7 Post – 54 Comments
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I think a big part of it is the mindset that college education should train you to do a job, rather than provide a knowledge based on which job-specific training can be built upon. I think this is dually precipitated by employers not investing in training/educating their employees anymore, and outsourcing that cost to the employee, but also the issue of students who throw a fit about taking class X because they're going for a degree in Y (I see this a lot with science/engineering majors when having to take classes in the humanities).

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kinda defeats the purpose of federation though.

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I’m in medicine, and one of the biggest issues I see in my field, as well as science in general, is a lack of ethics and cultural understanding. The humanities give context for scientific findings, and guide us in the research process. Without it, we wind up with the Tuskegee trials or Nazi medicine. The same sort of things can happen in tech (privacy, security, wellbeing) and engineering (safety, integrity).

Humanities aren’t a waste of money. They broaden your knowledge of our world and the people in it. Maybe you don’t have interest in art or history, but law, ethics (or other areas of philosophy), and sociology all can help a person be more well-rounded.

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The amount of horrible medical advice on tiktok is awful. It's bad in a few places, but working in healthcare, i've never had to deal with as much "please do not take x or do y to try and treat your disease" as I did when tiktok became popular. I've seen lots of things that promoting lying to your physician, or ignoring medical advice in favor of advice of someone who recommends some other improper or unsafe thing instead. It's insane.

I think this is a good step given the climate on women’s reproductive health currently. I am apprehensive that it will be treated as a “lazy” contraceptive instead of getting combo OCPs and follow up with a physician. This type of drug is extremely narrow in dosing, in that you can get pregnant if you miss your dose by an hour or two. It also opens up the opportunity for a woman to taken it without needing a doctor, which is good for those who don’t have east access to a family doc or OB. However, given the stats in the article(that most women prefer OTC due to convenience), I think it further enables people to avoid developing a relationship with a physician for primary and preventative care. I worry we might see some accidental pregnancies and maybe some negative health outcomes secondary to people not seeing a doctor every so often for their birth control.

This guy likes to hear himself talk, which is what Medium is good for. Reddit is for hearing others try to tell you you're wrong.

At the end of the article, they throw in the ", but..." remark. It's easy to get caught up in the wonder of the science and innovation, however we can't forget medicine is more politics than anything. In the US, these wonder drugs for cancer, HIV, etc. are easy to come by if you lived by a major tertiary or quaternary care center. Many Americans are in rural areas, where the local clinic or hospital can only provide preventative or stabilizing care, and they may not even have a physician, it may be a NP or PA, or even an EMS service that can transport them a town over to the ER.

As the article says, our innovation is great, but we cannot forget to improve our infrastructure to prevent disparities in access to them that often occur in rural areas and among the poor and minority groups.

If the bad things are going to happen, there's little we can do to stop it, once it has been set into motion (no one person led to climate change). What we can do is control our response. We can do our best to mitigate what risks we can, and ultimately we can do our best to make the most of the situation we are in. That's the one thing we can do as individuals to make things better for our future selves and our descendants, we can be compassionate to those around us and work to inspire our communities to do that too.

All in all, nothing tonight that you can think up will change the climate or the world's response to it. We can worry about the future, but we only will know what the future holds as it occurs, so it doesn't do much good to assume that the worst is necessarily going to happen. Catastrophizing sucks, and I know what you're struggling with right now. Perhaps a counselor/therapist could help you understand and manage your anxious thoughts. You're definitely not the first or only one to have these fears, so don't feel bad about it. I hope some of the comments put you at ease and help you get some rest.

Ultimately this a definition issue, and is philosophical more than scientific. I have no doubt he's a great neuroscientist, but it's really not a great take. I think that the whole idea of neurochemistry cascading into the decisions we make doesn't mean we don't have the ability to choose within our neurochemical makeup. I think it definitely pushing a good point in that the root causes of our behavior, especially anti-social behavior, is possibly addressable in how we support and raise our kids.

I think the best protocol is report the bad actor, not engaging with them (especially inserting yourself into a situation you're not already in), working on personal tolerance for verbal abuse and tactics for healthily managing feelings that come with getting bullied, and ultimately knowing when to remove yourself from a situation when it's not beneficial for you any longer.

Remember that online harassment that you speak of generally falls under trolling. Trolls do things "For the lulz". Their goal is to entertain themselves by getting other people mad, sad, upset, or making a scene. If you don't take the bait, you can minimize the benefit they get out of trolling.

