
1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 9 months ago


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People supporting a side like it’s a bloody football match

I’m from France where unions are kinda everywhere and workers rights well protected : what the hell is this ? Is it real ?

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Kids shouldn’t be on social medias though.

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I never really thought about the fact he’ll eventually retire. That is indeed a frightening thought.

I absolutely don’t get why Bethesda sold Starfield as a "new generation rpg". It’s nothing but an archaic game with old mechanics. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying my time on the game so far (30/40h).

The game, or should I say the business model, is an absolute disappointment and disaster. Disrespectful.

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Thots and players

Bidets are french, source

Well no I don’t

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Did you just wake up from a 40 years long hangover ? Welcome mate

Been using it for a few days now. Not a fan of the UI but seems quite reliable

Looks like a great thing to have indeed. I’m a bit too worried about the personal data harvesting.

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You don’t really get insulted in every comments on Reddit though. Try 9gag

I used to be a lot more active on Reddit. But I forbid myself from downloading the app, so as for now, Lemmy is the social network where I interact the most.

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Ah yes, we all love FOMO

Man, I can’t even choose the exact colours I want on my spartan. Come on

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Doesn’t the EU DMA would eventually force Apple, Whatsapp… to open up ?

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Define good username pliz

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Blue checkmarks are everyone. It could be you, me, your dumb uncle or a dog. Of course they spread bullshit.

You take bolder shortcuts than me on Mario Kart

Fuckin hell

Uh oh

Yay ? We used to have all the colours available and we could unlock all armour parts just by playing the game. Screw them and screw their use of toxic mechanics (mofo, etc…)

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Oh no!


Feels like everyone advising to switch to Linux for gaming actually doesn’t play a bit on Linux

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I love Discord but they harvest tons of personal data. It’s very intrusive

How dare you

Oh that I tell her in the morning

IQ 1000

What’s here ? I’m French and I think 90% iPhone users use it. For what I see, Whatsapp here is more, of an app dedicated to family groups and travelling abroad

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Trying it rn, looks good for now. Thanks !

Gorgeous mate, you’ll be great without a doubt

Thanks, I’ll probably check this out !

Would work, but only with sources I register. I’d rather have something that suggests sources I don’t necessarily know

Well of course. Now what ?

Thanks love

Meh idk. Heard everyone say piracy was going to increase after Netflix increased its prices. Well guess what, it may have a little (but I quite doubt it), but clearly not enough as it’s doing it again. They know what they’re doing.

Indeed ! I just thought iMessage would be a bit more used