
0 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Kind of like the multireddit feature- that used to be a big part of how I used boost to check in with any particular interest without wading in :) I would love this!

I totally agree :) I'm S10 until the thing melts, I managed to replace the battery under warranty and plan to rock it as long as humanly possible.

Headphone jack is a huge factor in that as I would not want to lose something I use every day, but also like you say, performance is fine! On top of that is the fact that I'm paying £8 a month for unlimited everything without a contract! :)

I guess there used to be a night and day change, and people kind of still expect that from the next flagship each time they're offered an upgrade?

That said, these days the trends tend to steer into things I don't use much, or improving what's already good enough - its a good time to be on a budget I guess! :)

hehe I read the last words a "snot much" and did a double take :)

Signed the guestbook :)

I think it could do with a very literal under construction image, with some sort of machinery- every website seemed under construction at the time!

Something like this?!

Thank you :) just added this to my robots.txt :)

I went and played Fallout 1 because I loved 3 so much... It took a few false starts (1 intelligence was a terrible call for a first playthrough lol, it ended bad)

Now I see it, 1 and 2 were so brilliant with the role playing and story that I can't go back to 3! 😊 So many choices, strong characters, just brilliant.

I still occasionally browse Ultimate-Guitar.com for rock/guitar news, it's fun, but I could use seeing other sites and will be following this thread with great interest! :)

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Thank you friendly robot :) I couldn't stop assuming PoE meant Pillars of Eternity! 😅

Sadly, just software compatibility - doing music with specific programs needed for assignments etc - If drivers and compatibility weren't an issue, I never would have switched. :) I will consider using Linux again full time if my current machine ever gives up though, now that gaming has advanced so much further. :)

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What? Oh no... I just found them :( time to Google and then un-love them

Edit oh for pity's sake... That's awful, why do people do things like that. Damn, I guess I'll just go ahead and trade in the CD I bought.

In a strange way, thank you for helping me find out sooner than later. :)

Lil Server Issue sadly is my name! Https being silly I should think 😁

I do now! First album is Illmatic by Nas, and it's been a good discovery so far :) I have a limited knowledge of hip-hop, so this is really cool to listen to! Thank you for the link to this :)

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That's me! :) I made an account on Lemmy out of general interest in foss projects, and am now a resident. :) The only thing I have noticed so far is more civil conversations and a much less stable app compared to boost (currently Jerboa crashes whenever I press back).

I batch-nuked my Reddit history, comments and posts, but kept my account open so that it doesn't get necromanced by Reddit and I lose control of it. I can't say I miss it at all - occasionally I've got curious about the odd thing and looked, but it's surprised me. :)

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Not too bad,

I didn't choose the chug life, the chug life choo-choo chose me!

(And it's got a picture of a train!)

I downloaded my comments/posts, then nuked with powerdeletesuite. :) Kept my account open, purely so that I have control over it, and Reddit couldn't un-delete without me having access to it.

So far, I miss knowing wrestling news as it was my main source of that, but... Meh no don't miss it much at all :)

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That's fricking cool! :) I love seeing these types of things, I was born a little too late on the other side of the world, so I had no idea these existed! :) Was it a namco-only thing?

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Moderation is based on what server you're rocking - run a place if that's what you need :) However, being moderated is keeping the Nazis out - I have no problem with that. :)

I would immediately present to you how much of an anti-racist Lemmy was - Wikipedia's page expands on it in the personal life section. :)

It is also the case that these open platforms don't need to grow to become a behemoth that absorbs the internet - they might be better for being niche.

To top up the happy tank, I love playing

  • Katamari games
  • OpenRA (Red Alert)
  • Wrestling games (Smackdown on PS1/2)
  • OpenRCT (Rollercoaster Tycoon)
  • Baldurs Gate 3
  • Mass Effect
  • Frog Detective 1, 2, 3
  • Game Dev Tycoon

Sides should ideally be eaten before the main - unless it annoys whoever I am eating with

Have fun!!! 🤘 :)

Thanks for sharing this! :)

I got a kick out of seeing helm on your list, as I was using the developer's Unity engine integration for a game when I started coding :) Fantastic synth.

