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Joined 12 months ago

Lupe something.

And he wasnt convicted, but was going to. The state had a "medical expert" show up and testify that there was no way an adult woman could look like that. Just 100% sure of himself and smug as fuck about it.

Then the defense called the pornstar to the stand and she was in her late 20s or something and working in the industry for over a decade.

It was something that never should have made it to trial, and gets used a lot as an example for how shit expert testimony can be. The prosecution doesn't try to find the person who knows the most, they find whoever can do the best job of convincing a jury that the prosecution is right. So the people who do it (some are professional "expert witnesses") are just the most overconfident people. Even if they're not sure, they play it up that there can't be any doubt.

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Never criticizing your own party is how the republican party became what they are today.

We might not be able to change that, but we can try to prevent it from happening to the only other option in general elections.

Nah, continuing a task while trying to process something like this is something the vast majority of humans would do.

I remember a common repost on reddit. A female reporter in the 60s asked businessmen on the street about sexual harassment and if it was ok to touch their secretaries. The ones that would say it was ok shed start sexually harassing them and they had no fucking clue what to do.

They reacted the same way, trying to continue the interview but obviously uncomfortable (even tho they had just been flirting with the attractive reporter).

I'm a guy (a pretty big guy at that) and I've had women grope me out of nowhere during my bar days. It's a mindfuck, and you just kind of go on autopilot while you try to rationalize what's happening.

The woman's reaction in this video is completely normal.

He was just mad they were making money instead of him...

Everyone knew as soon as he started saying "pump the brakes" he just wanted a chance to catch up

Especially with vote bots.

It's going to be mostly bots voting against each other

Lemmy is better on web than kbin.

But kbin lets you block entire instances as a user, which is worth the tradeoff for me.

There was a couple instances I just didn't want to see and blocking them by community was like whack a mole

If young people were more active in politics, we wouldn't be running "moderates" in their 70s...

So Dem party leaders try to walk a fine line between motivating the youth vote enough to beat republicans in the general, but not enough that they vote in the primary.

It's why we still get republican presidents some times.

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His first two years were held hostage by Manchin and Sinema

Yeah, but during the Georgia runoffs, Biden and party leaders kept encouraging people across the country to donate by saying "50 is enough to pass the party platform".

So either they had no idea Sinema or Manchin would obstruct, or they knew it and lied to voters.

So trying to blame those two now makes the party look inept at best

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You think the national party decided to lie about Manchin so that he could obstruct them...

And the goal was to make sure Manchin gets elected again, so he can continue not supporting the party?

The issue is turnout.

I always vote, because I'm lucky enough to get paid time off work for it and little to no wait time.

Some people have to take a day off work and wait 4-8 hours in line.

We could sit around and complain about nonvoters, or we can try to increase voter engagement. But the party needs to make that choice too, and they're not really great at the second option.

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Yeah, I've been on 3 Lemmy instances and now kbin in like 3 weeks

Finding out kbin let you block a whole instances instead of just communities was enough to warrant a new account

I can't tell if you didn't read my whole comment, or just didn't understand it...

I mean, the war didn't start because the North wanted to end slavery in the South...

It started because the federal government wouldn't force northern states who had abolished slavery to return escaped slaves to Southern states.

The part about abolishing slavery nationwide didn't come up until the war was going on, and that was more an economic sanction than anything else.

So it really did start because of state rights, it's just it was the northern states fighting for that and the Southern States wanting a federal government that was willing to force states to do stuff.

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