Getting familiar with privacy/safety settings on site you frequent is important for addressing targeted harassment.

To address your question, I don't know if showing a victim that someone cares is necessarily what ALL victims might want, you are just some random anonymous user to them. They may just want to not talk to people, or to talk to people they trust. Recognizing boundaries is important, especially when someone has been the victim of someone trashing those boundaries through harassment.

It sits on the edge of the concept of informed consent in the realm of things like SaaS and copyright. Obviously doctors wouldn't hold her down and pull it out, but obviously it probably was not useful to leave in. I wonder if there was a contract stating it had to be removed upon demand, like at the end of a trial or the bankruptcy that occurred. It's something that we're going to likely see in the future, as medical technology starts using computers to actively treat disorders.

The weasel word in all this is “overweight (but not obese)”. This is because obesity is definitely associated with diabetes, heart disease, stroke, sleep apnea and the sequelae of these diseases. Excess fat in our body, glucose in our blood, and weight on our skeleton taxes the body and that will have consequences.

I think we are in a new era for how we see and treat obesity, with better understanding of how it affects us individually and societally, with more tools to tackle it. As such, we should not downplay the importance of weight in a person’s health.

Articles like this really don’t give a full picture of clinical decision making and the job of a physician to make high level research accessible to the patient (which involves simplifying things lots of the time). This leaves us with a headline that makes the public think that doctors don’t know about obesity, which simply is not true. It’s just that the nuance isn’t as big of a deal as this author makes it seem.

Interesting findings. I think it's interesting that the decline in religiosity seems to be more lack of trust in religious institutions, rather than just non-belief. I'm curious how this will affect organized religions. It seems religion is becoming more personal, with less of a social aspect, for better or worse.

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That explains why the search page quotes a comment that doesn't exist on the post. That always confused me. It's insane how dependent on searching with "reddit" appended on the end of the search term I am. I have qualms as to how this'll bode for search engines if reddit loses interest or goes under.

yup, sunk cost fallacy I suppose.

I think this is an important finding to promote in regards to mental health. The mental health of men and boys is not really handled all that well (you either man up or get told to be more vulnerable/open/etc, without any real chance to handle it due to stigma and societal norms). I think one, it can help us spot teens who are having depressive thoughts, and give us a chance to help address it early. I think it also helps open up guys to better understand their emotions, which is the first step to managing depressive thoughts and treating depression. Given the article, I wouldn't be surprised if men grow up with an idea of "i'm not depressed because i'm not sad, hopeless, etc.", when their aggressive reactions are brought out by depressive thoughts (vs crying, loss of motivation, etc).

Well the EFF defends internet expression and communications interests for users, even when it’s a shitty cause. Kinda like how the ACLU has defended Klansmen and similar groups. They generally believe the right to freedom of speech and expression is absolute, and if speech isthreatened for one group, it sets a precedent for other groups to be threatened too.

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Hobby stores and websites have melt and pour soap that you can melt in a mixing bowl, add fragrance and color, then pour it into a mold and let cool. The beauty bars you can often buy at the store (dove, irish spring, etc.) are made with detergents, and don't often react well to trying to melt them, the stuff made to be melting has extra glycerin to help it melt down and harden without getting nasty.

Brambleberry is where I buy my soap supplies. They also have guides and youtube tutorials/Q&A vids.

Making soap is fun! The easiest thing would be some melt and pour, and fragrance oils and a cheap bowl and loaf pan from Walmart or the dollar store.

I think the core of this is the hurtful aspects of gender roles men and boys face about how to handle and express emotions creates the situation of increased suicidality. Yeah firearms access is going to enable suicidal people to act upon their ideation, but taking it away just leaves you with a depressed/anxious guy, who doesn't have the knowledge or resources to overcome his negative emotions. I'm not saying this in a "it's a mental health issue not a gun issue" way, but society really normalizes the ignorance of mens' emotions and for men to not build support for managing their emotions, be it intimate friendships, healthcare resources, healthy expression of emotions.

I think it's good topic to bring up, because there's a lot of things leading to men not doing too well, and I think it'd be dumb to ignore it, given the rise of acts of violence we've seen in the past decade from men who really feel disconnected or disillusioned with society. Finding out what we can do to help men cope with hardship in a more productive way, and ultimately address the root causes of the issues they face can improve things for men, as well as everyone in society.

