1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think you just fell for quite an obvious case of sarcasm.

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As a Swede who don't really care about cars (wouldn't own one if it wasn't necessary for where I live and what I do for work), and hadn't kept up with Musk, or Tesla overall, I simply just test drove electric vehicles until I found one that fit my needs, and that was the model 3. This was a few years ago, and I will never buy a Tesla again.

I actually still like the car, but I feel embarrassed driving it around now that I know more about the company and Musk...

Not in a financial position to change car atm, but if I was, I'd definitely go for an Ioniq 6 this time around.

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Worst part is that they actually started out kind of great, and killed all alternatives. Then they became progressively worse because of their predatory algorithms and whatnot, and now it's borderline impossible to get friends and family to switch to an alternative like mastodon or pixelfed...

Pop!_OS is another great alternative!

Funny how you mention performance as something than matters when claiming nobody is allowed to take a piss at denuvo, when denuvo is known to hamper performance in some cases.

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I can highly recommend either using windows as a VM in virtualbox, or simply dual boot. I'm using Linux 99% of the time, but I still boot into windows occasionally for some firmware updates or software that does not work with Linux.

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I'm using EndeavourOS on one PC, and Pop_OS! on another. After a bunch of distrohopping (pure arch, manjaro, Linux mint, fedora, etc.), these are the two I like the most and have decided to settle for (for now at least lol).

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Now this has me curious, what devices are those? Since transitioning to Linux I've installed it on a Mac, a surface pro 4, an old Lenovo laptop, an Asus laptop from 2014, my dedicated LAN desktop PC and my main desktop gaming PC, and none of those have had any issues.

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I've been working with pretty much top tier vision tech, and it's still so far off from being viable enough. It's insane how well it works, but to use it in a dynamic environment driving around on roads... Pure madness to believe it will be enough with only cameras in like the next 10-15 years at least (imo).

I bought a Tesla despite my hatred for Musk because it was the only reasonable alternative when it came to electric cars where I live at the time, and got one of the old ones with lidar and cameras. I have this super weak shimmer of hope that they will go back to using both again, since the warning systems and their "autopilot" feel way shittier than it used to since they've allegedly patched away the lidar.

You can also test driving in direct sunlight without sunglasses or the suncover. You get notifications and beeping noises whenever the sun hits them directly, making the lane assist (I refuse to call it autopilot) quite irrational in most weather... It's actually worse for me than driving in cold weather.

Wanna know what's even worse? My M3 is equipped with LIDAR, but the functionality has been patched away because they don't want to develop for it since all their new cars only have cameras... So even though I have what's in practice a way better system equipped, my lane assist (won't call it autopilot) is still 100% dependent on the fucking cameras...

I'd take 10h shreksophone over 3 of those 4 years worth of netflix content any day of the week!

What about the defederation of the wookies?

Nothing unsafe with driving a Tesla manually, the risk comes from using their "autopilot". The cars are quite nice and safe tbh, but fucker Musk's experimental snake oil "features" are not.

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I was a member of IF Metall about a decade ago, and back then I recall paying some absurd amount like 700kr+ (for reference I didn't make more than like 20kkr at the time). They were also atrocious to deal with, but hopefully that's just true for my local department.

Unionen on the other hand has been great to deal with from personal experience, and like you said, costs borderline nothing to be a member of.

Copied from their front page:

Why Rhino Linux?

Rhino Linux re-invents the Ubuntu experience as a rolling release distribution atop a stable Desktop Environment. Pacstall is at the very heart of the distribution, providing essential packages such as the Linux kernel, Firefox, Rhino Linux specific applications and theming.

We use sane defaults. The XFCE Desktop environment is used for its stable and rock-solid base. Pacstall, our package manager of choice will always provide the latest software, even software that is not available in the Ubuntu repositories, and our custom XFCE configuration provides a traditional desktop that just works, so you can instantly begin using your computer.

Oh man, this looks so much easier than when I installed Lineage on the Poco F1! Might go for it now that I've got a pixel 7

You get a lot of recommendations for Mint here, but I'd like to toss in a recommendation for Pop!_OS. Also based on Ubuntu without all the crap. I would say the biggest difference between pop and mint is the UI, as Mint comes standard with cinnamon and pop with Gnome (soon cosmic) as their DE's.

Just take a look at those two and choose one of them, they are both great distros, and absolutely the two I would recommend to just about anyone. Easy to use and very straightforward for new people trying out Linux.

I have the same setup, blocked internet access for the cameras and instead access them through my NVR (or HA). Definitely the way to go for any privacy conscious techhead! Also allows you to freely exchange any camera for any other brand to avoid being locked into a single ecosystem.

