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Joined 1 years ago

Today I learned because I can't code, I'm useless and lazy.

The fucking people you come across on the internet...smh

It doesn't have time to guide you to piracy, because it's too busy generating wallpapers of Mario and Kirby flying jetliners into the twin towers.

I honestly just don't fucking care about them. This fediverse thing is the real deal, and it's been kind of peaceful over here avoiding all the toxic shit a regular user of reddit was subjected to. I'm sure it's on its way here shortly, but for now, enjoy the solitude.

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It's friggin sad that most fingers are pointing to either side accusing each other of all sorts of shit, when they should be instead pointed towards about 100 people, and a system. The government is just a distraction, and a subterfuge, while the 1% absolutely raids everything else. Trump vs Biden isn't the thing we should be focused on right now. It's the population vs the Corporate West.

It's a convenience thing. Remember when Apple Music and Spotify used to be $5.99 a few years ago? It was really hard to justify pirating then, for example. Like I'd have to find what I was looking for, close a million pop ups to get the torrent, download it, then upload the files onto whatever device I was using. And I would have to do it over again for the car, and over again for my wife if she asked for it, etc.

Or I could just type it into a search bar, and bam. All for $5.99, and I didn't have to worry about storage? Sign me up.

The convenience of Spotify is still sort of worth the price, but it's getting pretty marginal. The other streaming services we use brought us the same level of convenience, but they are getting way too greedy and creating way too many of them. Netflix and the media streamers turned into Cable. Which is going to inevitably turn us all back to pirating as they start cracking down on password sharing and keep creating new services with bloated fees.

The dumb fuckers literally figured out how to defeat piracy. And then drove us back to piracy with their greed. So when they inevitably start crying about it again, tell them all to eat shit.

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The sister is still wedged in the dryer, waiting for someone to come rescue her.

I'm already 50% of the time on my ship to the seven seas. Do they want me permanently at sea? Same goes with the media companies like Disney+, Netflix and Amazon. They push it any further, I'm pushing off to seas for good.

They *literally, figured out how to beat piracy. The unbeatable problem. And then they had to go and blow it with their greed.

Meh. Capcom games just became $0 for me, because I'll swear an oath before you to pirate every one of their games, from here on out.

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You and 90% of the rest of society.

Oh man are reddit users in for it when they have to answer to the market and public shareholders. Who really will just be a bunch of evil boomers holding institutional blocks.

I think they mean using it for other purposes like general use. Basically whatever else you would do on a browser, including pirating. Like just open it and use it for all the random stuff you do in your day to day, and if a lot of people do this, it can add additional coverage for people that need to use it for evading dictators and whatnot

Who cares? Haven't touched Reddit since they turned maggot.

What in the wide world of fuck is the Lemmy Tagginator, and more importantly, why?

Edit: is this something we need here? I'm not sure it is.

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I'm dropping GM, because they are unsafe. I'm not going back to looking down at my phone while I'm driving.

Also, as a former 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt owner, I'd love to have a good chat about safety with the executives of GM. That is, if they aren't too busy creating their new in-dash subscription model. Which is what this is really about, and we all know it.

Maybe they should first focus on their gross manufacturing shortfalls, and their other issues. Maybe take a look at that parking lot in Pontiac that's bursting at the seams with Corvettes stuck in limbo, and their very pissed off purchasers.

Fuck. What a bunch of numbskulls.

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You've hit on an important point here. I'd love to ride my bike downtown to work on the days I go there, and everywhere else. Problem is, the minute I take my eyes of it, it's going to be gone. 100%.

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Why people are fucking around with reddit still, I can't even..

Do we expect that suddenly they are going to turn into sweethearts? Even if they did, it would be the most disingenuous thing ever, as pretty clearly Reddit and their executive/board are cockroaches.

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There will be a total of three of them available on the market, and they will be one billion dollars after all mark ups and navigating the scalper marketplace.