The funniest thing is seeing the rage from Star Citizen fanboys about all this. They keep saying "it'll be buggy and awful on release" like SC isn't already. I know with Bethesda, they'll fix it up and the modders will go wild with patches and add ins, delivering all the stuff Chris Roberts said they would. Meanwhile, I try and play Star Citizen and i've died or failed a mission due to glitches any time i've tried to play this past week.

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I think Beehaw and many other instances have golden hearts for their goal to start a stable, friendly community. However, like the article says, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Eventually, when an instance gets big enough, someone needs to be on watch to ensure things are running smoothly, someone needs to be working on updating, expanding, and improving the service. On top of the cost to run the service, it's unrealistic to expect it to be free. You can't expect the admins who have busted their ass to get this much done for free. Call it human nature or the ills of capitalism, but the fediverse can't run on community and goodwill alone. I saw another post a bit ago saying to expect to pay for internet services from now on. I think, at least in the realm of user-focused and FOSS-based stuff, that may be the paradigm. Donations or subscriptions should be expected, at least for some portion of users, to keep the lights on and compensate the folks keeping things moving.

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I play it occasionally. I generally have runs of good times and then runs of bad times, 30ks, random explosions/deaths. I would say I have gotten enough fun out of the starter pack that it is worth it. I probably wouldn't pledge if I could go back in time, but I do enjoy the Vulture, so I hope they go back and make salvage profitable again, so you can make good money on something besides just bounty hunting, since most other stuff isn't that profitable on a aUEC/time ratio. Things have been wonky for the past bit after Invictus, so I'm waiting for the next update to roll up to the live PU.

I'm a Christian. I'm in a weird state where i'm trying to figure out where my faith sits and trying to find a new congregation I am comfortable with, since there's so much bad stuff coming from Christians nowadays.

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I personally don’t understand the purpose of this law. I’ve never discarded a phone due to battery issues (iPhone user). It’s usually just been a slow device, sometimes due to a failing charging port or 3.5mm Jack. I’d rather have the opportunity to replace ports, screens, and buttons.

Do any of you guys experience issues needing a battery replacement that often?

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The whole realm of manhood is plagued by the issues of size, sadly. I've always been skeptical about cosmetic surgery in general, because I feel lots of decisions are driven by dysphoria and dysmorphia, and sometimes with a lack of proper psychiatric counseling in such a way that consent for the procedure isn't truly informed. Even in cases where someone may have a benefit from the procedure, I think the variance of outcomes, the side effects, and the rough healing process is often understated. Quite honestly, our technology in this area of plastic surgery isn't all that good.

That said, in regards to penis size in general, pornography (for the most part at least) has done a number on the male mindset on their size. Given the social equivalence for many men between size and masculinity, this causes a lot of grief for guys, leading to men who feel unable to conduct relationships due to their perceived lack of endowment. Then online, there's many dangerous magic pills like jelqing, surgery, vacuums, etc. that take advantage of this loneliness and anxiety to extract money from them, often leaving them worse than where they started, in terms of physical ED, deformity, and pain.

Culturally, I think there's a lot of shaming of men's bodies, in the same way that society holds expectations of women for their body characteristics, skin texture and color, personality, and dress. Innocent comments like "big dick energy" and insulting people we dislike by exclaiming that they are underendowed puts a notion that bigger is better, and men are most easily going to find comparison in a skewed dataset, that is, in the photos exhibited online in porn. Ultimately, Dr. Elist is taking advantage of his patient's anxiety for his own gain, then convincing them the answer is "one more revision" or "it looks fine to me", with animosity towards his patients who wish to speak freely with others about their experience, especially if it isn't a glowing approval of him and his product.

I mean. yeah single payer is nice, however that's really not even on the horizon for the US. For most Americans, especially those who actually have to know how to fully utilize their insurance (if lucky enough to have it), there's no benefit for them to worry too much about a single-payer or socialized system. They have immediate needs and immediate solutions. They need to get their prescriptions, their surgeries, and their doctor's appointments. It's not "supporting" it, as so much as it is the devil you know.

Practically speaking, compared to standard PPO/HMO insurance, HDHPs are pretty good. If you are low-maintenance health-wise, you don't pay for your physical, are going to spend maybe couple hundred bucks on sick care and maintenance meds. If you have chronic illness, you will only pay the deductible before your care is 100 percent covered, so a hospital stay would be enough to meet your out-of-pocket max, and everything else is covered 100% by your insurer (whereas the traditional plans have 6-10k limits, the HDHPs are much lower at 1-2k for a person and 2-3 for a family). Especially with HSAs, which are savings/retirement accounts for medical expenses, that some employers will pay into, so basically free money to pay copays, prescriptions, even stuff like aspirin and bandages.

