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Joined 1 years ago

breaks tests

leaves me to fix them during approval

I’m sorry, what? If he broke it, he fixes it. There should be guard rails that prevent him from merging his code until all the tests pass, and you as a reviewer should refuse to even start a code review unless the build is green.

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I tend to think people shit on Musk more than they should, but holy shit does it bug me when a CEO talks about engineering problems with such bravado.

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That’s… why we want the labels?

software developers with access to GitHub’s Copilot chatbot were able to finish a coding task 56 percent faster than those who did it solo

Are these competent developers, or the kind who already take 4 or 5 times longer to do a task than their peers?

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Who says you have to drop it? I've got stuff from 2007 in there somewhere.

Y’all gonna regret this when Ron DeSantis gets put in charge of deciding which information is false enough to be deleted.

My favorite pastime is arguing about which JavaScript runtime is faster while I wait for my app to finish running O(n^n) table scans of my database.

This is one of the things I talk about when people ask what the difference is between junior and senior developers.

A lot of security is just box-checking. A lot of it is hypothetical and relies on attackers exploiting a chain of multiple bugs that they probably won’t ever find…. But you still gotta fix it.

There’s no point in being so proud of your code and dismissing security concerns because you’re arrogant enough to think it can’t happen to you. Just learn to fix it and move on with your life.

Car manufacturers should get out of the dashboard design business. Just have an API standard for devices to control the car, and a USB port for users to plug in whichever device works best for them. You want a bunch of physical buttons? Cool, go down to AutoZone and buy a button panel that matches your needs. You want a big screen with carplay and a bunch of widgets? Mount your old iPad there.

The regulatory side would be the hard part. Devices would have to meet some safety standards and the car would have to refuse to drive unless an approved dashboard was connected, but it could be done.

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You get two options.

Normally it’s a squashed commit of everything in a feature, with a commit message like:

[JIRA-1234] - Descriptive but Concise Name of Feature

But every now and then it’s multiple commits like:

quick fix
Ugh, fix typo
fuck fuck why doesn’t it work
Oh, I’m stupid
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Three days later, on November 20, the Seko union, which represents postal workers, will stop delivering letters, spare parts, and pallets to all of Tesla’s addresses in Sweden.

It seems troubling that there aren’t regulations in place requiring postal workers to deliver mail indiscriminately.

What if the postal union decided not to deliver mail-in ballots they thought might support a policy they disagreed with, for example?

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What kind of use cases do people have for AI assistants in their web browsers?

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Why can't I play it on my Super Nintendo?

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I use a “real name” domain. My last name ends in the letters “in”, so I bought a .in domain, such that the domain name is my last name with a dot in it.

Can’t honestly recommend that approach. It’s a cute gimmick, but when non-technical people ask for your email address and it doesn’t end in a TLD they recognize, their heads explode. I usually give out my gmail address.

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Also, there were some candidates who managed to get 95% and above — but would then just be absolutely awful during the interview — we would later discover that they were paying someone to complete the technical test on their behalf.

Yeah my company shot itself in the foot by replacing technical interviews with an online test and hiring a bunch of cheaters. After a while we started doing a zoom interview where we’d go over the code they supposedly wrote and ask them to explain it to us. Even that simple step made it obvious who had or hadn’t actually written the code they were talking about. I’m pretty sure a few candidates had somebody talking in one ear and/or typing to them on a separate screen.

Looks like lots of people's year end bonuses were contingent on them releasing something related to AI by the end of the year.

Didn’t Facebook try that for a while too?

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Every time it shows up in search results, I’m reminded by their terrible UI that I made the right choice

The real test on this one is going to be in how well those regulations support the eventual transition from USB-C to something else.

There's inevitably going to be a use case for new connectors that have some yet-unidentified advantage over USB-C for certain devices, and there's going to be hurdles convincing regulators to grant exceptions for those devices or to adopt one of them as the new standard for everybody.

There's plenty of examples of government regulations gone wrong trying to transition from an old technology to a new one. (i.e. the REAL ID format in the US, or the switch from analog to digital broadcast TV).

I just want a game where I get to name my character after myself and the voice-acted NPCs use AI to dub my name into their lines instead of awkwardly avoiding using names.

