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I disagree with it "solving" the problem. I've yet to hear an AI voice that actually works/sounds like an actual person. I've heard sentences or two that are somewhat passable at times, but never enough for actual dialogue. Regardless, your entire comment also does not address the issue presented at all, that voice actors did not agree with this deal.

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Edit: genuinely asking, I can't find anything saying that.

Seems like the media is the one twisting stuff. I've been searching for the actual quote from the White House official that said they cannot confirm the pictures. I've been looking for nearly an hour, no media website has provided a source at all. However, I found it. The official said that he was referring to Israeli media, but it seems that was because he did not realize the pictures were not public.


The Israeli PM just posted some of those pictures on X(Twitter) due to claims they were lying about it.

Source: https://www.wionews.com/world/trigger-warning-israel-pms-x-account-shares-photos-of-babies-allegedly-killed-by-hamas-646017

I saw a few different sources showing it, as I don't have an account with x, but it seems the one I linked is the only one that shows multiple images rather than just one. It seems that the actual truth is that there were some beheadings, but the majority were "just" murdered.

I'm not trying to claim that Israel is in the right here, I'm just saying it seems Biden was not lying.

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Overly focused is a stretch. You can manage relationships with up to 6 party members, of which you may have up to 1 intimate scene in each of the 3 acts per party member. This is theoretical, and is generally not achievable like that in one playthrough unless you're following a guide. Also, those intimate scenes do not always include sex, they are often just deep conversations.

More importantly, the 3-4 5 minute scenes are spread out over a 60-100 hour campaign lol

And that fuck deserves to be forced to pay every dime of it and then some. He is still trying to weasel out of it but he's firmly in the find out phase.

Yes, but more importantly it's the "Sandy Hook didn't happen" guy

You realize that was a simulation right? It says so in the very top of the article. It was an exercise, military training for everyone involved.

No, Sweden did not sink a US Aircraft Carrier lmfao.

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Just fyi, the new york post is as dogshit as fox news. If you're looking to get actual information, you're better off looking elsewhere.

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Being a mayor of a small town and being a US Senator or even House Rep are two very different things. It is very likely that, despite being Republican, he did nothing to further Republicanism with the power that he did have.

Most of the time, mayors really just do small town mayor shit like approving a tree to be cut down or asking the state for a road to be fixed. They're not usually involved with politics in the way Lindsey fucking Graham is.

Ehhhh, not really. This is a pretty common belief about the Hyperloop. A couple of years ago, someone released a book claiming they had private interviews with Musk back in the early 2010's where he admitted to trying to delay HSR. Here's an article explaining it: https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460

The reason this is not conspiratorial thinking is that automakers have a long history in the US of dismantling, lobbying against, and even physically preventing railways from being developed. Elon Musk, especially at that time, was an automaker making claims in order to directly counter proposed high speed rail.

Yes, it was in California, but the intended reasoning is that if it succeeds in California it may be expanded upon elsewhere, meaning there would be less reliance on cars.

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Bruh you must have been living under a rock

Genuine question: other than the speech right after Oct 7 happened, what has Biden even done besides require Ukraine and Israel funding to be in the same bill? I keep seeing posts about Biden's response but I still don't know what it is :c

In my post history, I was leaning towards Israel in the beginning until I learned about the atrocities they committed/are committing. At this point, I'm firmly of the opinion that Palestine needs justice.

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Not doubting, but do you have a source so I can read more about it?

Do you understand Montana isn't run by progressives?

To make it true? That would be the federalists and the democratic republicans. To keep it true? Well that would be the winner-takes-all system the US has. Blaming a single entity for systematic issues will never work the way you want it to.

If the democratic party died tomorrow, a new party would take its place and it would be just as terrible as you believe the DNC is now.

My personal definition of "slut" is someone who has orgasms without guilt.

What the fuck

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You know 3rd parties run all the time right? We even have multiple senators right now that are independents

What are you even trying to say

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Other types of sexism include disbelief when a woman explains their experiences and baselessly denying evidence they present to support their claims.

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Do yOuR owN ReSeARcH!!

Bro holy shit go outside. You need some fresh air man

Life sure is scary when you don't understand things

I'm not making the claim myself, just explaining it is a bit different than engaging in what we colloquially understand to be conspiratorial thinking. I would argue it falls under that category in the most broad, objective sense, but I would also argue that the common belief about conspiratorial thinking is that it is when someone believes demonstrably false information.

The difference is that most conspiratorial thinking is believing something despite overwhelming evidence of the contrary while this situation is believing something despite a lack of conclusive, objective evidence (that being no official statement from Musk or investigation into him about this). There is a lack of overwhelming evidence in support of Musk.

It's sexist if you don't look further into the claims, instead just relying on your immediate assumptions about them being false.

If you immediately assume women are lying about experiencing sexism, and you don't look into it further at all, and your reasoning is based solely on them being women as opposed to men, then yeah I'd say that's pretty sexist. I'm not sure how someone could think otherwise.

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Most of the plan relies on Trump also having a Republican House and Senate, which is likely for the former due to the immense gerrymandering that occurred in 2020.

Project 2025 is by far the most dangerous thing about the elections this year. It is so much worse than any other problem happening today.

They're not real Christians! /s


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You should really look into the case as to why that won't happen. The judge took special care to ensure Trump has no way to weasel out of paying: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ny-fraud-case-damages-pay-millions-judge-engoron-rcna135283

Tldr: judge appointed two independent people, one to monitor his personal wealth and the other to monitor his company's finances. All of his assets in New York are completely frozen, as Trump moved all of what he owned to his company. He did this to claim he does not have a high net worth, but it backfired as he cannot use or sell his assets to pay the bill.

He can try to appeal, but 1) the only way he can do that is by claiming the case was a mistrial, that he was treated unfairly, and 2) he must put 110% of what he owes into a bond that will be held by the court during the appeal process. There are other things I didn't go over, just know the dude is actually fucked.

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This is the most idiotic whataboutism I've ever seen. You know there are other countries that focus on rehabilitation, countries that do not have repeat offenders like we do, right? Stop justifying a clearly broken system with theoretical nonsense, especially when that nonsense is already disproven elsewhere.

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The only thing that would have prevented Dobbs would have been a constitutional amendment. SCOTUS can overturn anything else.

"But my narrative!"

What the fuck are you even talking about, have you read it literally at all

What are you even talking about, like actually, I'm genuinely asking

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Biden is a moderate, as is the overwhelming majority of democratic members of Congress in both the house and the senate lol what are you on about.

If you mean moderate Republicans are unrepresented, then yes, but you have Republicans to blame for that by their refusal to stop supporting extremists.

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Lol as if regressives give a shit about precedent

Okay, that's fine, but what do you mean? Do you have examples of when she voted against "the people"?

I put the quotation marks because I'm not sure which people you're referring to.

What are you talking about? Progressives are the least reliable voting block in the US. This isn't some speculation, it is a known, well-studied fact. It is the very same fact that leads to the Dems becoming more conservative.

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They never hid it in the first place unless there was a hidden bonus from doordash to compensate for a longer than usual delivery.

Source: was dasher

Biden is literally a conservative by most non-American standards. Even in the US, he's still significantly more conservative than moderate left-leaning people here.

I voted for Biden and am pretty fucking happy with him, he's significantly better than I thought he would have been due to his trust in his wildly competent administration. The only problem, and it is a massive one, is his unyielding support for Israel.

Edit: forgot to mention, I'll also be voting for Biden in November.