
0 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't understand this community's obsession with this man. If you're no longer on his site then why do you care what happens to him or Reddit? Just move on.

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Apple is correct. If they compromise their apps here, then other countries will follow suit and their reputation as a brand will take a massive hit. A big part of Apple's appeal is their security, this is the best financial decision.

I'm with the Zucc on this one. Facebook is a platform, they are not in charge of the content that gets published on there. Anybody can post anything at anytime. If people want to share news articles on there, they do so on their own. Why would Facebook pay media companies money for the actions of their users? It hurts their business? Fuck them and their business, it's a new economy. You either adapt or die. If these multibillion dollar corporations haven't been able to milk social media then that's their problem. They're not entitled to Facebook's revenue regardless of how much you or I hate it.

This just sounds like the dying traditional media industry is trying to leech off of the success of others in order to cling on to dear life. Fuck em.

How does one unshare?

It's funny how parasites like you aren't empathetic towards the victims or mad at her vile behavior. No, instead your go to reaction is to defend her. Disgusting.

Why is she popular? She's not funny, she's not intelligent, she's not controversial, she doesn't whore herself out, and she doesn't have any particular talent or shtick. She's just so... bland. What's her appeal? Why does she have so many simps?

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It's funny how parasites like you aren't empathetic towards the victims or mad at her vile behavior. No, instead your go to reaction is to defend her. Disgusting.

Also her "positivity" is good as aids. Promoting obesity, bullying people, and spewing bullshit is not positive.

"Believe all women!"

"Believe all victims!"

"...unless the abuser is a person that I like then I must rush to defend them because the victims are lying and we need to see all the evidence"

It's like the classic SA apologists but repackaged.

Bullshit, Lizzo promotes this type of cancerous behavior. By her own standards, she fat shamed others. There's no other context needed. She's a hypocrite who bullied others. Stop defending her. It's comical how morons like you bitch and moan about believing victims when it's some right wing guy doing it but the moment the abuser is on "your side", you're all of a sudden pro context, impartiality, and evidence.

Bruh, all he did was make a minor unpopular financial decision for the sake of the company. Wishing him harm just shows that you're terminally online. Reddit is literally nothing more than a silly forum to shitpost and watch porn. It's not important.

Hoo boo I'm sure you feel like a big boi doing that

You're terminally online

"Believe all women!"

"Believe all victims!"

"...unless the abuser is a person that I like then I must rush to defend them because the victims are lying and we need to see all the evidence"

It's like the classic SA apologists but repackaged.

Pure capitalism is just an idea, a thought experiment if you will. Actual capitalism that's to be implemented requires regulation and accountability. The government is one of the fingers of the invisible hand.

Let's ignore how retarded hate speech is as a concept for a second and think about this from a simple point of view. Organizations like CCDH, ADL, SPLC, and so on serve no value to society. They don't offer products, services, and they don't help anybody. Their job is justify their own existence, and they do so by publishing bullshit under the guise of morality. If you ever looked at their publications it always nonsense. It is either hyperpartisan bullshit that seeks to censor opposition, hyperbalized claims that aren't sourced, or made up solutions that aren't backed by any evidence. All these non profits are run the same. They're run by fraudulent figures who make money by coercing institutions into donating to them in hopes of gaining credibility and avoiding a slander campaign against them. It's basically a ponzi scheme with elements of extortion. Fuck them. As much as I hate Musk and Twitter, these parasitic organizations are 1000x worse.

This is satire, right?

Normal people want to reform the current system to make it better. Trash wants to dismantle with something that is worse

No it's because wealth is unfairly divided.

It shouldn't be, the work isn't evenly divided. People get compensated per mutually agreed upon contracts on the value and contributions of their labor.

Workers should benefit from productivity increase

They do... If you want to argue for stronger worker rights and protections then I'm with you. But to argue that Marxism is some sort alternative is beyond stupid. Marxism is just as bad, if not worse, than Nazism. It's a failed ideology in both theory and practice.

Also, the example in the original comment describes a dystopian death machine.

Humans aren't vegan. There's nothing wrong with meat farms.

A torture factory for cows to facilitate overproduction. We don't need to eat that much meat nor consume that much milk.

Capitalism works on the basis of supply and demand. If there's a demand, there will be production. If there isn't, then the businesses in that industry will either slow protection or close. If that isn't happening then that means there isn't enough accountability in the government.

This is why the entire planet is going to shit...

We're quite literally living in the golden age of humanity. The past 80 years human development has advanced so much in so many places to such a degree that it's an anomaly in human history. The world will always face problems, but humans are very adaptable.

No there are a lot of Marxists on here that don't comprehend that they're scum of the earth, no different than nazis

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Yes. The rant was pretty positive of capitalism. The system is efficient, innovative, generates insane amounts of wealth, and most importantly it actually works unlike Marxism which has been an astounding failure at every turn both in theory and practice.

So capitalism is bad because it's extremely efficient?

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