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Of the picture? Or why it’s being posted about today?

Re: the picture - she was the musical guest (or host? Can’t remember) on SNL, and the protested/called out the pedophilia/abuse happening in the Catholic Church by ripping up a picture of the Pope on live TV. People got pisssssed and she got absolutely destroyed in the public eye. Turns out she was right. But it was never publicly addressed nor was she redeemed in any way in the public eye.

Re: why posted today - she died today. And is considered heroic for the above mentioned action so I would imagine OP was memorializing that moment on this the day of her death.

He specifically did his shows without ANY writing whatsoever… he could have written his own show but he didn’t write anything down. He didn’t get scab writers… he literally went out on set, and bullshitted with his co host and spun a bottle cap and in essence showed how trash shows are without writers… he did his show to prove a point… and he accomplished that…

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Yeah…… the timing seems suspect at best… seems like she stuck around to help maintain the best image during the trial but now that he’s busted she’s out.

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Based off the downvotes I’m guessing there’s not a lot Office fans here yet….. so I’ll be the one to say well played fellow Lemmite. Well played. 🍻

Nope… because I just tried it as a white male and got back a pure Asian man using the same prompts… and I’ll be damned if I’m not jealous/sad because the man it spit back out was way better looking than me…

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Welcome to the club! I’d love to hear which one is your favorite (cough IX cough) in a few years once you’ve played more!

Wouldn’t he still get residuals from any work he’s done? She’d probably want a chunk of that too…

I actually haven’t… so honest question, what is that? Because your initial comment does seem a little out there… but I may just be ignorant of something and I’d like to be educated.

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Holy hell……. Thank you for educating me, but now I’m just depressed…

After reading the above reply, it turns out you are more or less correct and damn I’m sad now…

Ugh… yes. I concur wholeheartedly…

I’m glad that an inability to understand nuance and have a helpful discussion wasn’t just a Reddit thing but apparently exists here as well! Reminds me why I almost exclusively lurked and avoided any posts that weren’t just talking about stuff people in the sub enjoyed… at least I’m finding out early that I need to just shut up and avoid trying to have discussions.

In response to your post, which will probably be the last engagement I have in this thread…

I put “radical” in quotes as compared to what the current status quo is (which I am not supporting FTR). We are in late stage capitalism… we are being controlled by the rich. Our government is corrupt and garbage… and to go from this to what Bernie wants is absolutely radical. Is it bad? Not generally IMHO. But is it a massive departure from where we’re at now? Yes.

As to your statement that his policies are supported by “the vast majority of Americans on both sides of the aisle”… where do you pull this data from? Because if we only had “some” shitty voters I find it hard to believe we’d be where we’re at now… but maybe I’m wrong… that just seems like one of these “sounds good, but is ultimately based on nothing real” internet takes that people like to throw around…

It’s sad you’re getting downvoted because this is a great point… it’s also depressing because politics is corrupt bullshit… but since that’s never going to change short of our country going full France/let them eat cake, I guess we need people that can work in the system…

I would even venture to say re: Bernie that he is actually a negative since what he proposes is too “radical” from the current status quo and it ruins any chance he has to get traction. Sadly, change won’t come over night… it’s going to take lots of little steps to get there.

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