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Joined 12 months ago

relevant xkcd:


look at this guy here bragging...


1 more...

this isn't even his final form

you have my vote!

2 more...

If we stared when we knew of the problem

Sadly, humanity had other things to do :(

1 more...


1 more...

Very strange to hear this on an overwhelmingly FOSS platform.

1 more...

There is no spoon ... and the cat knows it!

needs more .jpg

1 more...

The top or only the bikini bottom?

There just might be 4 gold in that urn over there though...

Were there mistakes during the build process like lowballing spending figures or building time so they are permitted to build or did they just royally fuck up some other way?

version control

Like anyone's gonna give out free frame - HA, not in this economy!


Vor'Thalarium entwines the threads of understanding, Tzal'Narethin veils the familiarity of @Martineskirt. Let the realms of relatability part, and the shadows of disconnect descend.

Did it work?

They might also be going for the Lockpicking Lawyer.


You shouldn't even be using a peeler in the first place! smh.

We can always fix it later...

Could not reproduce.


was there though?

The edge cases are less likely than an unattentive human much quicker than one moght think.