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Joined 12 months ago
  1. Old series that has a decent following of mostly niche dedicated fans is left to sit without a new installment for many years.

  2. New title is announced. It's sells gang-busters and flips the community on its head.

  3. Corporate Executives prioritize short term profits and begin planning a quick and easy cash grab. !

  4. Second new installment comes out. It is a shell of the previous title with the soul sucked clean out.

  5. Fans are dissapointed and outside of a small niche following the game series falls into obscurity.

  6. Repeat.

! we are here right now

Look.. Maybe BG4 will be good. But after watching this exact cycle play out over and over again for the past decade I'm not sure how you can expect anything else.

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To be fair I feel like college is way less about teaching you anything specific and way more about teaching you critical thinking and abstract conceptualization.

Like I didn't learn jack shit from my "American economical development in the 14th century" class but I did genuinely get good at telling good sources from bad ones while writing essays, and that IS a skill that has uses in life

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I mean if we're gonna take this goofy post at face value and get addmitedly WAY too into the breakdown...

The context of if they are agitated or otherwise hostile for some external reason is actually kinda critically important here lol.

In a situation where they are just passively existing and you need to choose which species to just co-habitate with I'm choosing the monkey FOR SURE.

  • Any snake is going to be hard to spot, an ambush predator, specifically one (or 5!) as deadly and teritorial as a black mamba, is going to be nigh impossible to keep track of, sneaking around and catching prey off-guard is literally their whole thing. On top of that, while gorilla's vary greatly in personality (just like humans) odds are decent that if you just leave them alone they will leave you alone.

  • Hell, maybe if you manage to find some fruit you might even be able to AT A GREAT DISTANCE establish some sort of basic report with the Silverback. Like, don't pet the guy, but if they know you don't have hostile intentions and occasionally provide snacks they probably will keep their "territory" reasonably small, letting you scavenge more areas.

But if the script is flipped and we are in a full blown survival setting? Where for one reason or another the animal(s) has our number from the moment we step foot in the mall? You are fucking insane if you choose the Silverback Gorilla.

  • Those things are ludicrously fast, Huge, have great senses, and will literally rip you in half. You would be dead within minutes of entering the mall no matter how far away that gorilla starts from you.

  • Snakes you can at the very least survive longer, if not outright just escape them and hide somewhere relatively hermeticly sealed. Maybe find a cabinet you can squeeze into and close the doors to let oxygen in but too small for snakes, maybe find a tall shelf or rafter and collapse the furniture used to climb on your way up to prevent the snakes climbing it as well.

  • A Silverback gorilla however is not only far faster both climbing and on land, but has enormous fucking gorilla arms to rip away any sort of door or cover you try to use to hide.

If we're being generous and assuming this is taking place in the largest mall in the USA, The Mall of America, and the gorilla starts on the opposite side of the mall from where you enter. It would need to clear roughly 1 mile (assuming the 1 mile-ish exterior wall of the mall is circular (it's not but just humor me), in order to get to you. A silverback gorilla's top land speed is roughly 25mph, that means 2200 feet per minute, that means you have just over 2 minutes to get into a meat freezer or something equally tough before it catches you. So you not only need to know where one is, but it needs to be close enough to get to in such a short time. Hell no, I'm taking the snakes.

Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk

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Knowing Rockstar put off development of this game for as long as they did just so they could milk GTAO for every last penny makes me hesitant at best.

I have never been let down by a GTA campaign, but they know where the money is, I'm hesitant to believe they will give this one the attention it deserves after seeing the profits from GTAO. Or maybe I'm just pessimistic

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Yes it does.

There is literally nothing of substance behind the claims that "this one is different" it's the exact same argument from the exact same unreliable sources. Literally the ONLY difference is that this vaccine was made controversal by American politics.

If you are against the covid vaccine then you are an anti-vaxxer, whether you realize it or not.

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20 Hit points for a car isn't much if we're going by traditional RPG metrics, but I suppose I'm not sure what the creators were using as a template when they made it.

