
8 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do computery stuff i guess.

Why did i choose this server? Mainly because shonk funni :)

trans, flat

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genderless plugs

so these would be versatile then?

THe problem is, Discord in't really the type of platform for a good chunk of FOSS users though. Discord activly scans Messages vor activity that might break their ToS, even private Chats. This is a privacy violation which i and many other find to be quite uncool. This means you might lack the more privacy-focused users opinions.

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I hate those disposable vapes with a passion, but hey at least i get free li-ion cells from my classmates empty ones

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she's a girl :)

what the fuck xD

stamp serial in cheese wheel, then sign that number (or sth else) cryptographically and load that into the chip. have some server to check if your serial is uniqe and signed tho yiu could just stamp a qr code into the cheese and make them register the serial on the uniqe-ness server

see this shit is why im in favor of downvotes

Im mainly Ken-fused...

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bring a laptop. if you want an external one, they most of the time only need usb and if not, probably a 12V power brick

sorry for not making this clear enough in my original comment:

I would be concerned that a sizable chuck of the FOSS community would refuse to join a discord, on priciple, because they won't support a company that is going against all of their ideals.

  1. Heat vaseline in a small container or on a spoon
  2. Suck up into syringe
  3. Inject liberally into veins switches, connectors, and other electronic moving parts that I'd like to be waterproof. (0. Cover PCB in nail polish or specially-made products)
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technically you can't trust me, but the code is right there and should be easy enough to understand so that you can verify im not doing anything shady. otherwise "trust me bro"

a shitload. 64000 if it were simple text only stuff with 1MB per book, 640 if it were 100MB chonkers full of images

The logo is shown while the image is still loading or if it can't be loaded.

Would certianly look cooler with an all crystal-blue roof

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i think [REDACTED] opinion is wrong. [REDACTED] might not have thought through that this makes [REDACTED] language a bit cumbersome

where is that image from?

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German Grammar Fun Fact: In german, "you" is either "dich" when directed at a single person, or "euch", when directed at a group of people (or some super stuck up noble person, which luckily dont exist anymore in todays germany).

This GGFF has been brought to you by: 🤓 the nerd emoji

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there is wool and a needle though, you just have to compile your socks yourself

Smells a little like rage bait, doesn't it?

Remember ashley: only you can truly know and say who and what you are. Somone telling you, that you're not a girl, does not change anything about you. You got this, and things will get better!

also, did you type this out on a terminal emulator? the font fits that green a at the cent could be from ashley@thinkpad or sth as the username@hostname things seems to be green most of the time

There are lots of resources online, for example bigclives videos.

This is the gist:

Depends on the kind of model, but usually you have two caps one one tube. If you take the one opposite to the mouthpiece out with a pair of plyers, you can usually slide the electronics out. Cut the wire at the battery and there you go. Just be careful: they usually are the pouch type, wich means its not that hard to squish, puncture or bend them, which might anger the spicy chemicals inside enough to have it ignite. Put them in the little plastic containers for photigraphic film rolls, pills, or something else rigid. Usually they have solder tabs that you can poke through the lid and bottom to connect to them. You can also solder some wire to these tabs instead.

Make sure to always follow safety precautiobs for small lithium cells, for example not heating it above 50°C. You might also want to add a cheap single li-ion cell protection PCB

You can repurpose them for low-power applications like wireless sensors. If you need more capacity, solder them in parallel, after making sure they are at the same voltage +-0.1V

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i am going to blindly trust you.

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Anything i heared in an ad and more than a few time (i love adblockers)

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This is the internet. You can say "fuck"

where image? (you can edit in one after the fact)


This is not a repair channel, but you might like "The Secret Life of Machines", a small british tv sgow that explained certain technologies and was run by basically 2 british lads. one of them is still around and has a YouTube channel

I dont think Andoid Auto works on MicroG, but the other apps will probably work or can atleast be made to with some prodding

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With a large enough thumbdrive, you can ;)

back up your stuff

gurl 👍 :3

disc drives usually dont work on android unless they have a soecisl mode which "translates" the disc filesystem so it looks like FAT32 to the phones.

Yeah, im using the list of all lemmy communities from browse.feddit.de (all known servers, not just feddit.de)

the capacity would be the same. the runtime is just lower because you draw more power

if you draw the same wattage (NOT amperage)from a 3Series or 3Paralell pack, it will last for the same time

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If it keeps you from living a happy life, it's never "the right thing to do" to stay with someone, be that your "family", bad "friends" or whoverer else. If you can find a way out of that mess and into a better place, take it.

Daaaad, get off the phone twitter, i want to use the internet twitter.