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Joined 12 months ago

In a context where we have the lies about the hospitals having tunnels under them, that 40 non-existent babies were beheaded and where some key facts about Oct 7 have somewhat unravelled, how far would you even bother policing the words of people wishing for a liberated Palestinian?

The Israelis and their supporters are also notorious liars and frequently try to claim that Muslims or brown people were responsible for the Holocaust in Europe.

They've bombed civilians before and the intelligence they send tend to be garbage according to EU after they looked through the reams of documents the Israelis sent them. As an occupier, Israel behaves like a country at war all the time, they lie, kill and cheat perpetually.

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Five seems like an exaggeration. I heard around three.

probably judt thought the sanctions weren‘t hard enough

They act in their own interests, you make it sound like sanctions are the state of nature.

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There's a degoogled chromium you can use as backup if you like.

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Brother has been good for my use.


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I'm surprised people aren't aware of the real estate mob. It's the oligarchy who are pushing for return to offices. They have valuable investments in both big companies and the real estate, and they don't want to see the values of their assets going down.

And ethnic cleansing is still genocide. Palestinians are refugees the world over because of Israel. Some stuck in Egypt, the Sinai desert, some in Europe and others internally displaced stuck in Gaza originating from other places in Israel. It all stems from the 1948 Nakba where Jewish terrorist gangs began a massacre and campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

When the Israelis impose a system of racial domination on Palestinians that is objectively worse than Apartheid, I'd say you needn't bother handwringing about Israelis getting their feelings hurt. Fascists is always an alternative though - they're politicians have used it themselves.

Netanyahu himself has made racist jokes favouring white Jews over the north african immigrants, so while 'white supremacist' also works at that point, you're back to just saying 'Nazi'.

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It detectable by actual artists, trained eyes, and probably other ai algos. Prompters have no true artistic skill 80 percent of the time, so they rely on AI to even do the finer details.

There are a few actual artists who use AI in the way scammers do (rather than as a tool to enhance their workflow), but they are rare.

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No. Hamas' charter was written at a time when Israel was committing atrocities in Palestine. It was written in anger by about half a dozen people. Noam Chomsky explains this pretty well. The original charter is basically irrevelent and has basically been disavowed by Hamas.

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Their company is run by scammers it seems. Louis Rossman's videos are informative.

A Controversial take: Maybe Facebook has become problematic?

I wish they were smaller, like maximum twice the size of an emoji, maybe bigger for gif type images.

So err, do you think the country has any chance of fixing stuff up, considering Poland is on track to overtake the UK at this rate, within a decade? And have perhaps some of your political ideas/values or strongly held beliefs changed at all?

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It does have a ton of functions tbh. I use it to access bots and keep notes. Even repositories for apps - Revanced Extended uses it for e.g. !

Chiefly Nelson Mandela's own words on the matter and Noam Chomsky's. Other South Africans. The two-tier colonial system in place and TCM's recent testimony on what he saw in the occupied territories was enlightening too.

This is about Macbooks though. It's an interesting video, the guy who created it will even open source the little device after 350 orders.

The timeline feature on Windows that shows your info across devices when your account is signed in, contains websites, apps and services. They say you can see it for 30 days, but I doubt they delete it after, even if they say they do. They probably at minimum process the meta-data.

I don't see why c/technology scream about privacy violations every other post, and then suddenly turn forgetful when geopolitics comes into play. I used to watch 'exposés about China' and anti-sjw stuff on youtube back in 2015 too - and then just as I stopped watching them, they became an 'official geopolitical enemy'. The last decade has been a ride.

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He's spoken on the topic elsewhere, at least a few interviews (on youtube). That'll be better than this slop - edit: the Guardian was co-opted by the UK securlty state after cops raided them soon they did their reporting on Edword Snowdon.

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If this story is even true, I suspect it's because partly because fake sites are very convincing and easy to make - social media is out control for scam ads too, especially instagram anecdotally (I stopped somebody getting scammed).

average r/atheism cunt.

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You mean 'objective' m8. And stop hyperfocusing on one issue, and start seeing the forest for the trees. Technological advancement is good except for the humans that use it to control the majority - this literally the basic message in Dune, and is proven by reality.

People won't stop talking about current affairs!

Yeah, but will Japan's UBI give them that sort of bargaining power? Seems highly unlikely tbh.

lemm.ee users are best (after feddit.nl).

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I hadn't realised Americans said 'nan'.

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Jews were in high positions in the Arab world and iirc lived well. Much of the blame for the rise in anti-semitism is almost purely down to Zionism. Jews came to be seen as colonial collaboraters with the great powers against that region. In Algeria they literally were - the French were able to create a two-tier colonial society by giving Jewish Algerians who were native to Algeria citizenship and denying Muslims the same by claiming cultural incompatibility. Hence, Jews became a colonial force in that country.

In Iraq, Zionists terrorised the Arab (Iraqi!) Jewish community there by bombing Synagogues and cultural centers and collaborated with Iraqi nationalists to force Iraqi Jews into leaving for Israel.

So there are different experiences here, but almost all is down to colonialism and zionism.

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-- Li Dazhou

Well we know for a fact that China has it's own Douyin (Tiktok) app and that it prioritises stopping any inkling of random social movements/organisation through social media.

So this isn't really a mystery at all. Within China they are subject to their laws. Elsewhere they follow global norms.

I actually think all the furore about China and Tiktok was really not about Chinese control over Tiktok in the West, but about the West's own control over Tiktok. Much like how Huawei was booted for not allowing US intelligence agencies to put in backdoors, rather than actually enabling spying itself (this came out last year iirc).

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There's a portable version that might work.

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He's lying though. He's pretending the original (wierdly blurry) output was the only AI output, but the details and basically everything else is also AI generated. Nothing is his own skill, brushstroke or even artistic effort/craft, other than prompting the machine-image-generator that he sources the work from.

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Why are kfx files often larger and sometimes double the size?

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True, but effectively on the political stage, he is the opposition. Understandable that non-politically online people/normal people call him left.

Will the UBI be enough, or will it be used to ensure nothing about the Japanese economy's relationship with it's workers will change?

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First we had redditors calling Lemmy a communist plot. Now we have the biggest instance run by paranoids seeing commie plots everywhere.

My suggestion: stop using lemmydotworld, spread the load, stop being a clown.

Good to hear. I like the excitement, but I've also been hearing about major big tech funding for some major projects - let's hope those orgs aren't compromised.

The number of state actors in big tech is a big deal - Saudis, Isreal, and China and India of course!

If you mean that they intentionally show you content to make you unbalanced and angry, we don't have evidence for Tiktok doing that.

But we do know that Facebook does that! As well as Twitter to an extent even before enshittification commenced.

So much for 'friend-shoring', but there's not much left on this sceptred isle anyway.