Thanks! Its nice having a homie to sesh with who geeks out on dabs as much as i do. We do weekly flavor sharing sessions so we both get to try a lot more than we would otherwise.
Lately I've mostly been hitting SWED.CO for my dabs, as they've been right in the sweet spot for price, selection & quality, but I keep an eye on Kaleafa and the various Nectars as well. There aren't a ton of dispos in my immediate vicinity, but those are the ones I go to regularly for dabs.
Finally bought in via Dynavap and after a few days of fiddling with it I was sold.
Back in 2020 I finally switched from smoking cigarettes to an e-cig, and the switch is very similar to that. Going thru that experience made it much easier to accept that initially the hits would feel unsatisfying but it doesn't feel that way for long.
I have zero desire for smoking cigarettes anymore - the flavor is gross and harsh. Its already looking like I'll eventually feel the same about smoking herb. I still smoke a social joint or bowl on occasion but now that vaping gives me the taste of the herb with no harsh, I just prefer it.
Way easier on the wallet too.