It's gone the job done for me, for over 16 years now. It was the only real option for Mac computers back in University. I still use it to this day.

Fishing for coverage for the people who pump and dump their shares after IPO day. Anyone internal with big holdings is going to just unload at first opportunity. This is their desperate attempt to provide coverage for it.

Hope some of the mods I ran into over the years are amongst the schmucks holding the bag with these shares for their first earnings report. It ain't gonna be good.

Fucking reddit, good riddance. Toxic shit hole needs to die, but now this is a golden opportunity for your grandma and her pension fund to be amongst its victims too.

The shareholders need to start calling out the clear bias of the boards constitution. Vanguard and iShares combined hold more shares than Elon does. It's clearly doable, it's just time for some adults in the room. If you hold Vanguard and iShares etfs in your accounts, don't be afraid to let them know this.

I've been using reddit a bit the past couple weeks, it's getting pretty dry in the fediverse, especially for local content. I got permabanned from our local Reddit communities thread over literally pretty much nothing about a year and a half ago, basically questioning a power mods opinion on something, and then after getting temp banned, asked what the heck like if you aren't agreeing with me just respond with something, and then I got permabanned.

Anyways I wrote them a kind note today asking to be unbanned, as it is a pretty big sub (343k users for a city of 1.5M), and a good source of information. Told them like look, I'm pretty boring and I can behave, like could you prevent me from having to create a new alt account and let's let bygones be bygones?

The response I got was really condescending, they banned me from mod mail, and basically it was just a really weird response. All they had to say was no, thanks, and I would have moved on with my day. I think some of the mods are suffering from some pretty serious mental health issues these days, if not a god complex in the slightest. Reddit is a really really unhealthy place, and thankfully those people reminded me of that. I quickly deleted the app from my phone, and I think I'm done for good this time. The fediverse may be drying up a bit, but at least most of the people on it can behave like adults.

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This is why people really have to start caring about who they work for, and professionally represent. It's a tough, very unfair lesson to learn unfortunately. But if the company you are working for starts acting unethically, trust me (as someone who has learned the hard way), it's a slippery slope that quickly has no bottom.

Of course the little guy pays the price here, as usual, and my sincere hope is that they all quickly bounce back into better roles.

As for Epic? I hope their bottoms have no bottom.

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It would be a massive loss for sure. One that will be felt for a long time. It's the only way I can get around our thoroughly enshittified press up here in Canada. I mean I'd gladly pay, if it was worth paying for, which it's not.

I don't want it to die. I want it to be a place the degens, power mods and other radical screeching lunatics can hang out.

Are you kidding me? Aggressive, unstable and destructive seem to be core tenants for the CEOs of many large scale blue chip firms.

If you want actual penetration defense, you absolutely hire the unstable person. I'm not saying you put him or her in the centre desk on the main floor, let him or her work from an environment where they are most comfortable, and one that supports them best.

If you want window dressing, hire the neat and tidy person, who couldn't actually penetrate an Excel sheet.

He's never going to get this past the regulators. Financial break points and buffers make sense, every financial crisis and crisis of stability has taught us that. If you continue to build too big to fail systems, it's going to be a complete disaster. Deposit institutions shouldn't be involved in speculative investment banking , which is what high yield usually is. You can't pay high yields if you aren't in turn doing any sort of high yield activity with investor deposits. Or without any sort of prop trading. Which he's sort of suggesting this is going to be. Some of this sounds like it's going to break the Volcker rule.

Not to even mention this might not qualify for FDIC protections.

Cons just care about the kid until they are born. Not one second longer than that.

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Nope. I only pirate when media companies can't stop gorging themselves on billions of dollars in profit and shovelling shares and dollar bills down their greedy little throats.

It's not that I don't have the money, I've just had enough. When you had one of two streaming services and a Spotify and good prices on steam and whatnot, that worked.

