Gyoza Power

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Joined 12 months ago

Aside from that, when people criticized the video because he was essentially bashing a small company made by 2 dudes^1 , he then went on a rant on a WAN show saying that he wouldn't review the thing again because he is not going to waste employee time and money into doing a proper review. And that he does't really care because, ultimately, he thinks it's a product that nobody should ever buy because it's too expensive, even if the performance was great.

All said by the dude that used to make the weirdest shit and pay a shit ton of money for garbage, but god forbid someone made a waterblock for water cooling enthusiasts (you know, the kind of person that likes spending money on these products just for funsies, like audiophiles).

  1. This is funny because he always tries to avoid bashing big corps, like when Nvidia fucks up a product release, but they still find something positive to say about it. But a small company composed by 2 dudes that is lending you a prototype, which is not even their final product? A prototype that Linus himself (because it was him and one more dude) couldn't be arsed to review properly and decided to complain all throughout the video? Let me step on them and destroy their business if possible.
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Too much text to just say that they are doing their own NFTs

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I wouls just add that it's all about making profits and increasing them year per year, but always focusing on the short term. To the CEOs, shareholders and other directives, it doesn't matter if the company goes bankrupt 10 years from now, as long as they suck in all the profits they can now.

Even if the company is very successful, with a very good product(s) and they could just go into easy-ride mode continuing to provide those products. They only want to make as much money as quickly as possible and once they get their hands on the company, the enshitification for the sake of quick profits ensues.

I'll play a sad song on the smallest violin. Many people lose their entire lives to shitty jobs, he is out of touch.

Not necessarily a fanboy, but still incredibly naive to think that Elon has an actual plan to help people with these things rather than doing good ol' Elon stuff which is experimenting with shit he does not understand just because it looks cool and makes him look like the Iron Man of real life. And while doing so, he is also torturing animals. Great!

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I this case, they are probably suffering from success. Shitty manufacturing and unrepairability aside, the M macbooks are the first competent macbooks in quite a while, so most people probably bought the first versions and now they have no desire to upgrade, because why would they? I have an M1 Pro and aside from gaming performance there is absolutely no reason for me to upgrade.

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Tbf, I simply didn't see it because I stopped reading halfway through. On the other hand, "tranny" is right at the beginning (and I think somewhere else too), and they seem to intentionally misgender Empress quite a few times, so they stick out quite a lot.

Kiwi broswer already does it, same with the Orion browser for iOS

They are about to discover that "small government" ends up being "big corpo"

The only thing I want is proper support for desktop addons on mobile.

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With each day I hate the internet and these fucking companies even more.

Idk, brain swelling is painful and suffering from it while paralysed until you die is kind of nightmarish. If anything, hallucinations look more tame than what actually happened.

  • More money
  • A very short commute (like 10-15 minutes walking max)
  • A shorter working day, like 6 hours.

Then, the whole world should sanction the US then.

Fixed a balance issue with homo sapiens' spines. Now less humans should suffer from spinal illnesses and back pains.

Jesus. I long for the day we get rid of this cancerous companies that just ruin the internet with every day that passes.

Haha, I'd very much appreciate it myself if it were the case. I don't think you are losing anything if you try to do so.

People want big phones for some reason

Bigger battery, better for content consumption and overall usage if you use it frequently. It's not that weird, yet you treat it as if we were talking about aliens.

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Because it's controlled by a lunatic

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I wish list interesting games

And that's how I got to 400-something wishlisted games

I mean, in this case I kind of understand it. Hawaii was essentially forced into being part of the US and then forced into being the holiday stop for rich people. I would also hate it if I lived in a small island with lots of tradition and it all was turned into a mere tourist attraction for people who don't give a shit.

It also doesn't help that some rich folk have ravaged the islands by literally buying them

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Mandatory The Witcher mention. They simply started to make shit up because they didn't like nor repect the books.

Damn shame, a faithful adaptation would've been amazing. Hope we get one some day

Hard to say. Mosquitos, is probably not one of them because even as much as we hate them, many animals prey on them, so unless other insect replaces them as a food source for those animals, them disappearing would probably affect many other species and subsequently, other species that may feed or depend in some form on those that feed on mosquitos.

My answer would probably be ticks, since I don't think there's many animals that feed on them and their only usefulness is population control, which should be doable by other species either way.

