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Joined 12 months ago

They meant "co-opted"

I think at this point she's already shown that she IS outright against the prosecution.

Police are suddenly going to become really bad at estimating just how far away 25 feet is.

Just like he was never going to win in 2016 in the first place?

Don't worry, they'll just find a way to blame Democrats for the entire shit show

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If this guys wants to punch people so badly, he should have become a professional boxer. Of course then, he'd be getting punched back.

I had free laundry for most of my freshman year of college. We had coin operated machines, and somebody quickly figured out that you can strip 2 wires and just touch them together, or touch a coin to both of them, and every time you did that the machine would think a coin had been inserted. Eventually the college caught on and one day I went down there and all the machines were taken apart with maintenance guys working on them, and after that there was a heavy duty housing for the coin acceptor with no exposed wires. It was nice while it lasted!

Currently, I don't think so. The problem is the WILDLY different views on what the actual problems even are, let alone what we should do to try to solve them.

Wait, you guys are wiping? /s

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Portland and the surrounding areas are this weird dichotomy of super left-wing and super right-wing people all in the same place. Hence why you tend to get a lot of Proud Boys vs Antifa demonstrations/standoffs/fights there.

I sure fucking hope not.

Are you only allowed to like things that you liked when you were growing up?

I'm a straight, white, cis man and I don't understand it either.

Like the lawn sign in front of my friends' house says: "More rights for others doesn't mean less for you. It's not a pie."

Well that tracks.

Code monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew.

Sorry to break this to you.....but this won't be the last time that happens. In fact, it'll probably happen on more projects than not.

WP is not forbidden by international law, but only close to civilians

But isn't basically everywhere in Gaza close to civilians? Gaza city has about the same population density as Boston.

So then are you suggesting that it's totally ok to remove a book from the children's section because the author's last name is "Gay"? Because that's what this entire post is about.

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Fucking snowflakes.

Not just fireproof, but also immune to toxic fumes

Within the past few years, once my neck problems started getting worse and I finally went for an MRI and was diagnosed with arthritis.

0/10, do not recommend.

We've had 6 presidential elections in the 21st century. The Republican candidate won the popular vote one out of those 6 times. Yet we've had 3 Republican Presidential terms resulting from those elections.

Henry Kissinger has absolutely still had political influence for the past 40 years. Just because he hasn't held official positions doesn't mean he wasn't still incredibly influential.

Yes - they are completely different.

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There's a white board inside the bathroom? Why?

Yes but after WW2 we had the Nuremburg trials and the Nazi leaders were hanged. Show compassion to the society as a whole, but the leaders must still be held accountable in these situations.

Like sociopathy?

It's not a matter of where we look, it's the method we use to calculate the expansion. The 2 methods to calculate the expansion rate give us different results. For a good explanation, here is a YouTube playlist of videos by Dr. Becky Smethurst where she discusses & explains the "Crisis in Cosmology":

Nihilism in a fucking nutshell.

Is it that hard to understand that some people just value convenience?

Given my extensive knowledge in this area, I can confirm that this is indeed a picture of a room.

Wages have not kept up with inflation over the last few years decades.

There's also "you guys" if you use "guys" as gender-neutral, since there's no particularly good feminine version of "guys". There's just "gals", which sounds incredibly old fashioned, or "girls", which sounds totally condescending when talking about adult women, or maybe "ladies".

Yes, to an extent. But the algorithms of all the major social media sites kick this into overdrive. Seriously, how many times have you clicked on a random YouTube video about some obscure topic and then for the next week it seems like every other recommended video is about that same topic? Even if you just watched a little bit of the original video and then clicked away because it wasn't interesting. I see the same thing with the Google Feed on my Android phone - I click on one random article and then it just assumes that one topic is my new primary interest.

Because Trump just ignores laws that aren't convenient to him.

They did in 2004.

You really believe that whenever he dies, if it's from natural causes, that the maniacs in his base will believe that? I guarantee there will be conspiracy theories about it the instant the news breaks.

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Don't put anything sharp, wood, or very fragile in the sink though.

Sure, but a lot of people need it very clearly spelled out for them.

Looks great! Good luck!