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Joined 10 months ago

How about you take a second to think about your response here. We are talking about onions and cilantro not politics.

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The only exception I would make to this is cases of electoral fraud. If you are part of an attempt to manipulate the votes you should lose the right to vote.

US credit scores are entirely based on your finances. My understanding is China has multiple systems being tested some of which are not based purely on finances but nothing is formal or universal at this point.

China's system could be more authoritarian but we cannot know until they choose a version that is.

They are blocking others from trading based on threats to cease or reduce trading with the other nation. That isn't illegal at all.

Note I do not support the embargo as it is pointlessly cruel at this point.

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Take the photo from an angle pointing down rather than up to start. We all look better from that angle.

You told someone to fuck off for being a tankie in your eyes while we were talking about cilantro and onions. It's out of place.

When since the 1960s, when primaries started being open to all, have they done this?

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We have a history it's just that the Europeans who came over murdered most of the people who knew it.

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I suspect the intention was to kill it because of how it aided people in organizing. Musk like many techbros does not want people organizing because then they might he able to divert the money he needs to build inefficient tunnels under the ground that could be used to feed and educate the masses about why Teslas are poorly assembled cars.

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I'll pirate anything I have owned but for various reasons I now can only license so all my old games I bought I'll have ROMs of as well as albums whose labels no longer exist or are not in circulation such as obscure Punk tracks.

I suspect he bought it to destroy it.

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Because we have to treat everyone with the same standard

It's more that they see it as a motivator and fail to see how sociopathic that is.

You REALLY need to learn what a police state is if you think America is one. Police states are authoritarian which America is not at this moment.

There was widespread racism directed at Italian Americans that ran for decades. My grandmother's mortgage from 1955 had language referring to Italian America quotas that needed to be referenced so they were not exceeded. That meant the town had to sign off on Italian Americans buying the home.

German is the most common ancestry in America which is likely why we did nothing about German Americans.

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They offered to extradite him if America could prove that he was responsible. This seems reasonable until you realize that the only way to do this would be to offer the Taliban, who never were allies, a list of most of the US' intelligence assets, so what would happen is they would either give OBL up or not but then would execute everyone supplying info.

It was easier and more expedient for GWB to go to war

Is beauty a requirement for womanhood?

Most of America can because of subsidies

No they do not declare it to be illegal and in fact outright state that the UN is not interfering in affairs between states.

Try reading your own sources without a bias for what it contains as they make it very clear. There are no laws requiring member nations to trade with one another.

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And that's great but every bit helps

Try actually going to the report in question for your first link as your summary misses important parts:

"1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 60/12;1 2. Reiterates its call upon all States to refrain from promulgating and applying laws and measures of the kind referred to in the preamble to the present resolution, in conformity with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law, which, inter alia, reaffirm the freedom of trade and navigation; 3. Once again urges States that have and continue to apply such laws and measures to take the necessary steps to repeal or invalidate them as soon as possible in accordance with their legal regime; 4. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the appropriate organs and agencies of the United Nations system, to prepare a report on the implementation of the present resolution in the light of the purposes and principles of the Charter and international law and to submit it to the General Assembly at its sixty-second session; 5. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-second session the item entitled “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba"

You'll note they do not declare the embargo anything but suggest/request that the secretary general do things because the preparers believe these acts violate laws.

In addition "Reaffirming, among other principles, the sovereign equality of States, non-intervention and non-interference in their internal affairs and freedom of international trade and navigation, which are also enshrined in many international legal instruments", means that they recognize the right of the US to not trade with Cuba.

You misunderstood your reports because you did not click through to the full version. The summary you linked to in your first link has the full report.

Your second link is again a request representing opinions. It is not a declaration by the UN that the embargo is illegal.

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Voting rights should only be impacted in cases of electoral fraud. If you are part of a widespread campaign to illegally impact the vote then and only then should you lose voting rights

Your initial claim that I responded to was that the UN declared it was illegal. I am correcting your misunderstanding on that regard because despite your claims they never have declared it illegal.

The Chinese government is testing several systems in the country and last I checked nothing is formally in place. There are versions whose system does include non-financial elements which is incredibly disturbing but nothing is formally being followed so it is possible they abandon those versions.

Do they? They are based on your finances and financial history.

He gets a lot of money from the Saudis and Americans who might not want people organizing.

My colonoscopy with insurance in the USA cost two weeks pay. It would have been 33% of my annual take home pay without insurance.

NAFTA was signed by Clinton but began as an idea under Reagan. Bush 41's team mostly drafted it for America.

You're missing all the racism that's come forth since mod tools were lost

The Taliban hid him for a bit after 9/11/01

Yes but by the 20th century that had changed which is why German camps weren't a thing.

In the Italians case they weren't the last but they were the last group of "white" people. White on white racism gets weird.

Try looking into the Unitarian, Episcopal or United Church if Christ as all three tend to be more progressive if you want a community that is likely to not be as conservative. The Episcopal church, of the three, is more likely to have a conservative element as it was the "elite" denomination for centuries.

I don't believe he is that smart but I think the KSA intelligence community is and I believe the suggestion was made to destroy it after he was required to purchase twitter.

Disney's copyright is on their version of the story not the story in general. You can make a Snow White movie using the names for the dwarves that Disney did not originate but you couldn't use their character designs for example.

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Thanks I edited my comment to reflect the necessary change.

Why should Cubans determine the policy of other countries? Do I get a say in how Cuba does business?

Im not asking those flippantly. What you are suggesting makes no sense given how reality functions.

Would you be considered good at math? Im asking because the "math" that people have used to prove Sanders "won" is really flawed.

Biden polled better vs Trump and many stepped aside rather than risk a dictatorship in the USA.

As an aside your notion of "right wing" is either historically inaccurate or you are being inappropriately eurocentric in your views.

It's where the majority of Al Qaeda was

America and American democracy, after all what have they ever done to anyone? /s

It is an opinion it just is a vile one.