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I think that's a gross mischaracterization. Are you a developer or have any experience with open source projects?

Borrowing, modifying and extending other people's code is fundamental to modern software development and completely commonplace. He just moved too fast and forgot to provide proper credit, which this post clearly explains.

Most restaurants in America as they exist now should not exist. We're essentially all subsidizing low quality, frozen food.

Agreed. I was never on Digg, but was on reddit for several years before the Great Diaspora. I remember the epic web comics telling the story of how the Digg invasion happened. What some people forget to include in the retelling of those days is that there was not just one, isolated incident that led to Digg's downfall.

Like all mass migrations in human history, there were multiple waves. The last was the biggest, but only because the previous waves had already gone out and created something new for the masses to move on to.

I think this will be similar. We'll see people move back to Reddit in a couple of days, but in July the mobile apps shut down and another wave will likely be generated.

But that would be contrary to Reddit's actual goals, which is to monetize their user's data as much as possible. They can't do that if third party apps are providing a better experience, so they are trying to force everyone to use only the website and apps that are directly controlled by Reddit. So they can track our behavior and sell more ads.

Higher education is not liberal leaving a priori. It's just that acknowledging reality and facts, and even just some parts of scientific consensus, is completely incompatible with agreeing with anything the GOP does or says.

I see where you are coming from, but it's really the only way to protest at the individual level. Reddit's value is the users and mods and the content we create. Destroying that is the best way to not only devalue Reddit's upcoming IPO, but to actually have a chance of getting the current admins to realize they are sowing their own downfall.

I look at this as a lesson for the wider Internet culture. We spent the last decade forgetting that it's about decentralizing and niche communities, not walled gardens controlled by single individuals or companies. That let to some great things, perhaps, but it also means the system was less resilient to change.

I'm hoping that in a few years we will look back and realize that the Fediverse, in all of its many forms and motivations, helped restore a bit of what the original promise of the Internet and the web had. At the very least, I hope to one day see the 2015-2023 era as a low point.

The counter to this is the belief / rumor that studios have been hoarding unproduced scripts for years to prepare for exactly this scenario. One of the big complaints of the WGA is getting rid of "mini rooms" where a few writers put together scripts for an entire season, but those writers are not retained throughout the rest of production.

It would be very easy to use this system to intentionally create scripts that only a few people know about and don't need to be paid in the future if that project eventually moves forward.

So weird to suggest leaving NATO as the solution to other participants allegedly not contributing their fair share. I guess this is one of those "take the ball and go home" compromises I've heard about?

They are way passed being able to do anything.

Reddit staff have no idea how their platform works or how their users actually interact with the site. It's completely embarrassing and unprofessional to the point of straight up incompetence.

They are just lying. Blaming LLMs is just a convenient, topical target. If that was really a problem, why did they not react anytime in the last few years when thimgs like ChatGPT were actually gathering their initial data? It's not like this tech popped up or of nowhere, it's been around for awhile but just recently became a mainstream story due to the increased access.

The 20216 election was incredibly close. It doesn't take much to influence the final result with narrow margins, especially when considering our archaic voting system which significantly over-represents less populated areas (i.e. changing a few hundred votes in one district can be more influential than another district with 10x as many voters if all of those voters are more politically consistent).

Maybe I am just am ignorant American, but Joe is Johnson at all comparable to Trump in terms of overthrowing democracy? I don't recall anyone storming Parliament or Boris claiming any elections were rigged.

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Do you have a solution to enacting progressive policy that doesn't require electing a bunch of Democrats to create, introduce and vote on said legislation?

Social media companies generally benefit from high traffic for advertiser appeal, but combating bots is crucial for maintaining user trust and engagement. Implementing CAPTCHAs for every upvote may not be feasible, but addressing bot activity is generally in the long-term interest of social media companies.

This message was generated by ChatGPT.

Not sure if you bought that, but if I was applying for an account on Beehaw using a LLM assistant, I bet the odds of passing a human review is better than 50%.

If they want to keep our data, realistically nothing we can do will stop them.

I had the same mental debate when I deleted my Facebook account years ago and realized I just don't have any power in this situation. I am deleting things mostly for my benefit; it's symbolic, like throwing away the remaining pack of cigarettes. That act by itself does nothing, but it sure doesn't hurt my chances of actually kicking the habit.

