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Joined 12 months ago

You ever stand behind a couple of geezers in line somewhere and they start talking about some random stuff? They didn’t know each other. They were just bored.

He's talking about things happening with pace rather than speed, so...

America First, you gotta do the truffle shuffle.

Spud Webb - 5'6", won the 1986 NBA dunk contest

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You sound like a guy who knows which part of a warplane to reinforce.

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Sheer pandemonium.

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Different one. The other guy was from PA and decided his dad's career in the army corps of engineers made him part of the deep state, or some such shit.

It’s not so much two infants irrationally arguing. Israel has owned some of this land for three generations. So the folks living there have passed it down as long as they’ve been alive. But another group owned it first, and the oldest among them remember the days before the occupiers came.

It’s like if the Cherokee decided to go full on guerrila warfare in the 1940s. Would they maybe have a point? How would it square with folks that had already been there for 80 years? It’s the settlers generational home now, too. Everyone has legitimate greivances. It’s not about settling tantrums, it’s about mediating between people that have legitimate but mutually exclusive claims.

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It depends on where you are. Public consumption laws are local.


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Abortions don’t just fall out of the sky. First trimester abortions are in the 300-900 range, and second trimester round about 1k-2k. Just comparing the raw cost of the procedure and omitting opportunity costs from recovery time and additional cost from complications, rubbers are real cheap.

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The stars at night Are big and bright Clapclapclapclap Cause we got rolling blackouts

With a color swatch strip that runs from beige to brown. Anywhere darker than tan and it's open season.

It's kind of like suspension of disbelief. Comes from pro wrestling. It's a lot like pretending Santa is real when you're 13 and know it's not.

I mean, that's a significant amount of data to compile from folks that probably won't be filing right into your database for you. You have to get people walking around encampments with a clipboard in a whole lot of places.

There isn't near the kind of cultural narrative about stepfathers that there is about stepmothers, especially in media for kids. Kids absorb ideas from the fairy tales they see and hear. Stepmoms have to deal with tropes from "Cinderella" to "My Stepmom is An Alien". Kids will then carry those notions, amorphous and unexamined, into their new relationship. Kids usually don't have the capacity to recognize those kind of prejudices in themselves. So now the new stepmom has to deal with the kid's indignance at a fictional character. But aside from the Dursleys in Harry Potter, I'm hard pressed to recall a wicked stepfather.

Then there's the puritanical thread, and I'm a dude so I don't even know what else is lurking in our culture that wants to take a piece out of a stepmom for being the second lady in the family.

Not to reduce what a genuinely good dad has to do, step or otherwise. But if a dad manages to use words to explain something calmly, that's enough to get kudos from strangers on the street. I don't think the ladies have the benefit of the same uncomplicated expectations, so they need specialized guidance.

What exactly are you looking for in advice? How to deal with the ex and their branch? How to deal with specific behaviors from the kids? You'll probably do better to search at the level of those topics than the role of stepdad in general.

You're right about the racism, but they don't like long hair on white dudes either. Long hair is a great way to get extra attention from the cops and bigoted locals.

Gary Oldman, in the role of a lifetime.

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If we give these knuckleheads a bit more time they'll reinvent variolation 500 years late.

Don't matter what year it is. Axes chop meat. If we don't cut this nonsense short, it'll chop meat in your neighborhood too.

What a savings.

My my my.

What a savings.

Looks like tandoori chicken, but on a grill.

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I think the cleanliness of the blade would be less relevant than the massive infection pouring from your pierced guts into the wound.

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This generally occurs when a user enters the correct password, but has a typo in the username. The user is psychologically fixated on the password and overlooks the actual mistake.

Then, when changing the password, they re-enter the current password and finally discover the password was never the problem.

Such an insightful commentary on the importance of the social contract and the irreplacibility of the individual. The only way forward is to share our personal experiences and strive for understanding. Once we know each other's value, we will never surrender our common bonds, disappoint one another, go behind each other's backs, nor do each other harm.

Outstanding response and highly relevant username.

She deserves nothing less for spelling it as “weening”.

They always wanted Jesus to send them a sign. They didn't expect it to say "STOP".

Bad Santa. It’s cynical and hilarious and still ends up weirdly heartwarming.

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They clearly needed some good guys with nail guns and toobifores to cage this sumbitch up.

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I call Rockapella to the stand.

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Engineers aren't in charge of graft.

I'd suggest going for "How to talk so that kids will listen and listen so kids will talk" series. To be a good step-parent, you need to be a good parent.

Named after a man who went on to chair ANSI and be president of ISO. That's a dude all about measuring things.

I like the cut of your jib.

Over surprised guy.

“The Dark Beyond the Stars” by Frank Robinson might fit for you. It’s set on a generation ship that can’t find a good landing spot.