0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Funny how fast this man has become a parody of himself. I still remember the video of him and jack ma

This is perfectly normal, what you're looking for is a more insecure OS maybe?

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It's trying so hard to not be racist that is being even more racist than other AI, is hilarious

IT IS WAY MORE The spez exodus made me realize the difference, you can tell the content/comments are from regular people here. Sadly that too can change once those actors see Lemmy as their new platform for propaganda.

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Warning: the site will try to rape your mobile phone

Funny how a childish statement like this is now seen as retrograde and frown uppon

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F U C K. T H A T

It gets darker, recently senate voted for political immunity for monster politicians involved on cases of sexual abuse against minors, why would you ask? Because that is a repeating scenario on the political party that is currently in power: MAS. They're in favor of protecting their own scum instead of giving justice to the victims.

Ive had to explain this soo many times to users that I've gotten tired and just roll with them with the misconception


Lol sound is not the selling point for any of those pods. Portability is the name of the game

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Yes, this is the comment I was hoping to find

I hate this fucking trend but I appreciate the (not AI) content for once

It's concha Right?

Ffs this is so dark yet I expelled air very fast from my nose

This is not a good indicator of a country's wellbeing, it's just an artificial move to show a better face on the international scene. We've seen this before in several latin American countries

Here is a news source, at the time even UNICEF expressed concerns but to this day it hasn't been corrected

Lawful evil

I'm now convinced he has been replaced by an AI that has been fueled on Reddit comments

Don't wanna be that guy but this will teach your puppy all socks are toys 😁

Maybe months ago, these days not much unless you're in the reddit community of course...

Pihole user for more than 5 years,.can confirm that it is indeed better, made the switch few months ago

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Can you share your curated list please?

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Tell me about it, I've worked with AI generation images and the aesthetic is so easily recognized its and lazy addition to journalism

Heh transparent...

The WebApp for trillium works great compared to the desktop app. You won't tell a difference

I swear phone manufacturers have gradually made the audio jack worse on phones just for the justification of dropping it.

Man... This one is so good thanks for recommending

Another old school, it's very similar

Great read, thanks for sharing

Like trying to wipe a marker huh?

The only one I would consider a candidate compared to autocad, would be SketchUp.

You're missing the point behind the initial sour part of the joke

Because the general mindset right now is not liberty of having your own opinion but to push in the opposite direction of what was thought years ago. And that's the problem with extremist thinking it does not care for balance only extreme posture for either one side or the other.

You're wasting time brother, the article is propaganda fueled by people outside of the Argentinean reality.

Talks with the Cuban regimen/dictatorship? Maybe ask Mexico's president what he thinks of the thousands of Cubans that flee the island every year and the cruelty that the regimen show to their own citizens. Of course he will have no comments since they're on the same team.

Internet trolls can downvote all you want, this is not reddit you don't have the same leverage here.

He's taking over a country drained by kirchnerism for years, of course people are hungry...

This recipe repeats all over latin america, left governments fuck the country over for 10+years, the moment they get voted out. Hur Durr it's all because this new guy... Argentina, Venezuela, Bolivia. The only reason Brasil didn't suffer from this is because their economy is much stronger than the rest of Latin America.

Wait isnt this thw opposite of equuality

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Wtf is this a bot?

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