0 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Hey there, champ! I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm afraid I have to disagree with your statement. Game development with effort or coding skills? Today I'm gonna show you how to do it without any effort, it's like becoming an astronaut by watching the big bang theory!

Let me break it down for you. You see, creating a video game is as easy as pie. Typically, you would use lines of code. But what if I told you that you can gather a bunch of random images from the internet, throw them into a a computer, and voila! You've got yourself the next "Call of Duty" blockbuster. Going by standards nowadays people will be lining up to buy your game, guaranteed!

Who needs coding when you can just use a magic wand and poof your game is magically coded? Just like that! Forget the coding aspect of it, you can make a game effortless! How do I do this you ask me? Well, If you really want to master the art of game development without lifting a finger, I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing my revolutionary course: "Effortless Game Development Masterclass"! In this course, you'll learn the ancient secrets of game creation without any pesky coding skills or effort required. You'll be churning out awards winning games in no time, all while lounging on your couch and eating Cheetos. πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Š Dm me if you want more info for the affiliate link

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Lemmy is a pretty bad pace to be then, same thing happens here

If she's his mom then she already has a husband, henceforth dating her would be cheating / poligamy, and Lust is one of the 7 deadly sins

You will never be a real pretzel

As a connoisseur of technology, the rationale behind this phenomenon resides in the fact that the aforementioned image was captured precisely seven hours subsequent to the creation of the post. Consequently, the temporal emphasis predominantly lies upon the image itself, thereby insinuating that said image has existed in the digital realm for a duration exceeding ten years. This engenders an optical fallacy wherein the image appears to have traversed the vast expanse of time in a mere flicker of moments.

I know, this post and most of the comment section is being incredibly racist. I wish people in this subreddit would be more accepting but what do I know πŸ™„πŸ™„ Guess mods are asleep

Please do not be racist to us French people, it is for that reason I have down voted your post today

Permit me to express my dissent, for it is my firm conviction that they have unabashedly declared this to be naught but a cunningly contrived deception.

Not good

Because it is a useful platform and has incredible people on there?

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That's not a reliable source πŸ€”

Hello users of Lemmy πŸ‘‹ I'm a Brand Ambassador of Chevron corporate and would like to clear up this misunderstanding about our brand. Chevron provides oil, diesel and hot gas to millions of people worldwide. Although our brand has had setbacks, the utility we bring to millions of users every day has been overwhelmingly positive.

I hope this clears up any tensions and we hope to continue providing quality products to our clients in the future. Cheers

On the contrary, there's overwhelming evidence of this being just the case, It's just not in the mainstream media just like how they covered up the cloning of famous wrapper Eminem per-se. I recommend you get some more reliable news sources to further your educational development.

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I do not

Only thing he rapes is the democrats every election 😎😎

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I'm a republican and a good person, not sure what you mean. You need to get out more imho πŸ˜”

What does this subreddit have against us Jewish people? Kinda racist if you ask me πŸ€”πŸ€”

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Same thing

I disagree.

What is this supposed to mean? That would imply that it is a good company. πŸ€”πŸ€”

Photo / visual evidence would be fine, I am not picky. I would just like to be sure you are telling the truth, a lot of fraud on the internet nowadays πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

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Bad economics

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Gas prices

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Pretty lame reason to upvote a post tbh. Upvote my comment if you agree πŸ‘†

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Oh boy, looks like we've got ourselves a swashbuckling pirate in the comment section! Avast ye, matey, 'cause I'm about to drop some knowledge bombs on your scurvy-ridden ship. Here's why pirating the Fallout TV show is about as cool as a ghoul's armpit.

First off, let's get real: pirating is straight-up stealing, plain and simple. You're swiping that sweet, sweet content without paying a single bottlecap for it. Sure, you might think you're some kind of digital Robin Hood, sticking it to the greedy corporations. But guess what? Those corporations employ real people, talented folks who put in blood, sweat, and maybe a few stimpaks to create the show you're plundering. So, unless you're raiding their office and demanding a cutlass to your throat, you're just a lowly thief.

Secondly, let's talk consequences. When you pirate the Fallout TV show, you're not just giving the finger to the suits in their ivory towers. You're screwing over the very people who made the damn thing. These artists, writers, and actors poured their souls into creating a post-apocalyptic masterpiece for us to enjoy. And how do you repay them? By snatching it from the digital high seas, denying them the reward they rightfully deserve. It's like slapping a Deathclaw in the face and expecting it to thank you.

Lastly, let's address the big picture. Your piracy antics don't just affect one show, my friend. They send shockwaves through the entire industry. When creators see their hard work getting pillaged, they become less likely to take risks and push the boundaries of their craft. So, congrats, you're contributing to a world of bland, cookie-cutter content. And let's not forget the ripple effect on your fellow fans. Your actions normalize piracy, making it seem like stealing is the new cool. Newsflash: it's not. So, if you want to show some respect for the people who make the stuff you love and ensure a vibrant, creative landscape, drop the Jolly Roger and start supporting the legit channels.

Arr matey, there you have it. Pirating the Fallout TV show might make you feel like a rebellious pirate, but in reality, you're just a landlubber stealing from hardworking artists. So, shiver me timbers and do the right thingβ€”pay for your entertainment and support the creative minds behind it. Otherwise, you'll be walking the plank of cultural bankruptcy. Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life is not for me, and it shouldn't be for you either.

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Brooooo this victory is an absolute game-changer for us die-hard Xbox fans, and it's downright exhilarating! Sony's constant blunders pale in comparison to the countless triumphs of team Xbox, and this might just be the knockout blow that finally converts those Lamestationers to our side. Brace yourselves for an epic shift as the unrivaled supremacy of our console dazzles and dominates, pulling every gamer into its unstoppable vortex of pure excitement and adrenaline-fueled gaming bliss!πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

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Just another example of dishonest journalism

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He is, difference is that he is already dictator unfortunately

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Since when did you use this feature? Please cite a source

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Well, it is important to comply with the terms of service established by the website. It is highly recommended to familiarize oneself with the legally binding documents of the platform, including the Terms of Service (Section 2.1), User Agreement (Section 4.2), and Community Guidelines (Section 3.1), which explicitly outline the obligations and restrictions imposed upon users. By refraining from engaging in activities explicitly prohibited within these sections, you will be better positioned to maintain compliance with the platform's rules and regulations and not receive email bans in the future.

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