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Joined 10 months ago

Just want to say good luck. Someone brought me one of these and asked to make it ready to be their university laptop in 2013. I worked real hard not to laugh because money was obviously tight but I just told them to return the pos to Amazon.

Let's not pretend alt tabbing a source game was possible pre 2013

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That's largely irrelevant unless a gov employee is going to sit behind everyone with server access and make sure nothng is ever touched in an Unlogged unapproved way no?

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I'll be the guy in this thread, I switched to mint for everything except CS2 (Wtf valve fix your native client) and will not be looking back.

Try the library, might save you a buck if they have digital media.

Every time I think about building a deck my planning gets disrupted once I realize I dont have access to the easiest tools for the job.

get mad all you want but I'm thinking of this as a capitalist issue, and game corporations only care about your money, not your convenience

Them not caring about the consumer is what is causing them issue.

You lookin like this right now

Exhibit A: see how Google idly fucks with Firefox by getting it to run around in circles the way you might idly taunt your friends cat with a laser pointer

What is this referring to?

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How fucked are you?

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Are you bothered by someone providing more context? What is it you are adding here?

Unfortunately chromebooks have been one of the cheapest options for a whole now and have been being introduced all over school systems in the US so kids are used to them and uninformed parents will continue to buy what they know meete school requirements.

Everyone that can definitely should switch to Firefox.

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That's not the case, there's an ALDI north and south. The brothers Albrecht split because of a dispute on weather or not they should sell cigarettes. ALDI = Albrecht Discount.

What do you mean when you say platform? You can definitely report a steam profile and also users within their modern games (cs2/dota) for comms abuse.

You'd be best to not repeat pr statements if you don't know about the underlying technology then. Companies will say whatever they think sounds best and won't immediately get them in obvious trouble.

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I stopped for a long while after Adam and during the pandemic and I have to agree. Patricks chemistry with everyone is great, the Ryan lore well runs infinitely deep and they cast in general seems to be having more fun.

It's a similar kind of content it always was but it's making me laugh like it used to so I can't complain.

Brought u this thing with Lawrence, Bruce and KassemG is also pretty excellent.

The canonball run records also involve teams of people driving ahead with radios so they can do stretches of 120+

Funny this was also the league model when they were releasing champions practically every month

How can I run a sudo command automatically on startup? I need to run sudo alsactl restore to mute my microphone from playing In my own headphones on every reboot. Surely I can delegate that to the system somehow?

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For what purpose would he attach his baby of X to the Twitter he is intentionally trying to kill?

The No Use for a Name cover was my first exposure to the song for any punk fans. Unfortunately the Pogues didn't seem all that well known (or at least discussed/played) in my neck of the woods.

Saw this trailer the other day that might interest you, it's an offline type mmo where all the other players are simulated. Erenshor Offline MMO Trailer

There definitely was a shift. People and subreddits that existed before the mass influx of phone / app users tended to hold onto the hate of emojis but there was definitely no stopping all the newer younger users that didn't know and rightfully wouldn't care about what smileys are acceptable on a forum :)

For any wannabe car rappers, Lewis and Clark with his brother Herbal T was my go to Wax track

VPN to EU countries for all general article reading it is then. Fuck this is getting obnoxious.

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I switched to mint this year with a Nvidia 4080. so far I have been able to get everything I need running with minimal or no involvement. Counterstrike 2 is the most obnoxious which requires me to disable my secondary monitors. That doesn't happen with anything else and most new games have been good.

If you don't play something with an ajticheat you know is incompatible with Linux I'd definitely reccomend jumping.

IT departments are hopefully getting LTSC editions and installing their own images thst hopefully have 99% of this disabled. Apple is it's own pain when it comes to administration.

Black plague is even better, best Frictional game to date imo.

I swear my tastes are much more varied than this screenshot would lead you to beleive.

But also post your favorite punk songs

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Why am I paying them to allow consumers (which I am a group member) to get fucked over?

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I think It's just called counter strike officially, I'm not sure it actually says 1.6 anywhere anymore

Half life games are on sale right now. If hl1s graphics are too dated for you black mesa is a remake of the first game that is fantastic.

FEAR 1 is also goated

I think about the jitterbug crew regularly

It's too early for me to know if this is 3 layers of irony but Pitchfork was one of the most influential taste-maker's when it came to that kind of indy / rock / whatever scenes through like 2010? Had music festivals and stuff too.

Based on what? Technically of course all the data points will exist in their system to make those determinations but weather or not they have anything in place or plan to any time soon.

People should find ways to degoogle however and if they are very paranoid about something like this best bet would be to export your subscriptions to a new dummy Gmail just for YouTube.

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Pretty fun album, my girlfriend jokes it would be her pro wrestling walk out music.

Makes sense to me, the fact you went of your way to specify your hate for them made me had to ask.

Does anyone actually know anyone thst can provide a first hand account of selling an item for upwards of 10k in the past 3 years? Everyone I know just repeats Twitter posts as evidence

This one seemed perfect but nothing lasts after the reboot for whatever reason. If i manually re-enable the service its all good so I suspect theres no issue with the below - I added the after=multi-user.target after the first time it didn't hold after reboot.

Description=Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones
ExecStart=alsactl restore


When I run a status check it shows it deactivates as soon as it runs

Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: Started Runs alsactl restore to fix microphone loop into headphones.
Apr 11 20:32:24 XXXXX systemd[1]: alsactl-restore.service: Deactivated successfully.
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