4 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What's wrong with it on a home network?

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What an employee does in their private time is none of a company's business. They can fuck off tbh.

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I don't know about that, Walmart has done a lot of damage to our towns, cities and urban fabric by destroying small businesses and getting subsidized huge properties with more parking lot than productive business and residential space, and almost single-handedly creating a poor class of working people who still have to rely on welfare.

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ahhh, profiteering off of often Low income people through gambling.... Just what Squid Games was promoting....

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Really sucks for people with disabilities and handwriting issues.

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Micro plastics in the soil 😠

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Where's USB Type B gang at. πŸ–¨οΈ bros unite

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Radeon Later

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Can we not have 4chan misogynistic shit here? Even if it's supposed to be satire?

What insane technological advancements would need to be made in 30 years for us to merge into a galactic singularity O.o

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No paywall removers worked ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Guess I won't be reading it then

I love seeing so many industries going on Strike. Complete and utter respect and admiration.

But you can open carry no problemo. WTF

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If you press on your eyes kinda hard when they're closed, u can see the quantum world πŸ‘½

Edit: also drugs 😳

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When Chrome/Firefox stop getting updates and websites stop working they will

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Is there some correlation with this insane low level understanding of software engineering and a mental health issues? A lot of the scene seems to be like this and good old Terry Davis (rest in peace you racist)

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Cheap careless mass produced screen printing crap. I miss the days when objects in our day-to-day lives have thought and Care put into them. I guess that's incompatible with low cost though

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Why not nextcloud? Seafile files stores in a proprietary database

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I remember people saying the same thing with Windows 7

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Ad revenue from their startpage, Bing as default etc

Except Pixar has never done branded movies before I don't think. This is more like something Illumination animation would do

Or Mint which is pre unsnapped for your pleasure

Full support here πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ

The peak of computer productivity was spreadsheets and smb shares in the '90s everything else has been downhill in terms of increase of distraction and time wasting inefficiencies.


Can we criticize even shitty people without resorting to sexist remarks please? Lemmy feels like it should be above that kinda language. Call her a turd or whatever πŸ’©

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I don't like Muskrat at all, but as far as I can tell the satellites have been in low earth orbit and burn up in the atmosphere as to not create such a situation

Probably only if you install Windows on the deck.

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And crazy how not only can tools recognize birds but generate novel new images of them.

How do you have 319 items in your inbox o.O

What's upsetting to me is how many communities that have moved to discord and there's no centralized way to search for content in there. Black hole of ethereal content

I'm sure the manufacturers love all the new data they can collect on you every update

Except llm written websites have made searching for things much harder turning a lot of sites into blog AI sludge

Super cool that he just did an event with the head of government, Danielle Smith in the province of Alberta Canada

How and why is there a Blockbuster button lol

Widening roads is never a good answer in game or real life, it induces new demand and will eventually become more congested. Need to build a train line instead

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Wha.. whats in the very bottom left.... πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ

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They can, just need correct drivers. We have mainline Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu for them now.

Those metal edges can be very sharp on PC cases, I hope the kitty was ok