
8 Post – 318 Comments
Joined 10 months ago


Wiki is already updated. Sucks this guy sucks. Mad props to the studio though, they terminated a working relationship with their more prominent supporter when they could have tried to ignore the allegations.

NVM found it. Damn doc is getting lamer the more you learn about him. https://www.ggrecon.com/articles/dr-disrespect-calls-out-bethesda-over-starfield-pronouns/ Basically, Starfield mentions your pronoun after character creation and mentions that you can change your pronoun if you like. Doc then looks up someone from Starfield or something looking for their pronouns in the company website. He then says "Its all starting to make sense" in such a way that shows his disapproval of that option being in the game.

Its not some crazy event, but it just adds another thing to a pile of things that show he's kind of a crappy person. Starfield had mentioned they didn't want to partner with him due to the previous twitch controversy, I feel his continued actions (getting pissy over this option, that he could completely ignore) really proves Starfield's decision was a good one.

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I tried to look for something like this happening before and don't see anything. Maybe it's my bad searching skills, but this is definitely not great for Trump's plans. Not certain how convincing it is politically though.

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Ah thanks for the correction. Regardless my point still stands that these people were heavily armed/trained which I think is very surprising.

Anybody with experience want to talk about how/why this happened? Seems like part of the problem was the small opening on the right side of the plane. But I imagine its should be designed to not break so easily considering the use case. In addition, I'm surprised the canopy would open instead of staying locked. Good thing this pilot didn't panic and was experienced enough to still safely land the plane.

Lol I looked that one up. That was most definitely a meltdown as well LOL.

Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R)

I feel this takes some of the energy from the title. Better to have some ex Republicans supporting Biden rather than none of them, but I definitely would have wished it was someone actively in office.

Great quote from Duncan though:

Unlike Trump, I’ve belonged to the GOP my entire life. This November, I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass

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I guess the trap is that if white goes for Queen, black moves the bishop to take the pawn by the king. That bishop is protected by the knight nearby and forces the king to move. The only place the king can move is up. The other bishop is then moved to force a check mate. Did I get it right?

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Kind of sad to see the number of people celebrating his injury. His actions are reprehensible, but he has be sentenced and should be able to carry out that sentence without the threat of violence and death. This is partially the reason people who go to prison come out worse than when they went in.

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I feel like no one is addressing the fact that this shouldn't be happening very frequently as your making it sound. Either you're drinking too much, to the point of being alcoholic. That or something is wrong with your body.

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I feel you missed out a lot of things that Biden as done well and went out of your way to describe Biden as closely as possible to Trump.

Sometimes billionaires and people don't want a crazy insurrectionist in office.

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Speculating: I think its a form of marketing. In the US and in Europe, people don't care too much about the thickness of the plastics but in Japan and some other asian countries, thick plastic wrapping is a sign of good quality.

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Title is misleading. There are definitely boos, but the headline makes is seem like a majority were boos vs a mix of boos and cheering.

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So much this man. Guy was an asshole, but he and everyone else should be safe in prison.

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::: spoiler spoiler What's the most insulting thing anybody's every said to you? :::

What is a lesson your parents taught you, that you'd like to pass down to your children?

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Some of those critics this week highlighted social media posts of Katherine Maher, NPR’s CEO, praising Democrats, calling President Trump a racist and promoting progressive ideas.

I thought this could be pretty bad coming from a CEO of a news source, until I looked into it more. She had said those things before being the CEO of NPR, as a public citizen vs as the CEO of a neutral news source. Good job hill on not providing sufficient context.

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There's sort of 3 sides to the issue.

  • A pro Israel side, which includes people that believe all of Palestinian land should also be only theirs as well as people that maybe don't care about the land but care that Hamas is defeated and/or the Israeli hostages are saved
  • Pro Hamas side: people that believe that Israel should be destroyed and Israelis killed, partly because of the damage that they have done to Palestinians
  • Pro Palestinian side: Don't want innocent Palestinians being bombed, starved or shot by Israel. Some also want a 2 state solutions implemented.

I don't hear any real Pro Hamas people (since Hamas is very must a terrorist group), other than circumstantial ("Hamas is literally the only option Palestinians have aside the other side that is literally killing them"). Hamas basically wants to destroy Israel, which is what led to the October 7th attacks in which about 1,000 Israelis were killed. They felt that peace with Israel was not helping their goals, as Israel bombing Palestinians would help recruit more Hamas soldier with which to use to help destroy Israel.

The UN and many countries feel that despite Israel having the right to defend its citizens and attempt to infiltrate and destroy terrorists(Hamas), Israel is executing this plan in such a way that is unnecessarily killing thousands of innocent Palestinians(both through weapons but also starvation), about half of which are children.

A lot of the misinformation in regards to this topic are: "If you don't support Israel you're antisemitic", "You're either supporting Israel or you're supporting Hamas", "Palestinians overwhelming support Hamas", "Israelis completely support what their government is doing"

I'm too lazy to source the above so obviously assume I'm lying/wrong (same with anybody else not posting any sources). You should read actual articles from reliable new sources, but hopefully the above gives you some information to understand what those articles are talking about.

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How does it fit trans day?

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This article definitely brings up an interesting question of where do Republicans go from here? If Trump is beaten again, it feels like the Republican party will not drift to far from the anchor point that is Trump. It feels like every election going forward will be a close call with the death of american democracy until the Republican platform changes to accepting the election and acknowledging that Trump is dangerous.

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Lol what? Incumbents have a huge advantage in running. It would be selfish for him not to run.

