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True, but not paying for maintenance sure does help the executive hit his quarterly numbers to receive a bonus

This is clearly recent.

That makes no sense. Why would the military guy go along with that plan, and then after being caught as planned he then suddenly tells the world about the plan?

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"A close-in weapon system (CIWS) is a point-defense weapon system for detecting and destroying short-range incoming missiles and enemy aircraft which have penetrated the outer defenses, typically mounted on a naval ship. Nearly all classes of larger modern warships are equipped with some kind of CIWS device."

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I think it's great that this has been captioned so deaf people can appreciate it too

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Sounds like all she needs is a dirt cheap chromebook then

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Then her situation isn't applicable to this topic

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Pump-up sneakers

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So then the only way to make it fair is for us to invest equally as much into our own green energy industries

I'm sure you're not nearly as loathe as you think.

I'm sure you like being able to plug any device into any power outlet and have it work correctly and safely every time without even having to think about it.

I'm sure you like being able to use your cell phone and wifi without it being an unusable mess of different technologies all trying to use the same frequencies.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

When an aspect of technology becomes far reaching enough that it effects essentially everyone and every device, and there are far reaching consequences to it not being interoperable, then that's exactly the type of situation where it's good for government to work with experts in the field and decide on an official enforced standard

Please try not using initialisms that a general audience won't know. That's why i had to look up the previous one and quoted the info so other people wouldn't have to look it up also. USV doesn't even show up in a googling


I found it, USV means a drone boat

Great idea! Accessibility matters!


In 2020 I voted against Trump, in 2024 I'm voting for Biden.

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If their constitution is anything like the United States Constitution and government, then one of the fundamental principals is that not every right is specifically enumerated in the law, meaning just because a thing isn't specifically listed as being a right doesn't mean it's necessarily not a right. Voting is obviously one of those things.

And then there's the famous case of the guy who was super early in on bitcoin and threw away the computer that had the password to the wallet, which eventually wound up being worth hundreds of millions of dollars that are now irretrievable

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The catch is that Tesla has a bunch of problems that might cause the company to be in serious trouble soon, and if musk leaves before the company starts tanking then we'll have to hear endless bullshit from people about how musk was so great that he single handedly was what kept the company going.

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If you actually look at the details of the story you're taking about you'll find that after Biden ordered them back to work he then ALSO got the train companies to give the workers everything the union had been asking for

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Their list has always not included some of the truly richest people in the world, like for example some Saudis. It's a pretty meaningless list.

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Apparently she wrote in her private diary stuff like "I am evil for doing this" and "I am a horrible person for doing these things". IMO this points more towards a massive mental health disorder rather than someone purposely doing evil acts to achieve their own selfish desires. It sounds like she had very unwanted intrusive impulses and she was unable to stop herself from acting on them.

Don't get me wrong, her being aware that her acts were wrong doesn't give her a get out of jail pass. The awareness of her drives being wrong means the onus was on her to get help to prevent her from acting on those drives. But IMO it does make clear that there was no motive, it was likely caused by a compulsion mental illness. This is all IMO though.

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atari hasn't been the original company called atari in a long time, it's just a brand name that has been bought and sold

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She frequently demonstrates exactly why she didn't get elected.

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No, the standalone google pay APP is just having it's features transitioned into google wallet. Google payment services is totally unchanged.


Anywhere you normally use Google Pay — from checking out online to tapping and paying in stores — remains the same. If you use your Android phone to shop in stores where Google Pay is accepted, you can continue to tap to pay in stores with the Google Wallet app.

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If you don't earn over a million dollars a year then it's obvious that Biden is the right choice

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I know I'm gonna catch heat for this, but sex-segregated physical competitions is one of the very few places where trans women shouldn't be treated the same. Women's sports competitions aren't segregated by gender, they're segregated by sex. Trans women are women in gender, but their body isn't a biologically female body. That's the exact definition of transgender - when your body's biological sex doesn't match your sense of gender. So by definition, trans women don't have a biologically female body.

The whole point of sex-segregated sports is for people with female bodies to be able to have a fair competition, instead of them not even getting a chance to compete at all because if they had to compete against biological males then almost 100% of females wouldn't even make the team. This is the whole reason why sports competitions are segregated by sex.

TLDR trans women should always be treated as women - except for sex-segregated physical competitions

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God there's so much. To start with, the Hudson yards project got greenlit because the developer agreed to build some amount of affordable housing, but they never did it, and were never held accountable for not doing it.

And the suicides aren't some freak unexpected thing, the developer was strongly warned that it definitely WAS going to cause suicides, and that they should make some changes to the design to prevent it, but the developers wanted it to look the way they wanted and didn't give a fuck about anyone dying.

And lots more awful shit. The whole place is a scourge on new york

Ok that's kinda hilarious

I mean, what problem are they trying to solve? And is long-sitting people really the main cause of that problem?

If a tourist destination is frequently winding up with people waiting for an open stall, and if the majority of people are in the stalls for what is considered a normal amount of time in their home country, then the actual problem is that the place simply doesn't have enough stalls and needs to add more

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This garbage structure is the worst blemish on New York in recent history. It's ugly, conceptually empty, and an abhorrent monument to corruption and anti-humanity.

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There's nothing to believe or not believe. This is pure fact. Donald Trump is now a convicted felon

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Dude you just moved the goalposts a million lightyears away from what you said in your original comment.

Secondly, YOU don't get to decide what the rail union's opinion on the matter is, only the rail union can speak for the rail union, and they've all publicly said how very happy they are with the outcome of Biden's actions

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Dude, you absolutely need the /s on this one. There are people who authentically say this. And they read your comment thinking you and the upvoters all support that same belief too

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Obviously the evidence that it was caused by IS is too strong for him to be able to deny it, so he's just trying to shoehorn Ukraine in there.

"somehow, the emperor returned"

I just feel bad for him. Can you imagine how much the moment of throwing it away is burned into his mind? And ever since then he's wasted huge amounts of his life trying to find it because he's very understandably obsessed. Can you imagine accidentally throwing away 181 million dollars? And living with the knowledge that it could be out there somewhere just sitting there in the garbage?

Sounds like a nightmare.

If i were him i would try to focus on the fact that most likely he would've spent or sold the bitcoin before it became worth millions anyway, so his mistake of throwing it away probably didn't really cost him very much at all

That's bullshit. Nyc has rent stabilized apartments and it's fucking fantastic. Not perfect of course, but really really good. Those apartments are highly sought after. The biggest problem is that there aren't remotely enough of them

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I would so LOVE to see his name stripped off of all those properties! ...but I'm still trying to not get my hopes up. Aside from him suffering through court cases and losing them in a very public way, if his properties get seized it would be the first REAL consequences he receives

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I voted for her, but i seriously held my nose while doing it. I volunteered for Obama, but i didn't for Hilary. I was demotivated by the polls saying she was a sure thing, and by me seriously not liking her as a person and many of her political positions. She was obviously way better than Trump, but man was she a crappy candidate.

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Same thing happened with his other trials. A fast verdict from the jury means the case was completely air-tight solid to the jurors. He was so clearly guilty that there was nothing to even discuss

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I've heard (don't know if it's true) that in the old days if you survived a hanging then you were allowed to live

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