I’ve worked in healthcare for 7 years and have not had any sort of assistive technology that hasn’t doubled my work.

the issue you'll run into is the rules and regulations on the finance industry. To prevent fraud, terrorism, or crime, there's know-your-client and anti-money-laundering rules that most financial services follow that require you to identify yourself.

Kofi lets you use a PayPal business account, or Stripe, which you set what is shown on the donors bank statement (so it'd show up as what you set it to, rather than a personal name/email). So that might be an option to protect you from being identified by donors, if that's your worry.

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I think the deal is, you either pay cash or you pay with your data. While it definitely does increase friction for new users (and even existing users as finances fluctuate), a donation based system might be worth it. Something like wikipedia,, and other NPOs do. Incentives might be possible too, creating goals for getting X amount of donations to fund a specific improvement. It increases interest by defining a product or improvement, and increases buy-in by giving the donor the sense that they're directly improving the site through their donation.

If it's something you're interesting in doing, do it. You become a pro by doing. Good luck!

Having read the first book, there’s some things the show did better, some things the book did better. I personally am hooked and can’t wait for Thursday’s to watch a new episode. Glad to hear it got renewed.

I mean, I don't use a scope to listen to pulse. I listen for murmurs, heart sounds, breathing, gut sounds. It sounds nice, but I doubt it is gonna give better info than what can be gotten from a stethoscope, ekg, or ultrasound(this is where a lot of the cutting edge is now in medicine).

Exercise, weightlifting namely has done a lot for my mood and physical appearance(sadly nothing for motivation, I still gotta drag myself to the gym).

I made a concerted effort to pick up a hobby so I’m not just sitting around watching YouTube or playing video games. Painting is pretty fun.

Sleeping is a big one that lots of people mentioned, I’m not afraid to take a nap in the afternoon.

Lastly, cognitive behavioral therapy. It gives me the insight to see my emotions and how they interact with my thoughts and actions. It’s done a lot for helping manage anxiety, which is a lot better than it used to be, where now I don’t feel ruled by my frets and fears. It sucks trying to find a good therapist, but it’s worth the struggle. I’m so much happier than I was before I started.

Ultimately this feels weak. The prefatory clause is an explanation of why the right to bear arms is to be unrestricted. It isn’t a statement to say “the people should only have guns to serve in defense of the country”, it’s to support a militia should it be necessary. Everything else is just secondary to the “shall not be infringed” portion.

The Heller decision did enumerate a right to self defense as part of the 2A, with the justification that is was common to own guns to defend one’s person and property. While it can be argued that we shouldn’t base law today on life in 1787(given issues we are seeing in LGBT rights erosion, namely), I don’t think that there’s any reason why right to self defense has diminished in importance since then.

The Constitution is generally a statement of the limitations of the government, not the citizenry. I think that paints the tone of how the bill of rights should be taken.

I think this is one of those things that are just inevitable. Just like with reddit, mods can act like dicks. The saving grace is you can just ignore those users, that whole instance even and move somewhere else. You can also block users and communities on your account. I don't think Lemmy itself is a solution to this issue.

I think this is the original artist. It is the earliest upload of the image i've seen.

Yeah, at a certain point is stops being science and starts being an ethical nightmare.

You know it’s not good when it’s bipartisan. I think the key point here is the bill sets a catch-22. If you are a dominant platform, you have to follow our rules. if you try to not be dominant, you violate the rules anyway.

It’s just made to control and censor.

Not a boss, but from what they’ve said, they block instances that share illegal contents or have a large amount of spammers and trolls, afaik.

While I can’t say much about the specifics of Japanese health and nutrition, I’d argue it confirms the general tenet of dietetics that restrictive dieting is largely not good for you (and isn’t easily maintained either).

Eating too little (or unbalanced) taxes your metabolism to free up glucose from your organ stores and store what it has, plus running the risk of nutrition deficiencies too. Plus eating too much also has it’s obvious risks.

I think in regards to keto, the risks of high fat diets are independent from the effects of ketosis. You still run the risk of CAD, obesity, high cholesterol and the issues those bring. (It raises LDLs but lowers triglycerides according to a paper from the ACC, they and the AAND are not convinced one way or another it seems on if keto should be recommended)