Today we have preorders that eclipse 100 dollars, my streaming service bills are more than the cable bills they were supposed to be replacing, and now it's just more more more. We want more more more


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It's unbelievable. The dumb fuckers literally figured out a way to beat piracy. High quantity, easily accessible content at an appetizable price. Even one for TV, one for music, $10-15 a month, I had no issue. Everyone made out like a bandit, I was satisfied, and they all made billions.

Now you can't even use YouTube without being bombarded with ads, and streaming is quickly becoming worse than cable was. Piracy is definitely back on the table, and the fuckers don't have license to whine about it this time. They literally had it licked, but then got too greedy, so fuck them.

Honestly I kinda hope they just stay over there. There's a place in the world for Reddit too. It's grown so hostile the past few years, like I've actually had anxiety from it, and I'm a perfectly rational person.

The thing I like about this whole Lemmy/Fediverse thing, is there's a bit of a learning curve. This sounds arrogant, but it's probably going to keep a collection of people back, folks that are so occupied screaming from whatever political pole they are clinging too, or the vaccine hoax/belief/hysterical bullshit soapbox they are screaming from, that probably won't take the time to get over said learning curve. So it might act as a buffer, which would be a really really good thing in these trying, trying times that we are all suffering though. Neighbour vs neighbour and whatnot.

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The marketing has been pretty weird. Lots at release, then basically nothing.

If you want to sell something in a competitive landscape, even high schoolers know this simple fact in one easy step...

Capacitive buttons need to die a painful death. I'm ok with some functions being capacitive or touch screen buttons, like little unimportant ones like accessing my 6th favourite radio station or whatever. Or even Carplay or Android Auto.

But when it comes to operating the HVAC or shifting gears, it shouldn't be allowed that these aren't mechanical switches with proper fail-safe backups. I don't even think those shifter buttons in a lot of modern vehicles, or the shifting knobs, like what's been in the Jeep SUVs for the past decade, are the best idea.

I think this is actually what Tesla's biggest contribution to cars has been thus far. Dealerships need to die, the stone ages are over.

Until there's no more oppression, human trafficking, etc in the world, the USDOJ and other police forces need to get their priorities straight. You've got streets full of people OD'ing during a world wide opioid crisis, and this is how the USDOJ decides to allocate their resources. As a population, we need to do a better job of holding these orgs to account to this, through our voting and decision making. God damn do we need to stop allowing our legal systems and enforcement being glorified butlers to these mega corp media combines.

I don't need to justify piracy to you. You are the one that's morally outraged here. Again, I have the money, it's not a poverty thing. It's a perception thing. When people act gross, I act gross in response. Plain and simple. You can try to defend these companies, some of which have larger profits than the GDP outputs of some countries, all you want. That's your prerogative. When companies put greed before the goodwill of the customers, which this is by the way, then I act shitty in response. That's my prerogative.

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As a Calgarian, it was a joy to watch the Last of Us. After years of stumbling across the sets throughout the city, the anticipation was something else (plus I really love the game). It somehow exceeded all expectations. Bummer about it going to Vancouver for season 2 though #vancouversoft

Or even just putting a piece of paper on top of the printer that says, "STOP!! INSTALL THE DRIVERS BEFORE PLUGGING THE PRINTER INTO THE PC"

Surely HP could spend $0.000125 out of their billions of dollars to spare a piece of paper to serve that purpose.

I mean >15% of people will still fuck this up, but at that point, you've done all you can.

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Sounds like you should defederate from Lemmy as a whole. Let me suggest this thing called Reddit, which I think you will enjoy. Heck you even sound like mod material, not going to lie.

AKA Single Player mode.

I think they mean for the parts of the day where we aren't all angry dads. You know, bedtime and the such...

I haven't used reddit all week. I'm glad to be away from there. I will be the first to admit that I'm just as addicted to this social media shit as we all are, but this has been the first week in a long long time, that I haven't had any anxiety or felt outraged or mad or whatever. I can't put my finger on whats just so bad about Reddit, but it's definitely a pervasive cultural thing, that's infected the entire platform and all it's users. Myself included.