3 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh and .clone()

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Obviously, this isn't ideal. But this isn't as damning as some of the other commenters believe.

The way reddit operates, is that they are "trusted" with all our data. They can (and do), sell any data they like, to whomever they like. They store much more information than simply who upvoted what. They can't simply allow upvotes with no claimant, they'd have no way of stopping or identifying bots or illegitimate upvotes.

This system is not ideal, but it's also not necessarily worse. We're still operating under that system, the only real difference is, we get to choose who that trusted party is. We get to move instances if the hosters interests become misaligned with our own.

Ultimately, there needs to be a smart solution to this problem to ensure it's not abused. We can't completely remove collection of the data, otherwise upvotes will be meaningless and hijacked by agendas. We can't simply encrypt the data, if there's a genuine use for it (which we've discussed), who SHOULD be allowed to decrypt it?

I completely understand the concern, and I share it. But this isn't an issue so much with Lemmy, it's an issue with upvotes on distributed social media.

Edit: Okay, ANY instance admin is where the issue lies. That much I agree with.

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They can wipe their tears with the money. Both of these giants have good cause for some damn expensive lawyers.

Sorry dude that sounds rough.

I was thankfully provided transport, but I was also subjected to a long lecture on why I “don’t want to be on medication”.

Never lose a game of musical chairs tho

Don’t oversimplify though, remember you need to put lightning into it first!

Similar story, started at 24, bout a year ago. Only just managed to find the best dose.

Oh how small the world seemed before.

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“Oh don’t sweat it, I’m useless with names too!” (… … oh fuck! I should’ve asked their name! That was the perfect, consequence-free moment)

There are no traits exclusive to ADHD. Even executive dysfunction isn’t completely unique to ADHD…

Good bot… … … …Is that a thing?…

They’re “complaining” about unique qualities of their art being used, without consent, to create new things which ultimately de-value their original art.

It’s a debate to be had, I’m not clearly in favour of either argument here, but it’s quite obvious what they’re upset with.

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FBI: nice save…

I have a throbbing inkling!

I’d think of it a bit like this. Doing all your taxes and small print forms is definitely possible without glasses, but it’s blurry, headache-y, and takes a long time. For me medication has been a bit like putting glasses on. Yeah doing taxes still sucks but it’s a bit of a relief from extra ADHD challenges.

As an Adult, theres a lot of tasks that it helps with. It certainly won’t match your fantasy but it definitely is a game changer.

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I see your dumb notebook and raise you an obsidian notes database… that idea didn’t last long…

Seriously though, little notebooks are lifesaving.

It depends how wireguard is implemented.

The container may be running wireguard in userspace, instead of the OS’s kernel implementation.

squints eyes reads username

Odds are in favour

Not everything is ADHD, but ADHD does affect brain functions which are common to most humans.

It doesn’t give us a distinctive blue head or hot dogs for fingers, it manifests in subtle ways. Hence the post.

You errr, you know which community we’re in right? :P

Maybe their torso is on correctly, but it’s actually their legs that are on backwards

Ah! The more you know, thank you for the comment.

I completely agree that sharing it with other instances is a problem.

You can bet your behind that Big Tech and governments are harvesting ALL of it as we speak.

This is super nitpicky, but assuming it exposed even a minute amount of the data that Reddit freely ships to whoever buys it (including governments), I actually think it's far less likely to be seen. Social media companies are well-known to freely give access to anything law enforcement, governments or advertisers would like. Most if not all, have exposed APIs which allow law enforcement at least to collect almost any data at their leisure. This data is packaged up by the orgs who have the data.

Scraping Lemmy for this information would require their own solutions, and backends to handle all the data. Here in the UK, our tecnically-inept government famously broke their multi-billion COVID test-and-trace system because the excel spreadsheet they used as a database, ran out of lines...

Even assuming it's true that all of these groups have bothered to make their own solutions and bought server space to store the data themselves for a relatively tiny (certainly until very recently), the only data they get is who liked what post/comment.

That is a small snowflake compared to the iceberg that other social media organizations collect, package and sell. Facebook for example collect enough data that they earn more per user than Netflix.

Certainly, as Lemmy and ActivityPub gain more traction, this is a privacy hole which deserves some consideration, and should be immediately plugged. But I just don't think it's in the same solar system as exposing data to any social media site.

It’s own challenges for sure. Certainly until you find the right dose.

I can get overstimulated easier and pressured situations that I used to thrive in can become overstimulating instead now. But there may be some crossover with a family history of ASD. Difficult to know what’s medication and what’s medication + me, ya know.

Really doesn’t matter to be honest. Whichever distro you choose, you’ll be able to program somehow. Pop_Os! is a good bet for graphics cards issues though, so I’d say roll with it.

Vyvanse. Essentially adderall but slow release. I’ve heard it’s much smoother when it comes on.

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Without intending to be pinickity, I would just like to say that, long-term studies of stimulant medication show growth in the areas of the brain ADHDers are typically underdeveloped.

Making no comment on you decision, I just wanted to challenge that it merely covers up the issue. It may very well be that understanding herself and ADHD-educated parents are the only necessary tools (I wouldn’t know - sounds like she’s lucked out). But the medication does actually address (to some extent) aspects of the underlying problem enough to be neurologically measurable.

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Thank you for your comments and replies. They are very well thought out.

Thank you, kind stranger. I wish you and you family all the best.

wouldn’t have

With the specific exception of podman compose I completely agree. I haven’t tested it for a while but podman compose has had issues with compose file syntax in my experience. Especially with network configs.

However, I have been using “docker-compose” with podman’s docker compatible socket implementation when necessary, with great success

That’s a really interesting idea. I’m definitely going to try this.

Although I bet it wouldn’t of caught on during the pandemic.

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Do you think psychs get shown a lot of memes nowadays? Never thought about it until now

The Two Generals Problem

Not sure whether this was definitely the issue, but interesting nonetheless.