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I know a generally wonderful human being, taking care of his disabled parents, scraping by at a manufacturing job. He is hardcore against unions, says that he can negotiate for himself.

We're fucked.

As you said, friction would introduce more wear and maintenance. This gentleman's idea is to attach a windmill to drive the rotary induction wheel, which would essentially be "free" heat energy, and an interesting hobby contraption. Entertainment and a sense of accomplishment is probably his main goal.

Its not a brand new idea, just a different application of the principle. Induction generators already exist, and they can indeed be used with windmills, but to generate AC current versus heat energy.

More power to this fun and crazy inventor. Maybe he can find practical and reproducible use for this effect. If not, he's gonna have the most unique water heater ever invented. With this he could make a fully mechanical hot water heater that burns no fuel and uses no electricity. He would just have to make a mechanism to disengage a clutch at the top temperature.

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I want that guys life. He's got the house, the boat, presumably the truck, and enough disposable income left to hire an excellent artist to paint a giant middle finger to his busybody local government and neighbors. Congrats to him.

Nothing quite like big government Republicans passing ineffective laws, while trying to claim they are the small government party. This only affects the big sites, the American sites, and the legally aligned sites. But hey, if they want more adults and children exposed to the shadier sides of the internet, so be it.

How is this not a first amendment constitutional violation? It very clearly establishes a state religion by enforcing Christian doctrine into state law. Fuck every religion, but in particular, fuck abrahamic religion and all of its followers.

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The only thing that can stop a bad 3 year old with a gun is a good 3 year old with a gun. Arm our toddlers today.

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I would love to see Valve allow refunds. This was not an agreed upon stipulation at the time of purchase. If they pull the game from you now so soon after purchase, is it not grounds for a refund? Give Sony the choice to backtrack or lose money.

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Crazy that a millionaire tax in MA could cause this trend countrywide. Just crazy. /s

You have described the experience of Jeep ownership. The heart wants what it wants.

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I hate to defend Kyle's mom, but man, shouldn't a CNA or a phlebotomist be able to afford to survive in the area they work? In their case, I guess you reap what you sow.

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Nah, he's just asking them to be "fine people" like those literal Nazis in Charlottesville, VA. Just a peaceful protest, with tiki torches and murder.

Well those answers cost money. They want cheap clear answers that don't cost much, like a pizza party.

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Those are fair points, but I can't help but chuckle that they were brought to justice because they stole from millionaires and other billionaires to make their ill gotten gains. Probably woulda got away with it if they just stole from the poor and middle class.

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You don't get to make $100 billion dollars and feign ignorance about how you got it and the damage you caused to obtain it.

Don't you? I can't think of any instance of justice truly being served to billionaires, can you?

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I believe that lithium ion and lithium iron phosphate fires are generally put out by lowering the temperature of the reaction to the point that it can't self sustain. Dumping it overboard in a vast supply of frigid water actually would put it out, provided it sinks.

It's also a really really bad idea environmentally.

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I'm in the same exact boat. I'm glad we got lucky, but you shouldn't have to get lucky to fulfill basic needs like housing. Shits busted and I hope it gets better for others soon.

Some live a more sheltered life, and there's always a varying degree of racism in different areas.

My experience was of becoming an adult right around that time, which just meant other adults were now suddenly ok being openly racist around me, and boy did they have a lot to say around that time.

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We're not really that unique. We're not consciously or likely even unconsciously referencing that thread or others like it. We're just coming to the same witty conclusions those before us did.

Even your comment comes up every time there's a similar thread or experience. Mine too.

Happy New Year, btw.

I would say it's probably the philosophy of the fediverse that limits them. There is a spectrum of opinions on every subject, including strong opinions and dangerous ones, sometimes both at the same time.

Having a safe space requires either control or exclusivity in my opinion. The fediverse affords you little control of instances outside your own besides outright defederation and banning of external users. Though arguably that lack of external control is one of the benefits of the fediverse as well. However, if their goal is a safe place for those they feel are disenfranchised and marginalized, they might be right that this isn't the tool for the job. Though, adopting a different platform or strategy might limit their reach. I think that is their dilemma.

Aside from beehaw... The lack of a central control structure within the fediverse is fascinating to me. It's reminiscent of the old internet, where everything was ran as its own little web island, and yet it has many of the benefits of the mainstream "mass market" internet of today. Over time, it will be an interesting experiment to study and be a part of.

