Theyre serving the community, not your servants.

Sure, but you have the logic backwards. Viability isnt used so that people can get an abortion even though the baby can survive, its so the physician can make the judgement to deliver a baby that can survive instead of attempting an abortion - when the mothers life is in danger.

There is no magic cut off date, where all babies are ready to deliver or will die. So basically the math goes like this: physician determines the mother will die if the baby does not come out. If they determine the baby is viable --> the baby comes out and is alive via medical procedure (not abortion). If they determine that the baby is not viable --> the baby comes out and cannot survive via medical procedure (abortion). Fyi, in case you think oh well, keep the baby in: the mom dies, the baby is not viable to survive and dies too. Thats it. No one is aborting babies that could be birthed and survive.

“Viability is reached when, in the judgment of the attending physician on the particular facts of the case before him, there is a reasonable likelihood of the fetus’ sustained survival outside the womb, with or without artificial support. Because this point may differ with each pregnancy, neither the legislature nor the courts may proclaim one of the elements entering into the ascertainment of viability – be it weeks of gestation or fetal weight or any other single factor – as the determinant of when the State has a compelling interest in the life or health of the fetus.” Colautti v. Franklin (1979)

This is a different situation than early pregnancy abortions. Different areas of focus, rights, benefits, ethics etc. Dont treat both rights as requiring the same logic to support.

It seems to me, at least, no matter what someones position is on early term terminations, late term is a slam dunk obvious answer. Leave the decision to the parents and their physicians, not lawyers and legislators.

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My man, raspberry jam is where it"s at. Perfect sweet/tart to PB ratio. No other spread has beaten it yet.

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Ah, my mistake in giving you more credit than you deserve. Burden of proof.

I feel the need to contribute so the community continues to thrive.

Crimes or convictions? See, they dont always match 1:1

While we shouldnt be cruel to animals, just want to point out that Lamarckian evolution was proven false by Darwin already.

Sheep didn't evolve to require it by the constant shaving, farmers would have likely selected for highly producing animals if anything.

Living up to your name cro magnon

No mans sky. Had it for a while, time to explore planets.

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What's a "real American" and why does their opinion hold objective value?

Hardspace Shipbreaker

Ive been playing this non-stop. Why? Im not sure. But theres something just so satisfying about tearing down a spaceship in 0 gravity. Wish it had a VR option, would seriously consider investing in a VR headset to play it that way.

LOL, PCOS hirsutism has available pharmacological and non- pharmacological treatments. What is your point here?

What? Unless I missed something, it gave access to individual accounts not master access?

Hurr durr

How can it be cumulative if thr title is average, and the line has downward dips - impossible in a cumulative graph unless negative posts are a thing.

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That's... just like your opinion man.

Then god isnt omnipotent, cause you know, it lacks the power of whats actually to come and is only good at knowing all the hypotheticals. Or may be lacks omnicience, but one could argue that knowing all the possibilities counts.

All that matters is that its lacking something, when it shouldnt

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Can you explain how government enforced monopolies intersects with the discussion here?

Thanks so much, thats what Im doing right now! Repairing a ship, building a base. So so much fun

I dont think that word means what you think it means..

LOL, America did what now? Invented English? Met an English fella the other day, born and raised in New York.

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All good! Wish I knew where the source data was and the constraints, too. May have been mentioned else where and I've missed it.

Except all morality and empathy


Harm reduction? You put together a poorly worded argument and want to pretend people are misconstruing what you're saying. Currently, effectively, most if not all lethal injections are on hold. Care to explain what "harm reduction" you're supporting so people "dont pretend you mean what you don't mean."

Ah yes, life imprisonment, the greatest way to empower a murderer to kill... i guess other people in prison... who should be killed.. so they wont kill each other... or...?

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Ah yes, compromise on your morals, just like a good ol' steak vs pizza

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I thought one hole intuitively, then I started thinking... what about those y shaped straws or medical hoses that split.... one hole? Two holes? Three?

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