1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All systems go, Full speed ahead! 🚀

What a fascinating question! I hadn't previously considered this.

'Tis the era of Indy Games, my friend. Abandon the Graphically amazing games that cannot be built upon passion due to have dev teams of 10,000 strong. Instead, embrace the smaller titles developed by less than 10 people whom cry with joy at the prospect of showering you with entertainment and art.

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Thats the brilliance of it; he ran an inpopular platform intended to help the rich get richer and simultaneously fought a culture war that gained him the support of the massive, white, rural, uneducated class.

A side anecdote: I have an acquatance of a friend who is both Brown, and a Trump Supporter - I was baffled and couldn't understand why they would support an openly racist candidate.

Well, turned out they were from a family of Old money out of Dubai and Trumps tax and business policies put in place GREATLY assisted their family real estate company. I think they tripled their revenue in 4 years, but i'm not entirely certain - I've just picked it up through context.

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Oh, a morning routine! It's my favorite part of the day and something I'm oddly passionate about!

Most importantly, I make sure to go to bed at a reasonable time the night before, and i leave my curtains open to let the sunlight wake me up naturally. Just in case I'm extra sleepy, I set a vibration alarm on my phone and place it under my pillow for backup

After I wake up, I:

  1. Head to the restroom

  2. Sluggishly make my bed

  3. Go downstairs, drink a glass of water to hydrate, and then brew some coffee

  4. feed the cats

  5. Then I drink coffee and watch TV for a bit while I wake up and wait for the caffiene to kick in

  6. Shower, brush teeth, apply deoderant, style hair, shave stubble, apply cologne

I have really shit mental health, so I have to take extra care of myself and be very intentional about my actions. My morning routine is a sacred part of the day and helps me enjoy being alive :)

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Living it right now, my sister department was caught up in the Jeffery Epstien situation. It came to light a few weeks ago after our company settled for 290 million.

I'm abandoning my success in this field to go back to school as a Nurse. Fuuuuuuck my company, and my field. Hoping i can be a benefit to humanity for a change.

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All of this is completely normal, yes. However, frequency and intensity are typically the separating factors between neurotypicals and those diagnosed with ADHD.

Honestly, Less than I thought!

Bingo. They didn't give a flying fuck about his racist policies because they were raking it in

I mean this in the friendliest, most non-confrontational way; It sounds as though you've been fed quite a bit of misinformation, Biden is most definitely not Far Left. If you'd like me to elaborate I am willing.

Male, Late 20s

I was put in IOP for 6 weeks early this year due to severe depression, I couldn't take care of myself and I was at risk of losing everything and killing myself.

IOP was helpful in the sense that I participated in group therapy 6 hours a day, 5 days a week which exposed me to other individuals also struggling. It taught me that I was not alone in my suffering, and that it is okay that I am struggling. IOP gave me lots of tools and coping mechanisms to assist getting through bad times.

However, the most important thing is that IOP gave me was the opportunity to step away from life and catch my breath, which was invaluable and it gave me time to reflect on my current situation and how to change it. I think I would have killed myself otherwise.

Now, I understand that my Job is eating my alive and I need to find a new one. Problem is, the job market is fucked. So, i'm going back to school to reskill and restart.

I quite enjoy running, it's hard to get myself to do it reliably though. Do you have any tips on getting out the door reliably?

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I used to be the same :) But a while back, I was hospitalized for severe depression. I learned in IOP that doing something you love to warm up for the day - instead of immediately pursuing productivity - improves happiness and helps me look forward to the day instead of dreading it and making it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

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In short: it was criminal negligence with intent to keep revenue streams flowing. I work as a Fraud Investigator, our sister department handles higher profile cases such as this.

Needless to say, the situation certainly faltered my trust in our processes, procedures, and integrity. So, I'm leaving lol. I dont have kids or anything so i'm able to make the leap into schooling

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I could be wrong, but I firmly believe that the dismantling of Social Media is an indicator of the state of the economy, instead of being intentional. I believe that investors are hurting for money and are pushing platforms to turn a profit at all costs which is hurting the industry. Additionally, This appears to be happening elsewhere in other industries too but is manifesting into other symptoms. However, I think that the Tech and Entertainment industries will be the first to "Fall" (for lack of a better word) as these industries are more of a luxury rather than a necessity.

Libertarians can be both Left or Right, Libertarianism is just the opposite of Authoritarianism. Left/Right just indicates economic policy.

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Whats in 28 days?

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I do as well. It's a lot of work, but at this point, it comes naturally.

If you're looking to bolster any routine: my unsolicited advice is to add stuff to your routine slowly over time. One thing at a time. If you jump into a whole new routine, you'll burn out and abandon it. It definitely takes some building and patience.

Only almost criminally low?

Huh, a very intriguing thought; thank you for sharing

Not sure, but I know its possible to finance groceries on Instacart

Compared to Forces, Frontiers is a masterpiece lol

Posted some details below

LOVING it!!!! It's very similar to reddit as far as content goes, but its better in the sense that im not being bombarded with rage bait!

Gender Identity is not human nature, but rather the product of culture and language association. There have been plenty of cultures in recorded history with multiple - what we would call today - Gender Identities.

Language and its impact on perception of reality is a very interesting topic of study.

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The trick is nuance. Being bombarded constantly by meaningless ragebait is not healthy, but it it very important to remain informed.

I'm not sure if I understand how hotel AC functionality is devoid of comfort. Wouldn't a functional AC also be indicative of comfort? Definitely better than a Non-functional AC i suppose.

For me, the coffee helps lol

Long story short: Criminal Negligence to keep the revenue stream flowing.

We handled his money for him while we knew what was going on. When the proedures inevitably brought the case to our department, our upper management and execs turned a blind eye.

I couldnt tell you details,I would if i knew them. Chase operates under a very segmented structure that prevents information from bleeding into one department to another. I found out in the news first, then brought my concerns to my manager

Fair enough!

Typically I'd agree, but in this day and age and its emphasis on efficiency and lack of free time individuals get to spend with family and/or have a hobby - knowing how to prep nutritionally healthy foods in under 5 minutes can go a long way.

I eat a lotttttt of Soup, Frozen Vegetables and Frozen Protien. Its not glamorous but its better than spending an hour cooking every day.

Also, I hate cooking.

Have you ever heard of the Dark Forest theory?

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Very interesting! Im going to research this more later! Thanks for the information!

Oh, easily fixed: If you aren't able to tell if someone identifies as Masculine or Feminine; there's a solid chance that they're Non-Binary. If you aren't sure though, its always safe to refer to and think of someone as "They/Them" and Non-conforming to traditional gender roles.

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Oh interesting! I was unaware that German didn't contain gender neutral pronouns. Is German a gender heavy language similar to Spanish?

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I appreciate it a lot, its been a very hard decision and I'm worried im making a mistake. The largest concern is how to make enough money working part time while i study. Fortunately, i have a very supportive partner and without them i would have abandoned the prospect already