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Joined 12 months ago

Perhaps those were the most efficient jokes?

Turn it on them. Ask them to give up something private in front of you like their phone or wallet. Hey, if they have nothing to hide then they shouldn't worry... But they will.

That's also true, but I find the ability to decide what gets blocked and what doesn't to be useful sometimes

Psst listen up losers. There's this godly app that you could download off the web called Blockada. It can block add inside of games and apps. If you're not a masochist, you should get it.

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I agree that it shouldn't affect existing family units, but at the same time this isn't anything unusual. The non biological parent has to go through the normal adoption process to be considered a legal guardian. The same thing should apply to heterosexual couples where one, or both, of the parents aren't the biological parents of the children.

You probably think this is a galaxy brain gotcha, when in reality it just shows you're incapable of comprehend the concept of context. I gave an opinion. You can either agree or disagree. If you disagree then either state that you disagree and leave or explain your disagreement. Leaving ad hom and pretending it's an explanation is literally the textbook example of why this fallacy is a fallacy. It doesn't make you any less wrong or me any less right. It just showcases your inability to actually rebuttal what was said. With that being said, if some moron is clearly engaging in bad faith,, then there's nothing for me to explain. There's literally no argument for me to counter, therfore, these morons just get a reflection of their engagement

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I don't have a disdain for ad homs if they actually come attached with something. Whether it's an argument, explanation, rebuttal, literally anything. But if the ad hom is used as a replacement for substance then is it meaningless and fallacious, but also shows a great deal of intellectual laziness.

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In the absence of such recognition, the non-birth mother or father must go through the adoption process to establish parental rights

That's pretty standard

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