2 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Big-dicked frog-man

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I love my silicon at 3090ºC. You can sip it and enjoy it with some cheese on the side.

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Ah, the famous satellite “half of a Saturn V rocket”. You donkey

It’s the relativistic velocity addition formula, which makes zero sense in non-relativistic scenarios, but it’s useful because it caps the velocity addition to just below c.

EDIT: I misread. Yeah, even if correct you can’t just write down a formula and use it without justifying what it does or where it comes from.

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That is kind of true, but you need to consider the alternative: Reddit was going to remove the mods and install some more obedient ones, so it’s basically “making the sub public” or “making the sub public but shittier”. Furthermore, in the long run this will cause people to get bored so they’ll engage less, and either stop using Reddit or look for an alternative sub, which fragments subs even more and males Reddit shittier in general.

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What’s bothering me is not really that it’s upside down.


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This is absolutely brilliant. Perfect ELI5, thanks! Would you be so kind to make it so it’s about the binary thing with computers?

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Jesus H. Christ

That is one of the prettiest natural rifles I’ve ever seen. It even has the hammer.

I literally don’t get it. I just don’t. Where do people do that? Online somewhere? On TikTok? Help

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Johnny Sins would probably be a more competent CEO than Spez by wearing a suit and fucking someone on the couch.

I’ve always tried understanding this floating point thing, but I never could. Could anyone here please ELI5?

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Oh no

Not with the pigeon-fucking again.

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Unforgettable song

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Wear that shit as a badge of honor

Always has been a slur. It’s an extremely rude word to use.

Could you elaborate on the “zionist” thing? I haven’t really followed the Israel situation (I tried, but it’s just so complicated). What I heard, is that “zionist” is used when talking about the Israel activity in “taking” territory from the surrounding area, is that correct or did I just misunderstand? If I’m not wrong, then what happens when people start going on about it?

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You’re absolutely right. I probably should have specified that in this context, that formula comes completely out of the blue and is not really appropriate, so I feel like in this case it warrants a bit of explanation.

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Something something, RimjobSteve

The guy smiling, showing what he will talk about with the names of the technologies and an overall evaluation of which is “better” is that clickbaity to you? Come on.

I guess it’s for the pressure difference? If you have your mouth open, your lungs expand and contract together with the pressure difference because of the explosion.

This answer is great! Thanks!

Admiral from Monster Hunter World

I’m in! I’m more of a lurker, but I’ve studied ML and I use it in my work, and in general it’s a very interesting subject!

Personally, I just feel bad for Apollo's creator and mods (the good ones) who spent so much time carefully taking care of a community they love, so in a sense I wish Reddit would come to their senses and axe that fucker CEO and revert to reasonable API changes. But it's mostly wishful thinking. Besides, now I would feel bad if Reddit managed to go back to being good because that would mean that this aswesome Lemmy thinghy would go back into the shadows, while it deserves so much attention imho.

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Aw man, I don’t get it :(

Is there an iOS app?

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This shit is quadratic yo

Damn right. I've been using Reddit for years, and after this shitshow I moved to Lemmy and honestly, it doesn't feel that much different. I don't make content, nor do I moderate, so I just scroll and lurk, and comment sometimes, and Lemmy has a steep, extremely short learning curve (you can call it simply a barrier to entry), but after understanding very few basic concepts, this shit feels as natural as Reddit. Besides, I'm testing the Memmy app for iOS and it's improving exponentially. I seriously feel like Lemmy can become a good alternative, for real, not for the memes.

I wanted to share my opinion here because I don’t know where to do it: Syndicate is very enjoyable! I’ve read all kinds of bad reviews about it, but now that I’m playing it I like it a lot. Just my humble opinion from a guy more into the original AC mechanics, not the open world approach.

It's obviously complicated. I still think this "meming the issue" approach is temporary, but I don't know what whill make it stop. I do agree that the best way to say "fuck you spez" is to write it somewhere on Reddit and then leave, but I can sympathize with the mods who care depply for something they have spent so much time nurturing and shaping with zero economic benefits, who can't just let go right away. If it were me, I'd also be so pissed I'd rather destroy what I created than give it intact to someone else. Kind of toxic, but it's human behavior. Christ, I've been using Apollo for so long that I felt personally attacked by POS spez's words even though I'm just another user of the app, I can't fathom what Christian feels right now.

We'll see in a few days/weeks what comes out of this, and how the protest will evolve. For now, I'm enjoying this giant "fuck you" people are screaming at Reddit.