Edit: bed bugs as well, since it was mentioned by other commenters, I hate those fuckers and last I checked they weren't any animal's primary food source.

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Because it's not only about being able to repair everything at home, but forcing the companies to avoid anti-repair practices and making you to either pay an (purposefully) exorbitant price to have it repaired by them or just having to buy a new device altogether.

That's why that dude is a shill, because he is talking as if companies act in good faith (for whatever reson) and the devices are simply "too complex" to repair. They are not, companies are puposefully making it as obscure and hard to repair as possible so that, again, you have to either pay a shit ton of money for them to repair it for you or just buy a new device altogether because changing shit like the glass of the back of the phone is half as expensive as a new device or a design "flaw" that should be covered by warranty gets turned into a simple "motherboard is faulty and warranty doesn't cover it".

Yeah, I read the title and was like: if the babies are with the iPads, it's because their parents are not spending time with the babies.

Now the reason behind it, that's another story, but I agree that it's most likely having to work like a slave.

A "traveler's" journal that consists of a cover and replaceable notebook refills. Cheaper than having to buy entire journals once you finish the last one (though uglier, since these refills don't have cool covers), you can interchange them based on context/what you require and journaling is pretty great by itself.

Sorry man, but when it comes down to Elon Musk getting his filthy, greedy and insanely narcissistic hands on anything, there's no way I am not going to be cynical about it. For what is worth, Jesuschrist himself could come and sing praises about him and I would still not believe anything good is coming from that man and brain chips.

It has worked so far because the videos used to be good and years ago Youtube wasn't as competitive. From then on, once you amass a decent amount of subscribers it's fairly easy to ride the wave. It is also worth mentioning that his videos are very obviously focused towards "casual" audiences, most of which won't even know when he is showing bad data or doing a poor review.

they call nVidia names all the time, and keep bashing its practices.

Sometimes? Maybe. But let's not pretend like they haven't been called out by the community multiple times for being "too soft" when Nvidia pullsed some shit, even when other reviewers did complain.

You are comparing Apples to oranges. While it may be true that Linux may have more software available, in my experience macOS has a shit ton of productivity software as well, and many times, due to being for-profit, of higher quality. That's exactly why I've been thinking about giving my own try to making a launcher like Raycast for Linux.

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My hope is politicians and, overall, rich people and corporations getting away with everything. It's crazy what money ans influence can do to cover up/minimize the damages that people and corps should receive for doing the shit they do just for profit and personal interests.

It's not just about having permission or not, but the right to be forgotten. You can ask a company to delete the personal data they may have on you and by law they should (in theory) delete it, with the only exception being data that may be required for justified purposes.

AIs not being able to "forget" means that they would be breaking the law if trained with personal data, as you could not have your data removed if you ask them to do so.

You got it backwards. He meant that it's the same as selling lemonade while trying to pass it as Sprite because of the branding.

Not OP, but I used Namecheap. Porkbun is also recommended I think. Setting it up is not dead-brain simple, but Proton does a very good job on explaining it step by step I believe.

No, millenials end at around 1994-1996 last I checked. These generations are weird because as an early gen z (1999) I'm closer to the last millenials than to a genz that was born in like 2007.

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Like Gyozas. Gyozas powerful.

With a few sparkles of deplorable work conditions on top, delicious!

Or children starving because they have to pay for shitty food at school, or children starving and having a bad life because their parents can't afford to pay for more even if they already work, or children at orphanages...

Yeah, much like with forbidding abortion (but then never caring whether the no longer-aborted child will have a proper home to live), children are just a political tool.

For speeling purposes have you tried ASMR content?

For example Let's Find Out makes ASMR content focused on anstronomy and physics stuff and mainly whispering things. Example:

You also have The French Whisperer ASMR, who does a bit of everything (history, some science, reading stories...)

For pure ASMR (but non informative nor anything) RaffyTaffyASMR puts out some solid content.

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I consider trackpads to emulate the touch of the screen (so like a phone). So natural scrolling for me.

I think our choices don't matter. Unless there are actual competitors with actual relevance in the industry that do the right thing and we are not priced out of supporting them, the only way is to make laws against this crap. Not that it's easy, but it's the most realistic way, I think. Unless, of course, we all join together and look for a way to make ethical clothing that is not too expensive (all while praying that the big brands won't crush us with their infinite money)