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The Canon Pixma has always problematic for me with driver issues.

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That’s why the Open Market Committee is the most important organ of US government. It adjusts the rules to maximise shareholder value. It’s great if you are a billionaire.

The Canon driver needs to be installed on Fedora and has never worked out of the box without some tweaking. Canon is not really in the Linux support game.

Disinformation or more accurately, lying, is Russian doctrine. Everything that they say seems to be a lie and designed to delay appropriate action.

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Grounds to have her replaced? Most people know that top secret means security clearance.

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Isn’t Trump supposed to be a billionaire? Surely a billionaire can pay his own bills! Maybe he isn’t the billionaire he claims to be.

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It’s amazing that rentals are going through the roof all around the world, there seems to be different reasons everywhere but the problem is the same. The underlying problem is probably capitalism underscored by neoliberalism which drives laws and policies to support short term, high growth returns.

How sad. A supposed billionaire force to mortgage for a piddly $450m. I suppose it will teach him that honesty is the best policy🤭

Doesn’t the 14th amendment have him barred already? This seems a non issue as it can’t happen.

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What can you say when a religious group gets together to promote drowning people in a river? Maybe they have misunderstood the second coming of Christ is about judgement.

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That’s a lot of rapes. Aside from guns do Texans actually care about anything. They obviously don’t care about women other than sex objects.

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Sounds like DeSantis is an insurrectionist too.

No doubt his mate Putin will find a obligarch to loan him the cash.

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Business is business, isn’t that what he says? Business as usual for a bloke who keeps top secret documents in his spare bathroom.

Apparently companies like to deal with Google because it has a superior search engine. That’s why users use it. What companies like is the adware hooks. Time to use DuckDuckGo and Firefox.

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Ahh, Mike Johnson and the Russian GOP.

You probably grew up in the era of digital clocks and watches. If you used an analog watch you would know why it was easier to say a quarter to 10. 😁

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I really don’t understand this bloke. He’s on his deathbed and wants Trump on his tombstone.

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I suppose that once you have laws that allow blocking one type of site then other sites will be pretty easy to be added. A precedent sort of thing. Done once then others will follow.

Pretty amazing that piracy is such a hot topic such that freedoms can be curtailed but everyone’s right to an AR15 must be protected.

First pass the post says a vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for Trump. Sadly that’s how the system works. You need preferential voting to send a message of displeasure.

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Wait a minute? Disney just decided now to get off xitter? Isn’t the story really about how bad is Disney’s judgment?

Don’t forget his lawyers.

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Australia has all cigarette packets an olive green colour with the usual graphic pictures as well as the same font used on all of them. Seems to work and the manufacturers have slunk off to their kennels.

What’s the likelihood that the billionaires driving the work from office campaign are really trying to reestablish their power and instil fear in their workers again? It’s all about control so they can squeeze and fire people as they like. They sound like psychopaths.

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Trump just says stuff, brain farts really, that his MAGA sycophants just lap up and suddenly approve. On day soon they will be cheering as he jerks off in public.

There was research on this at least 10 years ago where approaching traffic was detected and the lights were dynamically adjusted to improve traffic flow. This is the first time I’ve heard of this since.

Sadly, no one is considering optimising pedestrian traffic flows as they tend to have to wait at beg lights for increasing amounts of time. If we want liveable cities then we need to consider walking as a priority.

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Well it looks like he owes Putin, big time, so it’s payback time.

It’s a two horse race and no one can say that voting Republican will help Palestinians. If people vote for a protest against Biden then their vote is lost and the Republicans have a win. The same if people decide that they won’t vote. It’s still a win for the Republicans.

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You need to vote both.

Not enforceable, not retrospective and not policed. Time for laws.

No it means that they grew up using a 12 hour, 60 minute circular time system. Habits form when you learn stuff and can last a lifetime.

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The SMNR format suffers from being small and therefore difficult to be cost effective and that renewables are 4 times as cheap. Not easy to make money in this environment.

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Sounds serious! They may conspire to prosecute! Really? It sounds like no one is allowed to have a life.

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Well it makes sense as the people banning abortion are also making sure everyone has a gun.

Whatever the case, it was a major win for greenhouse gas reductions in Europe. We can thank whoever did it for that.

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It took years of campaigning for Australia to ban asbestos but we did in 2003. Lots of legacy in buildings that causes no end of risk for firies dealing with burning buildings and tradies fixing them. The fact it took so long is a testament to the power of lobbying. There should be jail time for those who perpetuated it.

Pretty much what the tobacco industry did when rich countries started to reduce and control tobacco use. Asia, Africa and South America became major growth markets.

Chinese parent company stands out here. Not sure what that has to do with parental controls and excessive time spent unless they are alleging that the Chinese government is trying to waste Utah kids time.

Be interesting to see how the appeal goes. It’s going to take a while to thin out those Trump judges.

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It’s pretty obvious that if you are a blinkered radical, then everything is about you and your cult.