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Joined 9 months ago

He really is a 13 year old internet troll trapped inside a 52 year old man's body.

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Exactly. Every single person involved in this should be charged with treason.

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Fuck off

It's okay to just say Republicans instead of low-information voters, since the Venn diagram for them is a circle.

I believe he falls in the category of one of the morons with a gun.

The problem is that we're at a point where Republicans are not hesitating to lie, cheat, and steal their way to power. They have demonstrated quite clearly that they no longer have an interest in playing fair.

We need Democrats who aren't afraid to fight back or we'll lose our Democracy in America and eventually fall to fascism.

There may not be a good ending here, but it's time to draw a line in the sand.

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They'll say it would be worse with a Democrat.

I'd love to be able to vote for her for President some day.

But then you say something like, "Fuck Nazi scum" and suddenly you're banned.

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Dude... both sides are absolutely not the same. Just look at the policies each side is trying to implement. On one hand, you've got Democrats trying to do things like forgive student debt and raise the minimum wage. On the other, you've got Republicans focusing almost solely on a culture war they've started just because they hate people who are different than they are.

I could go on and on with examples here. While it's true that people parrot things they're told to believe by the media (like pretty much everyone who watches Fox and actually believes it's real news).

Our current Republican party has zero plans to actually help anyone they supposedly represent. It's insane to me that anyone could look at what they're doing and think it's somehow beneficial to society...but I guess that's because I don't think of hurting people as a way to make my own life better.

Agreed. The world should never forget what a total piece of shit he is.

People who will help him spread election misinformation for Trump's next attempt at a coup.

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Yeah, America is fucked, and Texas is one of the most fucked up states in the whole country.

This is cool and all, but it's a 6 year old story.

It's weird how the fromsoft games are the only ones in all caps.

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Computers aren't cheaper though. Hell, you can barely even get a decent GPU for the price of an entire console.

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Nice try, reincarnating spirit.

This reminds me of my life.

The time he lost in the womb? He was born into wealth, and his whole life has been on easy mode.

That's one way to tell us that you're probably not old enough to have played a good number of original NES games without emulator save states. People like to say that Soulslike games are hard, but some of those games were absurdly difficult.

Gwent (witcher 3 mini game) and Slay the Spire.

Yep, it's the most shameless ad I've ever seen built into a video game.

That's why I miss the days when you could just take the old battery out and put a new one in.

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Nobody out there is just buying Nicotine gum for the flavor. The overwhelming majority are struggling with an addiction that may one day kill them.

Also, as a former smoker of over 20 years as well as a current coffee addict, I can tell you from personal experience that there is no comparison between the two. Some substances are simply more addictive than others. Nicotine is one of the worst on the planet.

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It's not even really about them taking jobs for Republicans. The real reason is just basic-ass racism.

I'm pretty sure that's really Tom Selleck.

The next time there's an election that the Republicans try to steal, X (formerly Twitter) will now work to back up their lies completely. That's what's really happening here.

Oh, haha...I hadn't noticed that it is also in caps.

I think he literally couldn't bring himself to make the apology, though. He's way too much of a narcissist.

But he hates the same people they do, which is the most important thing to them.

Until the shareholders demand more.

He's still a better option than Biden or Trump.

Wait...they finally had sex but it was off-screen? That's so fucking lame.

It had a decent single player campaign, although it was too short. The live service end game was extremely repetitive and should have never existed.

All they had to do was make a solid single player game, like Insomniac is doing with Spider-Man. Oh well.

Not really. An RTX 2060 only has 6GB of VRAM. A PS5 has 16GB of unified memory, so it's going to potentially have more VRAM to work with.

A 2060 isn't awful, though. That's what I've got in my nearly 4 year old laptop. It can run pretty much everything, although some of the newer games are probably a little too demanding for it to run on the best settings.

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I'd argue that Baldur's Gate 3 is the best RPG in at least 20 years. It's been so long since we've had an RPG on its level that I had almost forgotten what it felt like. It makes me feel like the original Fallout games (from Black Isle Studios, not Bethesda) made me feel back in the day.

Honestly, I was surprised to hear that the game forces fast travel. I mean, a small indie company like Hello Games managed to make a procedurally generated universe where you can hop in your ship, fly off the planet, and either cruise through the galaxy or turn on warp speed and leave it all behind. Hell, you can even do it all in VR.

Yet, somehow, Bethesda made a space exploration game that doesn't really let you explore space.

Of course, this is only what I've heard about it. I've been way too busy playing Baldur's Gate 3 to play anything else. But my hype for eventually playing Starfield has dwindled to a solid "meh". Maybe I'll play it sometime when I don't have anything better to do.

You can always just ignore them and miss out on a huge part of what makes the game great.

Except for the mods, who will ban you for saying mean things about nazis or racists.