
1 Post – 106 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here's an interesting idea: When writing a headline, add substantial context so we know what the article is about.

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"Most computer microphones use the third segment to carry bias power for the microphone." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphone_connector

I had thought it was to deliver sound to both sides (rather than left- or right-only) but here we are.

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"Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it's not satire, it's bullying." -- Someone

Article 3, Section 1 of the Constitution says Supreme Court Justices "shall hold their offices during good behaviour". If Congress can define "militia" for the purposes of the Second Amendment, they can define "good behaviour" for this.

I'm 55 and I hate this. Yeah, I know, it's satire. So is mine. Kinda.

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And here I thought short-termism was bad, where companies focus only on quarterly financial returns.

I don't even trust most banks. I like my credit union, thank you very much.

They're just following the naming convention established by Windows: 1, 2, 3, NT, 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11

Upvote just for the flag

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Term limits just ensure the incumbent doesn't care about their last term. If they do a good job and the incoming candidates look lousy, they should be allowed to continue. Want to really make a difference? Get money out of politics. Big corporate donations and mega media are what drives the campaigns, including who gets on the ballot in the first place, not the voters.

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Third paragraph: "In a short media gaggle with reporters after publication, McCarthy said he planned to run for reelection, had not considered resigning and he will stick around: 'I’m still here finishing my job.'"

So which is it?

You just described most of the major SCOTUS rulings over the last couple of decades, at least.

Why is this even a contest? We all know who the "winner" is going to be.

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*that companies have owned the government. FTFY.

I'd love to see the investment banks start to call their loans that financed this purchase in the first place.

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Why not donate everything to charities you support instead?

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  • Make the story automatically skippable. Every time. Many games explain the mission/objective in a short sentence or in the minimap anyway. Don't make me watch a long cutscene or press/hold a button to skip the dialog. I'm never going to care.
  • Always have a tutorial or practice area to remind me how to play the game after I put it down for a month or so. Bad enough that the controller map is hidden in the menus (if there even is one). It don't help much to just say what all 16 +/- buttons do, depending on what mode I'm in. I have to actually use them to get back into the swing of things, and I'd rather not jump right into the action (and potentially lose progress) right away.
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There's a difference between having a camera on your phone and having all of your services tied to one account. Once a picture is taken, you can do anything you want to it and there are any number of apps and services to help you do that. But if megaservice decides you violated some term of service, whether you actually did or not, you stand to lose everything -- your email, calendar, wallet, messages, and access to any service that used megaservice for authentication.

FWIW, I'm appreciating the space for what it is and don't see the immediate benefits of federation. Hang in there.

Broadcast and cable are distinct entities, but this particular affiliate is owned and operated by Fox.

Related: If it's more than 99¢, it's not a "microtransaction". There's nothing "micro" about $99.99. That's an "in-app purchase".

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There's an easy solution for that.

I had my own office for a couple of years. The commute, and the rest-of-the-office environment, isn't worth it.

Is/will there be a movie/TV equivalent of BookWyrm, something to track and discuss what you've been watching? A quick search tells me it's been discussed and seems like something people want but it doesn't look like it's been done yet, at least not as a dedicated service. Is that right?

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Show me a judge who hasn't pre-judged a case. It's how a good number of judges get appointed (looks at SCOTUS re abortion) or how some don't even get a hearing (looks at Mitch McConnell re Merrick Garland).

[Waves from the other hill] I will never accept that usage of "literal" as correct.

Of all the technical challenges involved in doing what ISPs do, updating their billing process should be among the least "hard" things on the list. They just don't want to do it.

At the top level, I can't even see the subtitle -- just the headline, a cropped and highly pixelated thumbnail, and the domain of the linked article. I had to click to get the subtitle, and I wouldn't have done even that if the headline were more explicit.

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I would upvote this a thousand times if I could.

I hate the overwhelming number of currencies and crafting supplies. I shouldn't need to have to gather so much of this thing and so much of this other thing (neither of which are labeled clearly, what they are and how to find them) to craft things. A small number of things makes sense, e.g. metal and powder to make ammunition, but when this potion requires 5 different plants and that potion needs 7, only some of which are common between them, it's an unnecessary time suck.

Then, when I have an abundance of various supplies, I have to go to the blacksmith to repair my armor, run over to the jeweler to craft bigger gems, then go to the chest to stash things, go over here for various upgrades, and over there to craft the next potion I need. Why can't all these things be in one place or at least right next to each other instead of scattered all over town?

People assume LLMs are like people, in that they won’t simply spout bullshit if they can avoid it.

There are plenty of people who spout bullshit every chance they get.

"After losing to Peter Thiel in last year’s contest, Elon Musk takes the title of WORST PERSON IN TECH 2023!" -- With the vote split 84.1/15.9% over Jeff Bezos, and to no great surprise (except perhaps the margin). https://mastodon.online/@parismarx/111598332906577952

I'm here to interact with people, not bots. Bots, and everything they do, are soulless.

The aforementioned ClueBot is here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ClueBot_NG

For bots in general, start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bots

Why not call it "discounts when we're not so busy" and feel better about things? Might drive less waste if unsold food is just going to go in the bin.

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All of this. It's also annoying as hell that the next presidential election is 14 months out and the campaigning (i.e. fundraising) has already been underway for some time. If we put half as much effort into solving problems as we do pointing them out and picking the next person to (not) solve them, we'd all be a lot better off.

Apples and oranges. Those were created as Playstation exclusives, not an existing property potentially made exclusive years after the fact. Decades later, Mario games are still almost entirely Nintendo-only. That's the comparison for God of War, not Call of Duty.

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Cis-white-gay here, adopted. Changed my name at 25 to completely dissociate myself from my adoptive "family". Went with a slightly modified version of the name on my original birth records (which I found amidst a bunch of other paperwork that really solidified my decision to leave in the first place -- that is a whole other story). I am who I was born to be, not raised to be.

Most of those millions of apps are crap that hasn't been updated in years, and they don't have millions of users (not the kind of users who would by a Vision Pro at launch, anyway). I haven't read the list but I'm betting the 150 that are here are much more popular and useful for this platform -- the kinds of apps that would actively benefit from this technology and that the users actually want and will use.

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