It may not be a recession, but our economy is in shambles. It turns out, all that money that was supposed to trickle down for over 40 years didn't. Apparently if you let the rich keep their money, they do. Who woulda fuckin thought.

What are we gonna do about it? Bitch on the internet, cause if we even got a general strike going, we would just be slaughtered selectively and demonized universally until the protest dies down. All because we would dare to ask for our fair share.

I would be surprised if this could lose, even in Texas. The court will have to confront the double standard of Texas laws applying to other states, but other states laws not applying in Texas. Setting the precedent that states must comply with medical laws from other states would be a major win for Texans, which is why they can't let it happen.

I applaud them for doing that before the front fell off this time. Hope they don't encounter any waves out there.

Maybe they're just mispronouncing the word "terrorist", they aren't the most educated folk ya know. They did give those terrorists too light a sentence anyway.

You remember businesses calling everyone who worked a low appreciation job heroes? CNAs got the shittiest end of the stick on that I think.

Giant banners calling you heroes greet you as you drive on the lot of the nursing home, and you look at them knowing you're going to get physically shit on by the patients, and proverbially shit on by the higher level nurses, the administration that now works remote, the family of the patients, and of course the patients again as well. For $12/hr. And you're extra short staffed because anyone that could find travel work did. Brutal shit for them.

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Does Keiyoushi seems like the best extension repo alternative right now? They of course have the pre purge extensions, and some updates, but their rules about not discussing alternatives to them seems anti-community.

Does anyone know more of the players in this power vacuum?

It seems like a compromise price, though it should be free or near free at the point of "purchase" in any first world nation. The sheer fact that it was controversial to even compromise at $35 and still allow a hefty profit on a medicine you would die without is a testament to how fucked up American healthcare has become.

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Jeeps, man. If you're looking for a comfortable, reliable, fuel efficient vehicle, you'd go elsewhere. But if you want the front windshield to fold down, and for it to perform better off-road than on-road, they got a box on wheels that's perfect for you.

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Oh they're doing plenty. Deregulation, accepting bribes, dismantling of social programs, curtailing freedom, and actively fighting against any improvements to society, government, or business. Ya know, the Republican platform.

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More awkward, they arrive at the same time. Fucking daylight savings time.

There's nothing stopping Ukraine from accepting them as citizens. But that is Ukraine's decision to make, seeing as it's their country. And yes, if they decide that illegal settlers should be kicked out, hell, why were they there to begin with?

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I imagine roughly how America ended the Vietnam war. Russia would have to initiate some willingness to stop the war with favorable conditions, and then talks could start. That's actually right there in the articles you linked with BoJo in them.

It'd likely take nothing less than ceasefire without conditions, returning all occupied Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. And if Russia doesn't like that, I'd love to see people start talking about historical borders again and we can joke about restoring the empire of Kiev.

And then, just like the Vietnam war, they can strut around saying they didn't lose the war, they just agreed on favorable terms.

Edit: Actually, I may even be a bit too pessimistic here. There's a low, but still possible chance that the tucker interview could be that message. I invite nothing less but the opportunity for Putin to publicly surrender. It would be a great thing.

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They're supposed to be the court defending the constitution, but yet here we are. I wish you weren't right.

Holy crap haha. No, I either forgot or dont remember and had to look it up. Man, they didn't even wait for the man to get in office before selling racist memorabilia.

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They'll do that, and then they'll raise base prices. So it'll be $3 large fries after 11PM, but $7 at noon. This is clear to see a mile away, it's just a phased in cash grab.

"You loved Trump NFTs, I think they were a pretty 'uge success, almost as successful as Trump University I've heard people say. Now you're going to love the official Donald J Trump cryptocurrency. It's backed by the success of the entire Trump legacy, so when I'm doing good, you're doing good. And according to my most recent cognitive test, I'm doing good, I'm taking one a week now cause ya just gotta know, right? Nobody takes as many cognitive tests as me. Make sure you purchase my cryptocurrency, your money's safe, you can buy them everywhere except New York, where trust me, your money isn't safe from witch hunts and people you touch just barely once, okay."

-Trump next month probably

Shouldn't snitch, Mitch.

I've been told that price gouging isn't illegal on its own. But it'd be nice if it were.

Which do you think will become the first famous climate refugees? Residents of small island nations losing land and safety, or heat affected landmasses that become uninhabitable due to extreme temperatures and/or wet bulb conditions?

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