I could also recommend hydrogen as a drum machine - it plays nicely with lmms, which is cool! :) There's also tuxguitar which I use as a guitar sketchpad when I just want to jot down a thing I'm playing, or learn a complicated song. :)

I found it mildly funny reading this, I've not been using vanilla windows 10 for quite a while, but have resorted to sticking plasters to get the same effects as mint (start10, fences, and powertoys). It's very true, out the box all that's baked into mint, and with the privacy etc.

I heartily miss Mint/Xubuntu, but am cursed with my interests being in game development and audio. :) one of these years...

I like making mini projects with Godot or Unity on the computer, or sometimes actually use my guitars or weird toy/synth instruments. 😁 Shout out to the Korg Monotron for getting me into all this!

Yay! There are dozens of us! A cheap trackball is one of the best things I have ever bought. No pain, and it is really accurate.

I did have a regular mouse in my pc too so that other people could use my pc without complaining, but donated it to one of the new people at work. But happy, nice mouse makes the day better.

Aw I love Slowdive! All swirly and nice

In case anyone is following this: Eurogamer are reporting that Game have denied this.

I really hope game will still sell... games, but am cynically wondering if they are measuring the reaction from this to make a decision. :/

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I am the same - I obliterated all my posts and comments, and try to see whatever answer I can't find elsewhere, and run.

It was much easier than I thought it would be, which was a nice surprise. :)

That's awful news :( fantastic unique musician

Hehe I know exactly that feeling! Honestly I found the same with Skyrim, GTA5 and Witcher 3 - I can't imagine spending 100+ hours on a game like that, knowing I'll probably not finish it! I know it's irrational but I'm the same. :)

I loved Disco Elysium and Life is Strange 1 because I truly did feel that I left no stone unturned in my playthroughs - it felt very "complete" and had such a satisfying ending that didn't leave me wandering around a progressively more empty hand world.

I guess that's a type of game preference - I love watching other people play big games like that, but can't do it to myself as I feel it's never "done." :)

And yet... I'll play a wrestling game for probably hundreds of hours, knowing fully beyond unlocking everything, there's a game I can't "finish" - weird really! :)

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I can second this! For me it meant that I could finish my game of modded fallout new vegas, and connect to my work's microsoft vpn nonsense (IT support didn't fancy trying it on Mint but that's another story!)

I now have a personal OS that I like, and a windows partition for those few things that I can't be bothered to troubleshoot.

So far the list is just those things and the Unity Engine as Visual Studio debugs better than code in my experience. :)

Having the option to flick back is great :) In the XP days, I loved the WUBI(?) tool that let you install ubuntu dual boot as an exe, but I think that's not a thing these days., :)

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Brilliant idea! :) I've just requested to subscribe, as I adore old style blogs, and on top of that, would like to share mine eventually :)

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Oh wow! That's news to me, how cool! :) I love little souvenirs like that, we had nothing like that in the UK :)

The emotes work on boost, but the ::: spoiler tag ::: didn't!

Mind you, I added the tag to this comment and it didn't display, so possibly a bug :)

That's great! Thank you :)

I have been putting off playing the finale of the original edition on Steam until I could afford the DLC; I wonder if the Spacer's choice version on Epic will pick up my save as it's a new build?

Either way, thank again!

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They really have - it was a huge place that felt like a community, with no-nonsense access to knowledge and creativity. It's a real pity how it's gone down. I hope there's a shift towards human efforts like Lemmy and Mastodon :)

It's the same with Pro Wrestling! There's a couple of small subs, but SquaredCircle has all the news in a tidy place

Damn I remember that album coming out... Last week?

damn time flies, please make it stop!

Heck yes! Earthbound! One of those games I felt was made perfectly to my taste :) funny, quirky, slightly uncomfortable... All great. :)

Oh fantastic, that's a great plan! I can't wait to try this :) Thanks again, loved playing the base game.