1 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is not good. Wagner Group are literal nazis.

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Very true. And when my parents didn’t want me online anymore, rather than just coming in and asking me nicely to hop off while they make their phone call, they would click the hang up button repeatedly until the signal was lost and I was disconnected. Then they would make their phone call.

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Oh they were. Because they are us.


Probably not. But Wagner group doesn't have the manpower to subjugate the entirety of Russia either.

You're absolutely right. It will lead to nothing other than civil war. Which is how Putin will spin it - he'll try to say that since Wagner are nazis, that they were actually working WITH the Ukrainian Nazis and NATO against Russia etc. blah blah blah

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So Reddit has decided to fight back, eh?

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You love to see it...

I can only get so federect!

Aww, thanks!

I’m on board. I don’t care what anyone says. I’m gonna give it a chance.

I believe how it works is the comment from the user on the defederated instance and ALL child comments of it do not show up on your instance. So it’s as if that conversation just stopped after the last person from an instance that you’re federated with commented. You wouldn’t see anything from defederated commenters or the replies to them, even if they are replies from Instances you’re still federated with.

Login to Beehaw and check out a post from a community on it, and then look at that same post while logged into and you should see the differences - because Beehaw defederated from

This aggression will not stand, man!

Ok this wins

"Sorry, we didn't mean to reveal that we're nazis!"

Sync isn't on iOS, is it?

You can't tell me what to do!

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Same! Lemmy definitely feels like early Reddit. Before the mods were gods and before shills and spam and porn were the norm.

So it can steal your credentials and hack your accounts! Duh!

This is cool! But I don’t want to fill out a google form.

Exactly. I feel like this is one of those instances of "We're spending time thinking about whether or not we could, when we should be thinking about whether or not we should."

Yep. Lemmy is the future of Reddit.

Oh god... so that's where my depression came from!

What a time to be alive!


barron community

I see what you did there...

Is it like a grant then?

Agreed. No offense intended, but I really don't want to see furry stuff.

I think my superpower would be to be able to communicate to anyone in a way in which they always fully understood my meaning.

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That's excellent. What do you do for a living, by the way? Because Lemmy can't be your day job, obviously!

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And that's so crazy to me, honestly. I remember the days when not a single ISP was willing to host Stormfront, and every website instantly banned anyone who was being a nazi. Now they embrace them.

Getting that on right now.

Oh, interesting! I haven't gotten my head around Mastodon. It just seems like a huge mess, to me. Like, Twitter was a big enough mess on its own, and then Mastodon had to take Twitter and make it like 10x more complicated.

Oh there’s always side effects. But for me, they were absolutely worth the difference in how my brain worked. I became functional again. Also, the psychiatrist will tell you all about the side effects. Let them know what you’re afraid of. They won’t lie to you. They will help find the right chemical for your issues. Might not find the perfect one right away either. But it’s worth trying, in my opinion.

That's pretty huge, since they're probably the biggest subreddit.

Yeah, I’m really only ever going back to Reddit for comic book movie news and /r/motorsportsreplays because there isn’t a good sub on Lemmy for that yet.

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