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Joined 12 months ago

Like what I’m doing? Buy me a coffee!

This is what it is in fediverse. Multiple instances can have same communities.

If I’m looking lulz communities, I just subscribe to those with most users, because most likely it will be more active.

If I’m looking for tech or something useful, I subscribe to most of them, and then filter them after some time. Not all communities will fit your style, and you will have to choose with which community you are more compatible.

This is normal, and all cars actually do it.

In 99% of cases, water from your car exhaust system is absolutely normal and is nothing to worry about. It is just condensation being vented while the engine is running. You’re most likely to notice this when the outside temperature is cold and when the engine has not been running all that long.


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I personally hate the digital cluster, I would rather have analog one with display in middle. I don't find that analog cluster needs more time to read.

really? is he counting soil wetness?

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It will be quite a wait, but buy Bitcoin as soon as I can.

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100%. If the owner doesn’t want specific content there, he can always defederate

If your instance already discovered then, then they should be available in all feed. If you subscribed to them, then they should also be in subscribed feed.

This is cool and all, but I think that people that are already here, are mostly not thinking about going back. But that's just my opinion.

2 smol 2 forios

Even now it took me 30 minutes to figure it out.

I think your best bet would be to go to LemmyWerse, and try to search by country name.

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There is a 3-2-1 tactic for backups, which should be pretty safe. Lots of articles if you search for it. Basically I backup all my data to two SSDs and one HDD. And once more to cloud, which is iCloud in my case.

Great, I understand now, thank you for explanation.

My initial thoughts as well

I just said the translated text to my dog and she didn’t understand me. The ai have made a mistake somewhere.

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I think that it just takes longer to spread the change across whole fediverse. On the home instance it would appear to be deleted, but it needs be propagated everywhere later.

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that would be perfect, maybe a vehicle with scanner and some mining tool so you could analyse and collect few minerals along the way. would be great QOL improvement.

Running. You can do it everywhere, and almost every time.

Wheels? Where we're going we don't need wheels.

In r/Place, individual users can drop a single pixel of color every five minutes on a huge canvas

Oh. I understand now. This is brilliant and totally expected. Why do they even stay there

Why’d you leave the keys up on the table

Not issue with Memmy, but lemmy itself. This is how it works. It needs time to propagate into other instances. And sometimes even the propagation can fail.

EDIT: this is not about Memmy. Misread the community. The second sentence still stands.

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I think you should use Lemmy explorer for this.

Right, just woke up and read the community wrongly. My bad. Just discard the first sentence then.

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it's just trying to save itself from all the evil

Yeah, I guess you're right. Let the tips keep on coming, so I'm 100% ready when the time comes.

the three-legged-reddish-color type

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I was lying down on my back. Let me check again.

EDIT: Holy shit it actually works!

Not really. They have this colour only if they doesn't get enough oxygen.

Afaik, this one was the first to be. But not sure how it is now.

What is this? I understand it’s on Reddit, but I’m missing the context. Could somebody please explain it?

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RGB and all.

Proper server

I tobě 🙂

Great observation. Did you look in the code?

I see and I understand that. Thank you for the correction.

If you’re looking through lemmy explorer, then you can see total number of subscribers.

I see, thank you for the correction. I always thought that it needs time to propagate. And if it fails, I read somewhere that there is no handling in place, so it falls into void.

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Wondering the same thing, and I’m from Czechia.

I don’t think that there is anyway to do that, since the apis are closed. If you use some scraper, then it would still generate revenue for them.

Oh, okay. I’ve been told this directly by Memmy developer. So sorry about confusion.

Edit: here it is git

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