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Joined 1 years ago

I can't believe you really just put heroin & vapes causing lung damage together. Insane. I have relatives addicted to both and it's genuinely aggravating to see someone say something so disconnected.

I'd take a family of vape addicts over a single heroin addict a million times over.

I used sync for reddit for a decade. No way in hell I'm paying $20 for the ad-free upgrade. Explain how lemmy which is months old and a minute fraction of the size of reddit, should cost me more to browse ad-free than reddit? It's mind boggling that we're in the age where asking $20 for a 3rd party social media app is being defended as reasonable.

7 more...

What browser would you recommend then?

I think the point is that even in a story they made up they create a fantasy where it's the daughters fault for raping the father, not the other way around which it would obviously be.

Relax with telling people to relax, they were pretty calm in their comment.

Your first sentence describes your own comment.


Mine is $20 for the remove ads option, how does that make sense?

Hell yes, I didn't even know people hated it till like last year.

Yah no shit I didn't say I'm starving bc of him. I asked for someone to make it make sense. Which you haven't, instead you went with "wah wah go use something else then" - really constructive conversation, why raise complaints about things that could be better? Why try to push for improvements in something you like/care about, that's what you're arguing for me to do. "Pay for it or shut up", how about I don't pay, and instead voice my opinion on the Internet like the sites designed for.

The sentence they wrote right before your quoted sentence answers your braindead question.

2 more...

I'm on my 15 so I don't have time to list everything but a lot of your assumptions are wrong about what you'd have to learn/ need to set up on your own. Synology has a suite of apps for all your use cases that makes it quite easy to set up. And there's apps for your phone (yes android) to connect to it from outside of your network.

A good weekend of shmedium effort and you can have it all set up and running no problem.

If your powers unreliable btw you should invest in a battery backup UPS to protect sensitive products.

Can I get some sources? Im seeing opposing arguments about red meat being healthy or not in here and I'm seeing basically no sources.

Which is a big assumption to make on such a young site.

Right yah I felt like that was probably the case when I was typing that honestly, that's my bad, I guess I should've said only really started taking off months ago, and is still rather small.

Sounds like it's joe not moving enough that's the problem

Ok so now we have a one time purchase option, now someone make it make sense how it costs more to buy lifetime access to a months old site, than it did for me to buy the same upgrade for a longstanding site I knew Id be using for years. As far as I'm concerned lemmy is still just a possible reddit replacement, at least until we see that it has the longevity we all want.

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You're showing the price for sync ultra, he's referring to the price for ad-free sync, which was like $2-3

My issue with lemmy being young isn't the lack of content, it's that he's selling a "lifetime" option on something that's barely been around long enough to know we'll keep using it/it'll be around in a year.

I completely agree that it should be sub $10.

Are you ok? You seem upset

Which he literally answers in the comment you questioned him on. You asked him something after he explained what you then asked.

That's braindead, and not because I "disagree" with your question, whatever that means.

So you've decided on your own definition of "new content" and are now trying to bend what ai does to make it seem like what they've made isn't new content.

Tell me where I can find all this ai art then if it's not new?

No, they no longer exist bc they were never sustainable, but they knew that in the first place and sold it as "life time" bc they knew they could make money by lying to customers. Lying is bad and we all agree businesses shouldn't lie, no?

Am I the only fucking rational person here

No, no I don't think so

Idk that feels like saying that as soon as you sell the skills you learned on YouTube, you should have to start paying the people you learned from, since you're "using" their copyrighted material to turn profit.

I don't agree whatsoever that copyright extends to inspiration of other artists/data models. Unless they recreate what you've made in a sufficiently similar manor, they haven't copied you.

You need to expand on how learning from something to make money is somehow using the original material to make money. Considering that's how art works in general, I'm having a hard time taking the side of "learning from media to make your own is against copyright". As long as they don't reproduce the same thing as the original, I don't see any issues with it. If they learned from Lord of the rings to then make "the Lord of the rings" then yes, that'd be infringement. But if they use that data to make a new IP with original ideas, then how is that bad for the world/ artists.