5 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

This one time, I showed up to work in a pair of green slacks and a white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. A friend of mine sees me that morning and the first thing he says is "You're dressed exactly like Peter Griffin."

It was easily the most devastating sentence anyone has ever spoken to me. I haven't worn those pants since.

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Yeah, RIP that dude but I'm built different

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Make sure to thoroughly check your child's candy this Halloween. There are a lot of sickos out there putting pure, uncut heroin in their candy and just pretending it's laced with fentanyl.

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As a licensed rapturologist I can verify that rapture events do leave stains on organic material. It's the same miraculo-chemical process that burns Jesus' face into the toast of true believers.

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Bottom-half fish. I've seen The Lighthouse like eight times. I'm ready for the mermussy.

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Both jinner and jurger sound like horrific slurs

Yeah, I really don't understand taking amphetamines for recreational use. It'd be like putting on my work pants to go to a party.

Reposting screenshots to other websites was the original Fediverse

Maybe his grandson was a 'bad guy with a gun,' in which case the grandfather is actually a hero.

There are a lot of quality of life improvements in ck3 and a few new fun mechanics, but overall it's way too easy and lacking in flavor or immersion. Once you've played one country, you've played them all.

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Checks out

I'm still angry about that person from a couple days back who doesn't preheat their oven

or a Serb

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That's a tough one. I want to be considerate, but I ain't trying to raise 1,500 to 10,000 quarter-guppy children.

I think I would have to make like a salmon, fertilize the eggs as best I can, and then slowly wither away and die

As a Gen Z'er, I can really feel the Millennial vibes permeating throughout Lemmy

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Wow that sure looks expensive

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I'll definitely have to try, lol. Green pants are just so hard to pair with other colors. Maybe a deep blue?

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My favorite rebuttal to the idea that the Confederacy seceded in order to preserve States' Rights is this excerpt from the Confederate constitution:

Article I Section 9(4): No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.

If states rights were so important to the Confederacy, I have to wonder why their constitution stripped the states of the right to abolish slavery in any capacity.

Technically, it stripped ALL legislatures of the ability to restrict slavery in any way, making slavery a permanent feature of the Confederate government.

Aglet. Another shout-out to Phineas and Ferb.

Cock-and-ball sink

I know you're just using the same title as the Reddit post, but "Muslim-American" is probably the silliest hyphenism I've ever seen

just as liberal as Reddit.

Don't let the communists hear you say that

Sounds like a musk fetish to me. No shame ofc. Get that stink

Posted. I hope they like it, lmao

I think it's foamy milk for a latte

I'm at the McDonald's. I'm at the Burger8dot. I'm at the combination McDonald's and Burger8dot.


This is more of a lemmypisspost but I'll let it slide

My favorite Kanye East track is probably "Skinhead"

It was the only semi-clever punny nickname I could think of, lol

It's about 3 Hiroshima Bombs long


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Did France always look like that, or did the Bavarians pull a little prank on it?

We don't talk about 1st America and 2nd America

Maybe OP thought this community was for Shit Posting rather than Shitposting

I don't think the portal contains anything within itself, though. The portal is a non-entity - it's just that if you pass through the portal, you suddenly find yourself in a different location, as if that location were right next to you. The portal itself has no other properties of its own, I'd think.

Salvia-type meme

Thanks to gerrymandering, Republicans don't even need people to vote for them in order to win elections. Hurray for democracy!