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Is this bait? Lol

Water is also 33% oxygen but I dare you to try to breathe it

I don't have any specific memories or sources on hand since it was like 8 years ago. So by all means take this with a fairly large grain of salt.

But I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the DNC actively pushing for Hillary and denying Bernie the same resources and privileges guaranteed to other candidates. Like there was a substabtial amount of money that was intended to go to the nominee, but Hillary got it well before the primaries. Also there were the emails that got leaked from DNC execs who were very openly against Bernie and discussing ways to debase him or otherwise get support for Hillary to beat him despite their role as neutral orchestrators in the primaries.

We don't know everything. Really just the email leaks and a few reports here or there. But judging by what we do have it paints a pretty damning picture for what we don't have.

This is... A weird spread of awards...

Like BG3 winning GOTY and story rich makes total sense.

But RDR2 won labor of love? What? Lol. Have they been putting out massive updates lately or something?

Atomic heart won visual style... Sure? I mean I guess it's atmospheric but I wouldn't call it particularly stylized.

Lethal company getting better with friends is a solid pick

Hogwarts Legacy is best on deck? The fuck? Lol I suppose i haven't played this one but I was under the impression the game was like... Fine? Kinda boring after a while but still playable? It's not horribly offensive but how does a game like that win an award for being the most beloved steam deck game lol

STARFIELD WON FUCKING WHAT??? Okay, I was not as big a starfield hater as some. I thought it was boring as shit for sure but I don't think it's completely without merit on the whole... But Innovative? Fucking LOL! Starfield innovated exactly 0 things, hell it retroactively made things from 2011 seem new by comparison. I don't think theres a single fresh idea in that entire game. Starfield winning most innovative game paints a very uncomfortable picture of the steam awards. There is CLEAR tampering going on here, either by bots vote spamming, or just a behind the curtain dealings with Bethesda. To be honest every single other award here feels tenuous at best just by Starfield winning that specific award. If that boring ass rehash of 2007 gameplay can be called the most innovative game on steam then I'm not sure I can trust any of these games actually got nominated by real players for any of their respective awards. What a fucking joke

I mean imo JKR is a bad author for about a dozen reasons but that line in particular is not me of them.

Tbh the entire plot hinging on the idea that it is unthinkable to every single person in the Wizarding world that someone would prank the most famous kid in school by putting his name in the cup without his knowledge is a way worse writing decision. Given that's exactly what happens though Dumbledore acting calmly and implying he knows Harry didn't actually do it is the most reasonable thing to come out of that book.

I mean I will readily accept that the internet is a fickle place and nothing is ever as black and white as it would seem but there has been a metric fucktonne of examples lately for why Teslas are just straight up bad cars. Cheap materials, poorly wired electronics, broken features, etc.

Like just casually scroll through any car subreddit or other online forum and you'll see people recording their Teslas just breaking down.

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And now I will sit back and watch how many people get mad at me because they don't understand sarcasm.

Really getting worked up over that imaginary person you created huh? Lol

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Ehhhh there's pros and cons to that. r/all on any given day is just bots karma farming off eachother with maybe 1 or 2 good posts mixed in alongside the occasionally genuinely interesting news article, which obviously sucks.

But on the other side there is a TON of threads from the past decade that I know I still read once in a while and I'm sure others do too. Hell just yesterday I was looking for some info on mettalurgy and found a reddit thread where some guy asked my exact question and got good answers like 5 years ago. Having those be more accessible would be great... Plus a lot of niche communities are unfortunately just too small on Lemmy to produce the level of content they do on Reddit

But if we are talking strictly biologically speaking then we've got two sexes.

Not really though, I mean intersex people kinda disprove that by themselves right? Unless we aren't defining sex by what you have between your legs but instead more of just a genetic makeup, which would mean that the 2 sexes theory is disproven by any of the millions of people who have the "wrong" chromosome pair.

The 2 biological sexes thing works as a very broad generalization but it really doesn't hold up under scrutiny. I used to say the exact same thing until I got a dump truck of examples thrown at me lol

his defense and his followers call for an mistrial on bias.

