0 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Woohoo! May he spend the rest of his days in prison.

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Oh FFS, lock him up already!

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I'm sure he has said similar things while committing child rape.

I wouldn’t tell you if I use Linux. I would tell YOU to use Linux. That reminds me… use Linux!

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I've done so on rare occasion, but every time it made stuff up. Wanted terraform examples for specific things... and it completely invented resource types that don't exist.

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You wouldn't have a chance, HR would have been notified instantly, because that's creepy A.F.

Probably one of the future utopias, where there is no need for material wealth, where we have reached the point of being able to upload (and download back again) our consciousness, so we can have virtual worlds and real ones. No scarcity. Where we've mastered wormholes for travel.

Why the hell not?!?

14 more...

Yes, actually. A few times, no joke. I just had the quick help of those around me to make sure I didn't stay dead.

I've heard they are doing this to comply with things like GDPR. If that's the case, and they are deleting accounts to not be storing personal information longer than allowed, then before closing your account, they should email you an encrypted bundle of your data that you could later send back to them to restore your account. It wouldn't be against those laws if they send it to you to keep... and it would provide you with a path back to full restoration.

Found the fed… ;)

Should have thought of that at least 2 years ago.

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Don't retain logs longer than you must for preventing attacks. They can't get what no longer exists.

It's primary write and maintainer killed his wife and went to prison. The fs stagnated after that.

Dump your highschool sweetheart, she's a cheating bitch when she goes off to college. Instead, date the girl you liked for 3 years but she didn't come around until you started dating the one who broke your heart. Though she was late to the game, and broke your heart 3 years straight... when she came to you with that 12 page letter, she was legit. She found and married the guy who was just like you and they lived happily... until covid killed her early on in the covid saga. But if she'd married me, she wouldn't have been in Georgia. She'd still probably have been a nurse, but not there. She might still be alive. Oh, and that rebound gal you dated, knocked up and married after the first gal, the cheater, broke your heart? She widows you. And shit just gets worse from there.

You know why. It requires stupid people.

So put up solar panels and quit complaining. :)


My wonderful and lovely wife.

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ZFS has deduplication, you just don't want to use it. As deduplication grows, it requires more and more RAM on the ZFS server. :(

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I'm left wondering which of them laughed because they're racist Nazis themselves, and which were laughing because they only serve the rich, and watching people do this to each other is a sweet irony to them. Nah, it's both, and it's sickening.

Is it hard? Didn't seem hard.

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You don't wish to see it kill off R?

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Why can't I see the 21 comments that are suppose to be in here?

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Can we have an option to enable opening a new tab on click? I hate when I forget to middle click or control left click, and losing my place of scroll.

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Can we have a filter for excluding memes, please? Some times I want them, some times I don't.

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I say it should be composed of undocumented immigrants. I mean, if they weren't in the country at the time, they must be impartial, yeah? ;)

And there is the dilemma... Do you allow a group of people who have casually committed or promoted genocides for hundreds of years continue to grow... or do you become what you hate and stop them?

To be clear, the so called target being discussed has been gleefully:

  • Lynching people of colour
  • Burning homes, churches, and killing entire towns of people of colour
  • Erasing the history and culture of indigenous peoples
  • Currently trying to erase the history of slavery
  • Promoting the extermination of the LGBTQ+
  • Taking away human rights
  • Actively pushing to limit voting to minorities
  • Removing or white washing science and history
  • Banning books with thoughts and ideals of other culture or identities
  • Acts of domestic terrorism

And more.

At what point do you stop protecting them as a justifiable group of people and treat them for what they are, white supremacist terrorists.

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With today's contractors? Good luck with that.

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Susceptible? It's their default position.

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We all swear to honour you by removing pico / nano from all systems everywhere.

Show's they need to be legislated to extinction globally.

I had emails back then from both home and work (and BBS rimemail and fido) all burned to CD's for archival. Found them 10 years ago in storage, none were still readable. :(

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Being shitty. Now I'm lucky, because I realize it. :)

For real.

Extension cord from the neighbors house... ;)

The water cooler. You?

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So instead of "Join a server", maybe something like, "Pick your Home. While the Lemmy is connected by this thing we like to call The Fediverse, choosing a Home for your account is like choosing who you want to share a dorm with. You aren't necessarily alike, but can see yourself living with and around these people. And because of this Fediverse, you can still visit all the other dorms, friends houses, and even a back alley or two."

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Throw him in the clink, already.

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Foldable just means more things to break. How is that better?