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Joined 12 months ago

Wait till an American shows up and calls it noodles

In particular she used a private jet for a 13 minute journey

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1984 + Biden (5 letters) = 1989 = Taylor Swift

To be fair, somebody from a developing nation could say the same about us and spending £500 on a new phone that does the same shit as the old phone

She looks exactly like every other British girl that age. This proves nothing, you're chatting pure shit

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If anything, changing it now looks like they previously thought strangling 10 year olds was acceptable

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But you're still affected by gravity so you immediately start freefall into the centre of the earth

That would have been fine, but why the spunk cocktail

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In the context of the guy saying he lost all respect for her, it's fair to say he is worse. He gave her money. She's the superior one.

On top of this, there's lots of ways that they would get the data without secretly listening to microphones, which people may not be aware of in all these anecdotes. In the one above, maybe just one party member googled lab grown diamonds, or perhaps messaged a friend on Facebook messenger about their trick. Not sure if that gets analysed for ads but it's more plausible than mics. Anyway if they're all on the same WiFi then they'll probably be on the same IP and could easily be shown the same ads, making all party members now ripe for a diamond ad.

There's a well known video of a guy saying "cat food" around his phone, and then his phone shows Google ads for cat food. He concluded that it was secretly listening to him, because there was no other way for Google to get that info other than to shadily tap into his mic. He performs this experiment on a live streamed YouTube video

I thought Americans used sq ft to casually describe houses? Please don't switch to number of bedrooms. That's what we do in UK and it's led to house builders squeezing closet-sized bedrooms into a house so they can sell it as a 4-bed.

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Americans: go ahead and chop a bit of his dick off though. Why not.

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Tall people are short people that are tall

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Wales voted out

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I know some small petty things!

You say "off of". In the UK we just say off. "Get off my lawn" Vs "Get off of my lawn". Why do you need the extra word?

You call pasta noodles. Pasta is not noodles.

I once got kicked off (of) a beach at 9pm by a police officer. Wtf? It's the beach, who cares if I'm on it at night? And why is it so important to have a police car patrolling it?

On that note, trespassing seems much more serious in America. In a lot of the world you can just wander around, if it's on somebody else's land it's no big deal as long as you don't cause a mess.

For the culture thing, Americans are generally louder and less subtle than any other nationality. They're more friendly and energetic. There's a certain type of dry sarcastic humour that never lands with Americans. I don't want to call it British humour because there's never any confusion with the rest of Europe

It does if lots of people use it incorrectly

Straight up misleading. Mentioning AI in the headline and then sneakily switching to "the cloud" (i.e. most of the internet) when discussing figures. They say it uses a similar amount to commercial flights? Fine. Ground the flights, I'd rather have the internet a million times over.

What's the Lemmy equivalent of r/grandpajoehate

Maybe English isn't their first language? I come English region of Europe so it's my native tongue, best not to judge others.

I think there are too many communities. People tried to replicate reddit's diversity and places got spread too thin. When Reddit first started it didn't even have subreddits.

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I vaguely remember them saying it wasn't advised because of overheating

I'm an idiot and I put emojis in my SSID and sometimes devices don't like that but I don't want to change everything. So there's a guest network with no emojis

I think they're referring to terraced housing

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He sounds alright to me, troubled past but came out the end ok. Doing hard drugs in the past isn't a red flag imo, as long as you believe they're done for good. Ignore all the terminally online people in here. Nobody's perfect.

Agreed. Happy for language to change but what word do I use to tell people I'm not exaggerating?

They also throw bananas at black players but yeah sure tell me how the English are the worst

Upset that "loop detected" isn't the fat lööps cat

A supercar is like having a fast CPU. I still want it so I can go zoom zoom. Having more RAM is like having more seats in your car. Pointless most of the time but occasionally very useful.

If you're a company, you should save your users' passwords as "hashes" which is like a scrambled up version, so if your data gets stolen the hackers will have to unscramble all the passwords which takes a long time. Some naughty companies don't do this and save their passwords as plain text. The person above is presumably talking to developers to remind them not to be naughty

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It's pushing me to the real world instead of Reddit, so a great success overall.

Probably just UK

Must be exhausting!

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To quote pink Floyd: There is no dark side. Matter of fact, it's all dark.

Why the fuck would they put all their nuclear waste in a cube and leave it by the sea in Marseille. Those french morons.

I didn't say you're chatting shit, I'm just commenting on what I saw.

I use signal a lot and sometimes people's phones will stop signal from running in the background. This can cause the behaviour you're seeing, as their phone wont receive the messages until they open the app manually

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Maybe. I think I saw something about it being potentially a maintenance flight and she wasn't even onboard. But the memes are already in motion now

Look at some UK new builds on Rightmove and you will delete this. 1 decent bedroom turned into 3 shitty bedrooms just to make up numbers. You can't even fit a bed in them all