They will anyway. Is this really the hill we are going to die on? After 8(?) years of this shit are we really going to keep spouting this rhetoric?

Trump has proven that he intends to keep violating gag orders. So it is not only clean but perfectly within the judicial systems legal power to imprison him. There's no need to build a case here. Just do it.

That guy is obviously exaggerating for effect and you are technically correct, but he's not wrong.

Companies like Inuit and H&R Block have been lobbying for ages to keep the free file forms ridiculously overcomplicated, difficult to navigate/complete, and dangerously generalized to the point where if you mis-interpret a line on one of your several non-intuitively named financial forms you will be committing tax fraud

It is objectively easier, safer, and more convenient to file taxes through one of these private companies and the is by design.

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Okay but forcing someone to pay you $550k (averaging your values) to not die maybe is still incredibly fucking awful, so it's really not hard to be better than that.

I can respect that developing a personalized vaccine might take a lot of work but I'm not a chemist. I don't know how much work it actually takes, nor do I know how many vaccines a person would realistically need to cure their cancer be it stage 1 up to stage 4?

What I do know is that if this vaccine ends up being more effective than the traditional method then it is a wonderful discovery, but if it leads to life-long medical debt and subsequent financial ruin all the same your life is still fucked.. I guess I'd rather be poor and alive, but I'd also rather not be destitute.

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Yeah licking random objects in your house is a little unsanitary.

Thanks SatansMagottyCumFart

I mean yeah but the point is that technological advancement was still a common occurance. Like, yeah a sensationalized article about self driving cars would blow some minds but to most i think it wouldn't really make any bigger waves then basic cars already were at the time. How can they be blown away by the concept of self driving when the vehicle itself is so new and interesting you know? AI is so abstract that even today most people don't understand it, 100 years ago it'd just be "another new thing" just like it is today.. We are actually less accustomed to ground shaking new inventions so I'd argue that 100 years ago a lot of our modern tech would be less exciting given the regularity in which things were changing then.

Social upheaval however is ALWAYS a huge deal, especially for the time. Bear in mind that Progressivism is a fairly new ideology in the States. For literally hundreds of years social change came at a snails pace and took serious, concerted effort. Nowadays we are on average much more open to change and accepting of diversity in all it's forms, but there's a reason everyone remembers the name Martin Luther King Jr., versus.... Ruth Bader Ginsburg I guess?

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Come on man, if you're gonna gaslight at least spell "Hollywood" right. "the entire democratic party ever"? You can do better than that. I know English isn't your first language but you could at least plug it into grammarly or something.

smh this troll can't even troll correctly. I guess enshitification applies to bait accounts too

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I think when a Christian minister is making a statement about a guy who is VERY vocal about how his every action is influenced by his being a Christian, then a Christian denounciation feels adequate.

Abortion is a sin

Abortion doesn't have anything to do with the church


Gallows humor really does hit different when your 2 hours into doom scrolling lol

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Correct, There is only 1 Dakota, stop gaslighting yourself into thinking there are 2

I didn't claim anything about zero maintenance? Lol

You can get away from snakes with a brisk walk, and they would never challenge you unless cornered ... Also, you can fight a snake with a stick ...

Black mambas move at like 15mph (much faster than you or I) and are absolutely capable of killing a fully grown human if they feel threatened. Fighting them off with a stick is a great way to get a one way ticket to ground town lol.

My point was that the risk of accidentally meandering into one's nest is enormous. I guess the answer is just stay in large open areas, but I was thinking more like a post apocalyptic "look for food and survive" kinda angle.

But yeah, I 100% agree that the Silverback is the more dangerous option here by a huge margin. I just think given a situation where you could avoid it long enough to find a hiding place it can't get into (like a restaurants freezer). I'd rather the hulking gorilla that I can hide from over the deadly snake that might have made it's home in my rudimentary shelter.

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I mean I'm no expert but I do have some knowledge on the subject.

The difference is how you injest it. Our stomachs are much more resilient than our lungs. Your stomach is, for all intents and purposes, a sac of acid that dissolves mostly anything you put in it, your lungs on the other hand literally only do 1 thing all day and it's breathe air. There are different qualities of air of course, and microparticles in it that could cause harm, but on the whole it's more or less all the same.