Software receives update. INTERNET PANICS

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Which instance is the good XCOM community on? ! ? (let’s see if I did the formatting right)

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I played Mass Effect as female Shepard because i heard the voice acting was better. Generally for RPGs I play as “myself” though.

Is it the employer’s responsibility to determine that somebody is or is not a spy? Like the scam here was to do the actual job and send money back, not to steal company information etc. companies have legal obligations to make sure people are authorized to work in the US etc, but the government sets those standards. If you’ve got convincing enough paperwork, it’s the governments job to enforce this stuff, not the employer.

That said, I’ve interviewed several remote people who were clearly using fake identities and also clearly didn’t have the skills for the job. Seems obvious their scam was to just collect a paycheck doing nothing, so if that’s the same group, then the employers bear some fault for hiring unqualified people… but on the other hand if the North Koreans were actually doing the jobs they were paid for, no reason the company should care.

Hmm, does lemmy have username filters?

Given the year, this probably came from one of those “Playboy lite” men’s magazines that were popular at the time, like Maxim or FHM.

Several couples have selected the “divorce” option and passed those lamps on in the intervening years. You’re next, bub.

My salary, I guess.

Everybody on my team is required to do on-call once they have enough experience (except for the low budget offshore contractors who I wouldn’t trust to do it anyhow…)

We have 2 people on call at a time, 1 primary and one backup. You do a week on backup, then the next week you’re primary.

There’s no set time limits etc, but if you get sucked into some fire, people are reasonable about letting you take some time off the next day or whatever.

All in all, there are very rarely fires that happen inside or outside of normal working hours. Making the whole team be on call helps incentivize everyone to write more stable code since it’s your own ass on the line.

Why does lemmy consider this post from a year and an half ago to be “hot”?

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I agree. I think we elevated Computer Science’s importance early on in the industry, and that has stuck around. If you’re a University researcher trying to make a better compression algorithm or whatever, then yeah you’ve got a lot of overlap with mathematicians. But if you’re out in the industry building CRUD apps to fit some business use case, all that theory isn’t going to matter much in your day to day.

It’s still just one of those mostly-bureaucratic hurdles where you need a CS degree to get your first job, and you need to be good at math to get the CS degree.

That said, there are definitely crucial moments where regular projects can still hit scalability boundaries, and a solid understanding of math and CS fundamentals can get you through that. Every single developer doesn’t need to know that stuff, but it’s occasionally good to have access to somebody who does.

Tiny house

Every time I’ve heard somebody referred to unironically as a rockstar, they’ve treated the company’s code base exactly the way a rockstar treats a hotel room

Ritual Night. She’s a 10 year old, barrel aged Texas funeral cake stout.

Should I get RoboCop: Rogue City or Star Trek: Resurgence now while they’re on sale or wait to see if they go lower?

It’ll probably be 3-6 months before I get around to playing either

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Piling on more systemic racism makes things worse, not better. We should focus our efforts on addressing systemic racism in the areas where it still exists, not on compensating for it elsewhere. Provide better funding for schools in low income areas. Support economic development to pull those areas out of poverty, etc.

I'm not a lawyer, but my understanding is it would depend on what kind of business you're in and what kind of services the Christian customers asked for. You could say "I do websites for weddings, but not Christian weddings" for example.

As I understand it, this ruling still wouldn't necessarily protect broader discrimination like "I own an ice cream shop, but I won't sell ice cream to certain people"; whether the people you're refusing to sell to are Christian, gay, etc...

Yup. Nothing wrong with pushing up a draft PR and asking for feedback; but definitely need to be an active participant in fixing the issues, not just expect somebody else to do your work for you.

That does lead to some sticky inter-personal situations though. Like there's people on my team that I trust enough to just rubber-stamp a PR that looks good but doesn't have test coverage etc. Can generally trust those people will let me know if the failing tests uncover some substantial work that needs to be re-reviewed.

There's other people I don't trust and will insist their build passes before I review it. Once that person notices they're being held to a different standard, it can be difficult (but necessary) to have a conversation about what they need to change in order to earn that trust.

Mainstream news outlets are just copying what their corporate sponsors ask them to say 99% of the time anyhow

I almost gave up on Starfield because the main quest is just chasing MacGuffins around the universe, apparently? But I started doing the Ryujin Industries side quests and those are kinda fun I guess.

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you changed the result of the race by measuring it!

Even in contexts where it doesn’t make sense. That was my favorite bit.