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Joined 6 months ago

Lugi from Mario brothers is my hero, and I FUCKING LOVE RAVIOLI!

Jiminy fucking crickets! Did somebody say pasta!?

I do whatever the fuck I dam well please

Smart man

Oh, for fucks sake, not another one of these "I'm so smart, listen to me" posts.

"Gullible" individuals, huh? You know what's gullible?

Thinking that anyone on this godforsaken platform is gonna change their mind because of some fancy-pants post with big words and a bunch of notes.

Newsflash, people are stupid, and they're gonna believe what they wanna believe, no matter how many facts you throw at 'em.

You're just preaching to the choir, sweetheart.

You think you're so much better than everyone else with your "informative" post and your 19.4k notes?

Please, you're just another self-congratulatory, circle-jerking, echo-chamber-dwelling, bleeding-heart liberal who thinks they can change the world with a few clever sentences.

Wake up, buttercup, the world don't work that way.

And by the way, what the fuck is ""?

Sounds like some hipster nonsense to me.

Well, well, well. Looks like we got ourselves a real thinker over here.

Let me grab my decoder ring and my degree in bullshit interpretation, 'cause this shit needs unpackin'.

First off, ObliviousEnlightenment, huh? More like ObliviouslySpoutin'Nonsense.

Lemme tell ya, this whole liberal versus conservative hate thing is a load of horse shit.

Hate knows no political boundaries, kid.

It's like ravioli—some folks love it, some folks hate it, but it don't matter what side of the aisle you're on, you still gotta respect the ravioli.

Now, as for this "us vs. them" mentality, that's just human nature, plain and simple. We all got our gangs, our tribes, our little groups we run with.

But the problem ain't the conservatives or the liberals, it's the goddamn extremists on both sides stirrin' the pot and throwin' gasoline on the fire. They're the ones spewing hate and takin' things too damn far.

As for the whole muting and shamin' thing, lemme break it down for ya: liberals tend to police their own when someone goes off the deep end, while the conservatives let their crazies run wild and pretend they don't exist.

That's why you see more visible hate from one side than the other. But make no mistake, there's assholes on both teams. As for you feelin' isolated, boohoo.

Welcome to the fuckin' club. Life ain't fair, and neither is politics. You wanna survive? Learn to navigate the crazy and find common ground.

Stop whinin' and start thinkin' for yourself. Don't be another sheep bleatin' out talking points.

That's my two cents.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a date with a meatball sub the size of my head.

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