Imo it's been very easy. I recommend starting out by installing it on old hardware you don't care about anymore, or in a VM, just to get a feel for if it's something you feel is worth your time getting into, and if you want to keep using it, you can dual boot it along with windows. I particularly recommend PopOS as a great Linux distro to start out with, as it's a simpler and in most ways better fork of Ubuntu.

As it doesn't cost more than your time, and as long as tinkering with stuff like this is something you're at least somewhat interested in, I don't see any reason not to try it out again. But as with everything, there's no guarantee Linux is perfect for your use cases and you might be better off with windows, so don't feel bad for sticking with it if that's the case for whatever reason!

That's understandable then, a lot has happened and the installation process in most distros is extremely user friendly and automated these days.

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I agree with FarLine that bottles is way better than Lutris. I still believe Heroic launcher is better than bottles for Epic/GoG/Prime games, but Battle.net and sc2 for example was so much easier to get up and running on bottles compared to lutris!

I'm all for wind/solar expansion, but we shouldn't underplay the challenges of keeping grid stability with pure renewables with the technology we have available today. As it stands, I think it would be great and borderline necessary to also expand nuclear power production alongside renewables for now.

For a small country like Sweden, producing everything in nuclear would destroy the market mechanism on pricing, leaving then with a monopoly.

Nobody except for maybe our far right party SD is calling for this, and the odds of us going this far backwards is close to zero. The amount of nuclear production needed to render all other means of production up here obsolete and uncompetitive is insane.

Like others have said, file sharing works pretty well with NTFS. I've had some issues playing games on steam that are on NTFS drives, but most work well. Also some issues accessing files from Cura for some reason. Other than that I have had no issues sharing files between w11 and Linux.

If you can, I recommend getting a dedicated SSD to install Linux on, and I'd recommend getting PopOS or Linux Mint as your distro. Both are Debian/Ubuntu derivatives, but are even easier and just overall better distros than Ubuntu imo, and most hardware and software will be compatible ootb without any tinkering.

Granted I'm kind of new to mastodon, but I've found fosstodon to be great this far.

Does it just close or is there a very low res splash screen? I believe these are two issues I've had. The first was resolved by unplugging my second monitor and setting the desktop resolution to 1080p from 4k, the second was resolved by just waiting it out for probably over 15 minutes!

The only example of this I can remember is the launch of Apex Legends, and that was amazing. Came out of nowhere, hit like a bombshell, and is still printing money.

Would be interesting to see if more games could pull it off!

Tip for bots are stupid, it's currently in a bundle at fanatical for about the same cost as just the game on steam!

The article is quite interesting, but I wonder how if the accident rating accounts for times when it's disabled just moments before impact? From personal experience, I was a second away from disaster yesterday when my M3 decided to breakcheck a truck on the highway because one of the cameras got disabled due to dirt or a ray of sunshine or something. Granted, I don't have FSD, but just the glorified lane-assist version of autopilot.

I'd also heard that before I got my M3 in 2021, but except for the terrible paint they use that can't handle even the smallest stone chips, I have no issues with it at all. A lot of people I've driven around has also been surprised with the quality/feeling of the car after hearing the same thing.

Nope, I'm using Wayland. I went through the steps in this guide: https://itslinuxfoss.com/set-custom-resolution-using-xrandr/?utm_content=cmp-true

Isn't it even more or less just a checkbox for them (game developers) to enable? That's what I read when I first heard about it getting Linux compatibility, but maybe it was hyperbole.

I was fine with w10, but my god w11 has been a real pita for me. Had used Linux on laptops for quite some time before, but w11 was what finally pushed me into transitioning into Linux primarily on my main desktop PC as well.

I've been getting fairly good battery life on arch and popOS on my laptop. Think it depends a bit on what laptop you've got as well. If I were to guess I'd say my current pop install gets ~10% less battery life than on windows, while I was probably even closer than that on arch after a bit of tinkering.

I'm sorry, but your parallel shows how you've got this wrong.

It's ok to demonstrate against Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and even countries like Russia, China, or USA.

It is NOT ok to demonstrate against Muslims, Jews, bhuddists, or Russians, Chinese, or Americans.

The KKK marching in white robes are classed as hate speech, because they hate a group of people.

Burning the Qur'an is not hate speech because it shows a hatred for Islam, not Muslims.

If we start to ban stuff like this we're heading towards a slippery slope we don't want to go down.

HOWEVER, I believe you could see it more as hate speech when it's obviously directed at, for example, Turkish people when you burn it outside their embassy. And that's what this discussion should be about, because it's a whole different thing burning the Qur'an at "plattan" in central Stockholm compared to outside a countries' embassy. I haven't paid much attention to Rasmussen either, but if his intent is "Muslims are bad" instead of "limit amount of refugees", I believe that can be classified as hate speech as well.