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The raids have somewhat throttled Russian gasoline production, but probably not enough to have an immediate impact on the economy—and thus on the long-term war effort. “These are spot strikes,” energy expert Hennadii Rіabtsev told Ukrainian Pravda. “They are painful and affect logistics, but they do not significantly impact annual total refining volumes.”

What? I thought they have reduced their oil refining? Not to mention, they've started to restrict oil exports(refined oil i believe) since these attacks have taken place all while increasing their unrefined oil exports. It feels like this is actually causing an impact, though definitely not something that directs directly to the front line, but this is long term damage and will make it harder for Russia to generate money.

Independents are who make or break an election. Let's see if this numbers remain the same come election time.

My understanding is that it must be paid in 30 days or, if he wants to appeal it, put into a trust or something. Effectively, removing his access to the money until the appeal is resolved.

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Its the next major step in the process of getting it rescheduled. Each step could potentially end that process, so each movement forward is great news.

So anyways Striker as I was saying before we were interrupted, we really need people to be inclusive here in lemmy to encourage participation.

Yeah you're right, trump is better. /S Don't let perfect be the enemy of progress. Trump will ensure to help Israel, and he will look for more ways to hurt trans people.

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Lol, took me too long to realize what was going on. I was like wtf IKEA product is this.

In regards to impeachment, there's precedent that impeachment for BS reasons doesn't resonate well with voters. Clinton was impeached for BS reasons (the process started with investigating his finances, before Monica Lewinski even worked in the white House). The following election, Democrats won a decent number of seats in congress despite Republicans expecting a Blue blood bath because of impeachment. Same with Trump, he was impeached twice (both of which Republicans said was BS), yet independents still voted for and continue to vote for Democrat candidates. I feel even Republicans know this, which is why McCarthy and McConnel, as well as other Republicans, feel this is a bad idea.

Some missing context that might help: with turkey seeing inflation rates of up to 80% (yes eighty), their leader did the opposite of what economists recommended and kept interests rates low. Chaos continued to ensue. The fact that now, turkey is finally changing their decision and increasing interest rates, and aggressively so at that, is promising for the country(compared to their previous trajectory)

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Literally in the comment section of an article showing that there doesn't appear to be any evidence of increased Shoplifting. Unless you're in the few cities seeing increased shoplifting, we'd need some more information.

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I'm hoping you're right. What I could imagine is that he just wants to burn through the prisoners since if they don't make it back, that's less prison costs. So even if he has reserve troops available, he'd rather use prisoners first.

Biden is a good candidate. He hasn't been impeached yet, unlike his competitor during this same time in his term; he hasn't started a coup on his own country, and the fact that he's experienced at the job he's applying to is actually a good thing (displayed by the passing of both the CHIPs act and the IRA despite not having complete control of congress). Hilary was actually a significantly better candidate than Trump(very obvious in hindsight for many), but Trump had the advantage of Russian support and the fact that it was uncertain how he would act as president. Once voters found out how Trump is as a president, they turned away from him in droves as evidenced by the fact that he's the first president to lose reelection in 20 years, and Republicans have lost every election since Trump was voted in.

Biden ain't perfect, but man he's a huge upgrade compared to Trump.

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Meh I was more nervous based on the title, but it's basically an app(malware) that people are told to install which can access phone details.

Hard disagree. Nuclear weapons are for deterring certain military actions, not ongoing ones. Giving Ukraine nukes just adds to the likely hood of a nuclear war. Currently the West is trying to show that countries without bikes nukes can still be protected if we all work together to protect a country's sovereignty

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It's bad when Trump does it, it's bad when Biden does it.

I feel that's so different. Trump has shown to not CARE about the rules of law. He had committed a a coup, was impeached 2 times, and through out his presidency talked about doing illegal/immoral things and Even now tells about revenge. Biden's comment seems like a joke because he hasn't been shown to be vindictive, Trump's comments seem more like threats because of his history.

I just hope Biden starts trying to court voters eventually instead of donors.

The current party fucking loves fancy dinners with the rich and famous, but seem to have an open disdain for the average Americans whose votes are what matters.

Bro he's literally the first president to attend a union picket like, he's been traveling around to meet with voters. Your right this event isn't as much about reaching out to the common man, but that's because his campaign still needs money and this is one way to make it.

So yes in a lot of ways you've just described campaigning. Where a candidate must both get donations for their campaign, while also courting voters. Yes both Trump and Biden must campaign, like every presidential candidate before.

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Yes that is where the name stems from.

This is good news. Hopefully the percentage of damaged batteries (whether from improper production, wear and tear, or physical damage ) is low that they can continue to serve long lives. Hope to see more information on that soon.

If you're looking for other things to do:

  • vote to address climate change (some people can only really vote to reduce the damage done slightly)
  • Reduce meat consumption (doesn't even have to be zero meat)
  • Reduce flying Regardless, thanks for driving less, and helping the cause!

Area has an increase of car jackings, according to the article, so it was probably some unlucky thieves breaking into the unoccupied SUV.

I kind of think the bigger story is, why were Secret Service shooting at suspects trying to enter an empty vehicle? Unless there were firearms in the vehicle, feels a bit excessive to potentially kill 1 to 4 people over a car break in where no one’s life was in direct danger.

Maybe there’s more missing details that clear up the story so we’d have to wait and see.

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I feel this isn't a false flag operation because it makes him look bad.

  1. the US warned them about this operation. 2)Putin publicly said that the West was only making up those lies to cause issues within the country.
  2. there did not appear to be clear indication of who committed the attack. A better false flag would have been making it look more like a Ukrainian operation.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks more like Russia got caught with their pants down, with the us pre-emptive rubbing dirt in the wound.