Its like dumping garbage into a sink vs. a paper bag. The sink will get disgusting, and you may end up with a clogged drain, messed up pipes, or worse. But at the end of the day if you just clean the mess and don't do it too often it will probably be fine. The paper bag on the other hand is gonna get Soggy, gross, and start falling apart in your hands. You can dry it out but it will never quite be the same..

I dont care how long it has been or how persistent you are. It's fucking Comcast Xfinity sounds like the subtitle to a terrible Sci-fi movie from the 80s

The comment had said "conservatives" which is true. Only recently did Democrats start leaning more towards progressivism, and even then they are still mostly a Centrist party

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I have this exact same thing! My dentist reccomended it to me because I drink way too much coffee, which apparently causes like yellow orange film to form on your tongue

When your job is to do a good thing.

And your predecessors either didn't know or didn't care to do it, thereby not not doing their jobs.

Then yes. I will celebrate the guy who actually did his job.

I saw a comment the other day that said something to the effect of "shout out to r34 artists I didn't even know overwatch was a real game until 2 years after it came out"

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Who wants to tell him

Who knows what evil he could do from his deathbed.

Literally could not be worse than the evil he is, and has been, doing as a major political leader in the US for the past 800 fucking years. At the very worst it'll be just as bad as leaving him where he is right now for a few more days. I think we all deserve a little catharsis in his passing

You know a substantial number of Zoomers are not teenagers and haven't been for many years yeah?

I'm not sure why it has to be a controversial take that the first generation to grow up with unfettered internet access and subsequently the most awareness of any and every global crisis, has a disproportionately large number of people with anxiety disorders. It's not like it's all or nothing either, you can have mild-moderate anxiety and still have a diagnosable disorder

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Who will force them to recuse themselves? They answer to no one.

Is getting a blowjob in the oval office unethical?

Like I know he cheated on his wife, which is unethical. But you chose to bring up the act of receiving the sloppiest top in that specific room as the damning factor and not the actual adultery which is a weird take.

Okay.. Having not actually read the bill in question and only having a cursory understanding of what specifically constitutes a fetus vs an embryo, unborn child (like actively going into labor), etc. this feels like an actually kind of okay thing?

I mean, obviously the removal of a woman's rights to control and administer their own bodies is fucking insane and those supporting it should be treated with nothing shy of the most abject contempt one could muster.. But the way this article is worded makes it sound like the bill will allow women to seek some form of monetary justice from an unwanted pregnancy? Which feels jarringly contrary to the motivations behind the policys that make this bill necessary?

Genuinely asking. Am I missing something? Lol

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Every issue you've described is something actively fought for and put forth by Republicans. The same Republicans who hold the house and, subsequently, the ability to pass legislation to fix these things.

Democrats, or I guess in this specific case Biden, has no ability to just snap his fingers and grant: bodily autonomy, re-write the war budget, programs for housing scarcity, education, livable wages, or health care. To claim otherwise or that he is just toting people along while actively avoiding responsibility is either showing that you have literally no idea what you're talking about or is just straight misinformation.

I do not love Biden and I adamantly disagree with some of his decisions such as his response to the Israel/Palestine conflict. But he has done some serious good with his time in office. Expanding access to live saving medication for seniors, providing an actually reasonable student loan repayment plan, modernizing the internet infrastructure for millions of homes in the mid west, and shifting much of the Federal governments facilities to use green energy just to name a few.

I truly wish 3rd party candidates stood any sort of chance in a general election, I really do. But as it stands currently they do not, history has shown us that over and over and over again. So you have 3 choices: vote for the party that actually perpetrated those above issues and has made it perfectly clear they will do so again, vote for the lesser evil that while horribly flawed has actually done some serious good in addition to frankly just not promoting an authoritarian ethnostate, or toss your vote out and pray for the best.

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Saline is what you are supposed to wash your eyes out with when you get something in them in addition to being what contacts are stored in every night