
7 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also vote in local elections

They matter a huge amount for how your state, county, and city function.

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There aren't any flairs yet

Ah yes, some good news today as well

Happy to see this community is starting off on the right foot

And don't forget to use encrypted messenging apps like Signal.

And do your research into which apps, programs, etc have the best encryption.

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196 is the apartment of awesome

Share a meme when you're here, it's the rule

Welcome to the party, we've got blajah, memes, LGBTQ+, and no tankies

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It would take quite a bit of energy to effect things on a global scale but it could cause some issues at a very local level.

As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.

It was a really religious area as well so that really didn't help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it's common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.

Of course they are, the pieces are super manly in the men's games. Made of concrete for extra ruggedness and painted manly colors, nothing bright or cheerful as far as the eye could see. And the chairs they sit in are also super manly no comfort at all. All played on a manly tactical chessboard. /S

Seriously though this whole decision just screams "cruelty is the point" and no concept of equality.

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If I did a push up every time I thought about how I should be working out I'd be ripped.

I should really work out.

Yep it's the association for sure

But also a factor (for those that know) is that companies will pay for their ads to run to specific demographics of people based on the data that a advertising platform (Twitter, YouTube, Tinder, Facebook, etc) has gathered to determine specific things about you as a person.

It's the whole concept behind targeted ads. You pay for eyes that will see it and are more likely to purchase your products due to that demographic data. Or at the very least, view your website for traffic that can be used to harvest more data about you so that it can be sold to other companies.

And for anyone curious the source of the gif is from the video linked below by the creator JoCat.

A non-gender conforming YouTuber who makes some great content.

Linky link to: A Crap Guide to D&D - Wizards

Us older folk walked so these kids could run

Be you

I'm curious about their efficiency drop off if that's what happens after 25 days.

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Firefox for life, I've had it since XP and I ain't ever going to leave it behind

A welcome dream of the future

I hope we can someday get there

But damn do we have a lot of work to do

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Honestly to me it seems like the harder these massive Web 2.0 corps push for Web3 and trashing their services for an ever increasing profit margin the more I think that a Web 3.0 won't be Blockchain, but I think it will be something decentralized.

The web is increasingly experienced exclusively through social media and with the building of more decentralized services (and the gaining traction) the more I think a decentralized social media future may be unfolding.

I'm for it, I support FOSS for sure.

I've been using Firefox since the days of Windows XP, I ain't gonna stop now.

I'll have to check the stream out later but thank you for the heads-up

Vaush is pretty based even though he can come off pretty rough

Not it

Lots of appointments this week and all of them were good news (surprisingly).

This week only has one thankfully and I already know it's going to be fine as it's just to adjust some medication up.

I got 2 big tasks done this weekend, a resin 3D print for a friend and painting about 80ish paint swatches for my miniature paints.

No worries, many people overlook them or forget to bring them up all the time.

Hell this last election in my locality was with a hundred votes in some cases.

Talk to your neighbors, talk to locals, be the advocate for your community if you can. Even if all you flip is a single vote that's a single vote more than before.

Not too mention what even is the point of getting a flagship?

The cameras are great on most phones, the specs are good enough for most people's use case (call, text, social media).

Hell the last few years the consistently best rated phone camera by users has been the Pixel A series of phones. The budget Pixel phones.

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I had no idea that this was a hurdle that they'd have to jump over

It seems stupid to me that this wasn't the case already

This really needs to pass

I'll ponder those orbs

For me it's usually during the winter time that it kicks in. I don't pick up on it for a few days but making sure that I get outside can usually stave it off for awhile until I have to bust out my bright AF lamp for my morning coffee.

That shits so bright it hurts

But hey, at least it keeps the darkness at bay.

Getting like 5k+ steps of engaged walking per day helps me a lot

We do be a bit silly sometimes

Straight up, I'm planning to wait for reviews and some patches to roll out.

I've been playing Bethesda games for awhile and every single 3D game made by them has had some serious issues on launch.

I'm not gay

I'm a polyamorous biromantic demisexual.

Or just Bi when the normies ask.

Pesto Bismol

For whenever the food could use a little more pesto

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If memory serves the OG rules said you just have to make a post

Could be a cool pic, could be a meme, could be a shower thought, hell it could even be a text post.

Let the creativity flow, share and share alike

Personally I think it's more related to the current recent climate stuff and the failure of the G20 summit to come to an agreement on the climate crisis.


Edit: I accidentally a word

Damn good this week

I'm currently on vacation for the week and turns out basically this whole week is supposed to be over 100F

I work in a hot warehouse going into truck trailers all day that are baking on the sun so I'm digging it

For those unfamiliar:

Weary Willie is the OG sad clown

Unfortunately I spelt his name wrong in the title because of course I did. Damn auto cucumber.

I feel you on that

I miss the days of sd slots, headphone jacks, and removable batteries.

Phone cameras are pretty good now though and the Xperia has a damn good one

Hell it even had a headphone jack

And here I thought it was because all the fediverse was getting hammered with 196 content with all the posts that were happening.

Honestly the more I see how well such federated sites can connect with each other gives me more hope for the future of federated sites

Pardon my ignorance, I've only just started to figure out federated sites (I think, probably not though), what's activitypub?


I'm not gay, I'm bi