1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, looks like a nighttime image of the island with some smoke added to it.

Holy crap. I remember the "Free Mitnick!" campaign.

Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate thinks Mitnick deserves what he got.

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If I had to take a guess, its probably from folks running over it and breaking it off.

I can't imagine why. As much as I love the fediverse and what it stands for, it's barely a blip on anyone's radar at this point.

Russia clearly has a poor understanding of the word "war."

Popular speech doesn't require defense.

How can I get this motherfucker to stop showing up in my feeds? I have him and all his subs blocked, and he still wriggles into my life.

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You can sue over anything, sure, but if you're really considering it, you're better off waiting for HR to finish its investigation. If it comes out in your favor, you can use that to bolster your position; if it doesn't, then you may want to rethink filing. Let somebody else's money do your litmus test.

I'm always giggling whenever I see one of these articles go on about how great a guy Stalin was. It's kind of like if Germany wasn't ashamed of Hitler.

I've been all about these things since we first started talking about them, but whatever that is is bullshit. It doesn't have nearly enough connection points, and the ones it does have are secured by velcro. If the workers are feeling anything, and that's a big "if," then it's purely placebo.

Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate thinks tricking folks is the way of the future.

Typically, yes, but the brigaders have found their way here, so don't expect it to last long.

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And is projected to be in service for another fifty years, IIRC. Something to be said for not fixing things that aren't broken.

Getting federation working as advertised is a pain in the ass. I ran a solo instance back when Mastodon was new, and there was no end to the nonsense it generated. That's why I'm now subscribed to the instance @ernest is running. :)

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LoL... we had a hound dog named nugget. Runt of the litter.

Really dry and dusty in this room.

Yeah, kbin here.

Ah, the old "contrails/chemtrails didn't exist when I was young" argument. Yes, they did; you didn't look up when you were a kid.

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If I'm doing a drive-by of Reddit, I might nab a few stories, but for the most part I don't even load it anymore.

Name checks out.

Pretty much just this. Well, and LinkedIn, but I don't post personal stuff over there. I moved from Facebook to Reddit about eight or nine years ago, and with Reddit circling the drain, am currently rudderless. Tried this Mastodon thing when it first got popular a few years ago and had no good experiences with it; this time around seems to be different with all the fresh blood. Just hope it keeps on keepin' on .

At some point, maybe. Back when I was running my own Mastodon instance, things were pretty much in this same state, but lots of other things have improved.

Well, it depends on your instance. Some of them aren't popular, and some of them don't allow downvotes at all. But, over here, it's apparently hip to just click into a profile and downvote everything they've posted because they said something you disagree with. I won't name names, because that'd be just as bad, but you can look through my profile if you're really interested.

Always play stupid in these instances: I forgot the password; I got it second-hand and didn't know about that; Encrypt-a-what, now?

Thought this was a witch from L4D.

Considering how easy it is to set up a screen reader or to set an overriding font on most browsers, this seems like an exercise in futility. That said, something like mssystem ought to do it -- standardized, block-style typeface, with little to differentiate the individual letters.

Better yet, use a hidden partition.

That'd be my suggestion. I can't imagine that the average airport security goon is going to check the reported size of the drive against the hardware specs as part of a normal inspection.

I loves me some udon noodles. Drain the water and add hot sauce. Mmmmmmm....

Those will probably end up being the most expensive trees they've ever fucked with.

Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate appreciates making things difficult for unions.

I mean, in Russia, anything is possible, but in any country that respects the rule of law, you're a citizen if you pay taxes.

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Sounds like they'll be bringing turtle, everyone's favorite boot-licker, back with gusto. Good riddance.

Edit: Clearly @Hellsadvocate is your average turtle fan. Explains a lot, in hindsight.

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles....

They pulled a rifle on him for a missing mudflap, so yeah, I'd be terrified, too.

Hmm... would need to see more reports on this. If HuffPo reported that water was wet, I'd check, just to make sure.

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Ah, we finally got to the point of "anyone who disagrees with me is a troll." Took longer than I thought. This thread is becoming a great way to populate my blocklist.

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Like that's ever stopped us from doing things for profit?

Honestly, that's what's holding us back. Make climate repair profitable, and the climate will be fixed inside of a decade.

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I'm not debating the finer points of morality; just the reality of the situation.

Was anyone actually spending money on that crap?

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