In this case, even if the data is still buried somewhere in Reddit's servers, if enough people do the same it will destroy any "value" that Reddit has left as a company. Trying to undo all of that would be a massive, likely impractical undertaking that I'm comfortable betting simply won't happen.

Made the switch from Podcast Addict recently and I'm pretty happy. It's much more stable (especially with casting) and I like the queue system, but I do wish I had a bit more flexibility in applying download/update rules to whole categories instead of only one show at a time.

It's working, too. The Forbes article which I saw posted either here or on Kbin didn't even push back on Huffman's claim that traffic from LLMs was the reason for the price hike, and I haven't seen any big publication use the audio or transcripts showing a slam-dunk case of slander (or libel, whichever one applies to text) against the Apollo developer.

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there are no particular rules that can prevent fascism

100% truth. Democracy cannot defend itself against actors that don't agree with the common principle of following the law, and fascists by their very nature don't acknowledge any law buy physical might.

Might be?

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I think I see where you are coming from, but there does need to be a line where we can just acknowledge reality.

What’s the reason behind thinking half of them are acting in bad faith? Is that because you disagree with them?

This is especially galling when talking about the Supreme Court specifically. McConnell refused to do his legal duty and allow a vote on the current President's nomination to replace Ginsburg. He and his party said this was because it was unfair to seat a new Justice during an election year.

Several years later, the exact same people rushed through a nomination and confirmation of a new Justice just weeks before the 2020 election. The two situations are as close to identical as can be practical with two real-world examples.

Please explain how this should be interpreted in a way that can be described as "operating in good faith".

Depends entirely on the subreddit, in my experience. Places like AskHistorians didn't even exist when the great Digg exodus occurred. My favorite sub was /r/cfb which also benefited greatly from the mainstream popularity.

Not coincidental that both of these are relatively strongly moderated compared to many of the biggest/default subs.

She did not do "essentially the same thing" for multiple reasons.

  • The emails you're referring to were not classified and went through proper process to get permission to be removed.
  • Hillary has already been investigated and cleared, including investigations conducted by the Trump administration.
  • Trump was given multiple opportunities to return documents. He kept lying and keeping things even after saying they'd returned everything. There are still classified docs that haven't been found!
  • The nature of the material is orders of magnitude different. Nothing that Hillary has been accused of destroying or storing improperly, even if those accusations were all true, even begins to compare to the sensitivity and importance of the kind of information Trump was hoarding.
  • In addition to simply possessing the material he shouldn't and refusing to give it back, he also breached security by showing sensitive information to people that weren't allowed and, just at a practical level, has no reasonable need to see it in the first place.

Why are even we talking about someone that was never President, is not running for President, and is not currently serving in public office?

Investigate and prosecute all criminals. That includes Trump, regardless of who else it also includes.

I admire your compassion and empathy.

But I think you are missing that the people Darryl talked to had to also be open to that conversation in the first place.

Moreover, the physical risk in that approach is quite high and the level of violence in the modern GOP's rhetoric has just continued to ratchet up every year. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend the same approach in this situation. Most of the people that we'd need to replicate what Davis did are in no position to put themselves in that kind of situation--and presumed allies like myself can only do so much.

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I am not sure how to interpret "no more influencers" as anything but the primary upside.

Mostly that's a joke, but to be clear I do acknowledge that the same model that supports 'influencers' which I don't watch, also support creators that I do watch. On the other hand, most of the creators I care about already don't rely on ads, but accept donations via Patreon or equivalent, so maybe it wouldn't change anything after all!

Because Davis was a grown adult when he started doing this, not a teenager or younger that is already much more likely to be a victim of violence.

I never said we shouldn't try to have a conversation, but there are situations where I cannot recommend putting yourself in harm just for the small chance of changing someone's mind. Davis decided to do that, but it's not everyone else's responsibility or duty to do the same.

I assume this is "good" as in the protest is having the effect we want.

Apollo, Sync, RIF and others have all announced that they are closing permanently. Some of the big subs have done the same.

I fully expect others to join. There were more subs that went dark by the end of yesterday than began the day!

What level of investigation that doesn't end up charging Clinton with a crime would you accept?

When the "something worse" is literal fascism, there are no other choices. Stopping fascism is more important than any progressive agenda item because those agenda items will never happen with fascists in power.

What progressive legislation that Congress passed has Biden vetoed?