0 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The goal of this is clearly

  1. to garner pro chinese nationalist public support
  2. to prevent your smartest students from seeing better opportunities outside of the country

There is no small number of highly educated chinese that leave the country.

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Bodycams dont make sense if you work in a building. Just place cameras in the building.

The only value i could see is making an offender calm down by making them stare at a camera that is recording them.... even though they were already being recorded.

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It made sense to spare women fighting when weapons were strength based and you cared about population growth.

Now everywhere's overpopulated and an 3 year old can be given the means to kill someone.

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To be honest in the US, most crimes are already Minority Reports

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If you bought the product we don't need to worry about losing money anymore bro

It doesn't need to pass. Those people won't see cells anyways. They're going to be disappeared and it will be blamed on hamas.

I had this. What i did was consider what the best title/type of company i could get with respect to career growth and turned down interviews for everything that wasnt that.

I came VERY close to changing my search parameters after about three months of looking with no firm offer. I landed one of the ones i wanted. Pay isnt on the upper end for the title but its still the title and a large company.

If i had to rush i probably would have taken a much shittier role with far less growth opportunity.

I am a highly trained professional with 10 years experience though so ymmv.

The bread analogy dies at the same point that the piracy argument dies. It isnt truly stealing to make a copy of something.... and it doesnt cost a developer more effort the more people that download their app.

Yes i would download a car.

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Nevermind! I see what was said was that the unions can pay striking workers but it wont be the standard rate. So striking could cause lost wages.

This is so accurate. I worked in a haunted house briefly and there are a lot of people who went to film school, but never did anything with it after their capstone project or whatever.

Not sure that is valuable anymore. They say when something becomes the benchmark it ceases to be a useful metric.

That is to say marketing departments have been long aware of peoples use of reddit and have sewed themselves into the fabric of the "what do you recommend" posts.

It might be useful to make sure you arent buying trash, but it wont ever give you the unbiased best answer on those recommended threads.

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Everyone works (at least partially) from home now. If you havn't taken a box of office supplies home yet you are probably braindead.

Hotels with dorm like shower systens maybe could work. I think something like a hostel.

That being said you cant charge much when you are forcing customers to share bathrooms.

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First responders have to develop a bit of a callous to gruesome scenes, because those that don't end up not being able to do the job.

The humor is likely a facade that exists to protect him and those around him from the reality of an unfortunate situation that they can not change.

If you've ever spent time with EMTs, you will know what I'm talking about. Those guys do not get paid enough and joke about everything in all the worst ways. Still, if you ever get one of them drunk and pry about something they glossed over, they're as likely to cry as to keep cracking jokes.

It isn't a good look, but these guys are still human.

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Yeah i would imagine as a percentage of their income it is at least a double digit %

Bit of a stretch to say only. I know several middle class people who are renting and would be in a much better position if rent dropped and housing dropped.

Admittedly those middle class who already own a home would be affected.

I've heard it discussed in a few interviews as well. The thought process is that the larger networks are not willing to deal with the legal liability of being sued for someones distress by taping.

You can really tell if you pay attention because none of those pranks ever end violently or harshly. Contrast that with MTV's punkd for example.

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My mini drone can be heard from 200 feet up easily if you are underneath it. If its 100 or lower everyone around can hear it. 400feet is the maximum allowed height.

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If you want someone to give you a simple answer ask them a close ended question.

For example, "Should I do A or B?" If you ask for "this or that" it is clear to the listener that you considered your options already and have invested sufficient thought to your question. Therefore they can just offer you their opinion as it is asked.

If you ask "What should I do?" The listener has no idea where your head is at so it feels like their job to justify their answer.

Alternatively if you ask A or B and the correct answer is C then the listener may feel the need to correct your understanding because you asked for their assistance. The same teach a man to fish vs give a man a fish analogy applies here. Noone wants to repeatedly fish for the peraon too lazy to learn.

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Gotta wonder if the competition from airbnb kept hotel prices lower. I do agree with you though.

By not allowing Ukrainian drones to destroy part of the Russian military (!) fleet

I think this quote is where we all need to take a step back. People are essentially blaming him for not empowering one warring party's ability to attack another.

It doesn't matter which side you are on. He doesnt immediately become responsible for everything that the russians do with the soldiers and equipment that weren't killed/destroyed in the attack.

This is also assuming the drone attack would have been successful.

I wouldn't call it interference it was just refusal to play.

The type of attitude used here is a very childish "you are with me or you are against me" take that everyone publicly recognizes as wrong.

I would def prefer a ukrainian victory, but you guys treat musk like he is some sort of chaos god and all knowing entity or something.

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Ive only ever heard of high treason

Let's see those kernel vulnerabilities!!!

Mini 3 pro. Thats probably true about the rpm i have no idea tho

Im a journalist!

And this post is my journal. Please respect my 11/9 review

It's designed to offer a firm take on the nuanced issue. A lot of people feel like they are tired of being told they are crazy (on both sides).

It feels like if someone (self) inserts gender where he says sex here, they are looking for reasons to be upset.

Are you saying riding once a week impacted 7 days worth of symptoms?

If it was then someone who lives there may have been able to see it and can say that.

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Always heard Zach Braff was a bit of a prick but i agree with him. You can't relentlessly bother someone to their face, invade their personal space, offer no apology, and be surprised when they feel like they are backed into a corner then lash out like an animal.

I may have reacted differently, but he was probably in the right.

You mean he chose to do nothing rather than something. The starlink access was never turned ON

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emergency request to turn on satellite access

Is exactly what happened.

He did not act.

If its free you are the product.

I don't disagree, but what evidence was produced that we can't see?

I have evidence that you diddle 12 year olds, but noone is allowed to see it. You're a reddit mod so it would be on brand.

See what I mean?

I think we owe the claim some level of skepticism if theres no proof provided.

You could even put an etch mark in the tank if you were the tech to fix the problem after the fact.

Nice goalpost move!

My response was to your callous comment.

Tell that to the women and children living in ukraine.

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Just because you call it treason doesnt make it treason.

Just as you pointed out, replace defend itself with attack Russia.

Hows it sound then?

Also as was pointed out it was never activated so its not like he deactivated it. Your analogy doesnt stand.

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I like the upvote to downvote ratio. This is something that everyone can get behind.

The (radical) left: "Billionaires commit hate speech as we expected."

The (radical) right: "Billionaires are based as fuck and don't care about political correctness."

At least everyone finds this newsworthy!

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Exceptions exist to every rule.

If someone responds like that they've said a lot (about themseleves)in very few words. It is still helpful.

This is a fair point. I didnt really pay as much attention as to how it all went down, i know they blew up a tank and a few people died and hostages were taken. All that being said, it is illegally conquered land and it is immediately next to a military installation.

Havent heard about rape yet

That woulda been a very different movie

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