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Idk. I was in a highschool debate club a bit over a decade ago, and I was very good at the public forum event. Like, regularly in the top 32 for both the NFL and CFL national tournaments good. There were other people at the top of that ladder with me that made very effective use of the "pound the table" strategy, and how well it worked often boiled down to judge variance. People act that way in debates because it absolutely works on some viewers

I also can't believe a band whose name is a euphemism for semen would use such weird album art. Smhing my head

You can actually save up to 13 frames if you take the warcrime L early, but getting through the Hague takes 5 different pixel/frame perfect inputs so most runners avoid that strategy

Wasn't "protecting Russian language and culture" one of Putlers first justifications for the invasion? Like, I think it's kinda fucked up to ban the language and culture, but then again my country has never been invaded by a neighboring war criminal who used "we're just protecting our language and culture in your land" so my opinion isn't nearly as valid as the opinion of people who are currently in that situation

100k/day (36.5 million anually) is ~0.03% of Meta's 2022 profits (121 billion). That's not a fine, it's barely even a tax. If you make 50k/year profit and the government gave you a similar fine, they'd be taking $15 from you. That sounds more like bribe money for Norwegian politicians than a good faith attempt to protect their citizens.

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That's gonna be tough. Saying this as a recent M.S. graduate of a FL university, I got the hell out. I'm starting a PhD program very soon, but there's absolutely no way I'm doing it in a state where I'm reasonably worried that the next piece of legislation is going to result in Desantis' brownshirts arresting me for thought crimes. Red states are dangerous places for academics.

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I admittedly didn't look too hard for that 121bil figure, your source seems much better than the "Google it and grab the first number I see" approach I used. I see 91.36B gross profit for 2022 in your source. That makes the 36,500,000 fine ~0.04% of their profits instead or the 0.03% I got at first, equivalent to a $20 fine on 50k profit. I think the rest of what I said is still valid with the new numbers. Thanks for keeping me honest!

Sqrt(-gay) = Queer i for the math guy

It's been like 8 years, but a chromebook dual booted with debian+xfce got me through undergrad. There's a set of scripts out there called "crouton" that made it really easy to do

I've really enjoyed how much ATS incentivizes that optimization, given that years spent on a settlement count toward the blightstorm cycle. It's really satisfying to figure out how to max rep as quickly as possible, especially with really hard modifiers like the "no orders" one

At first glance I thought this was a big fancy bread display

One of the slave node's child process failed, so the master node sent a signal to terminate the child and restart the slave

There's pretty solid reason my research group is pushing to use "head node and executor nodes" nomenclature rather than the old-school "master node and slave nodes" nomenclature, haha

This does not look like it would keep ones hands clean enough to play cards while enjoying their meats and cheeses. The Earl of Sandwich would be dismayed

Warhammer 40k. I'm also a semi accomplished electrical engineer and currently working on a PhD in data science/machine learning, so at least I got the "good at math and science" variety to support my "expensive hobby" variety

It's basically chaff, lol. We've known chaff is an effective radar countermeasure since the 40s, and it seems like the researchers have found the lidar and optical equivalents of chaff. What really scares me is the idea of this evolving into more sophisticated deception attacks like range or velocity gate pulls. No idea how you'd do that with lidar or optically, but I'd bet money that's a line item on a black budget somewhere

Based. Outrage clicks are still clicks, and clicks still lead to better metrics for the IPO. No publicity is bad publicity in the age of outrage media

I got really caught up in the "make number bigger" cycle of lifting, and each 5lbs I added to any lift was a huge dopamine spike. Obviously you can't keep increasing weight forever, but I found that the steady and easy dopamine hits from noob gains were enough to establish it as a habit in spite of my attention span

I feel like it's one of those things where you don't need to understand it, you just need to respect how other people want to be addressed. For reference, I'm a cis man. It's really easy to take for granted how gender affirming it is for me every time somebody refers to me with my preferred pronouns, he/him, because I've just never had the experience of somebody disrespecting that. I never had to justify my pronouns or fight for the basic respect of people using my preferred pronouns. The idea that anybody should be required to justify their pronouns or fight for that same respect that a lot of us take for granted is horseshit.

Reasons I developed a "therapy is an expensive waste of my time" mindset after living in FL for a decade. I'm not paying $200 a visit for some pompous shitbag to tell me I'm sad because I don't simp for Jesus

"If it can't be solved with runge kutta, it doesn't really need to be solved"

  • Me justifying the fact that I've forgotten 90%+ of the math I've learned in my life

Regularly. I probably don't post more than 10-15% of the comments I type out

You're thinking of the fourier series