
3 Post – 264 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Maybe I don't have to stop drinking after all...

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Federated content is stored in the balls.

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How many dead skydivers do you have to see to rank them?

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Math is hard. I won't delete my comment though as you should all find joy in my stupidity.

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Me on my way to my job as a shift leader at femboy hooters.

It's hilarious that a musician has the urge to say this kind of stuff during a concert. What did he expect? Like I can barely think about another topic where you can piss off so many people with so little effort.

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Man what is the deal with us Germans and this place? Feels like I'm invading by accident. Well, old habits...

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Looney tunes tactics.

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You get attacked by law enforcement for enjoying a succulent chinese meal?

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Since most of us can't afford retirement this should make a comeback.
Or we push billionaires down a cliff and use that money to take care of the elderly.

You said some controversial stuff and are upset that you got downvoted? Grow up, not everyone has to like what you say and if you're so needy for validation say something you know won't get pushback.

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Yeah fuck Putin and everyone who supports him.

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Oh sorry then I apologize. That makes invading a sovereign country not that bad.

Well one is a plant and one is chemicals. Educate yourself sweaty.

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Is this about ftm transition or where is the joke?

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Afaik it's fair game to kill anyone fake surrendering.

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That's an outrageous amount of nerdiness on such a specific topic. Respect and a nice little boost to you.

I wish Major Push good luck.

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It kills the poor. Noone care about that, not even the poor as they won't be informed enough to know what's going on.

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The first picture is a perspective thing, right? He doesn't hold it against his head but looks at it.

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Cis guy with long hair and a fat ass here: I got sexually assaulted by a very drunk guy during a concert that was touching my ass thinking I'm a woman.

The same thing fascism seemingly has to offer: easy solutions to complex problems.

I'm not saying (especially white) young men are treated unfair but as one myself it's easy to come to the conclusion as you do feel a rift between fulfilling conservative societal norms you grew up with and learned from your elders for which isn't really a space left anymore except of conservative circles so you do kinda feel like being privileged is a burden because you think you have to fulfill more expectations than other groups and I think there's a lack of addressing this in public discourse without simply demonizing young males for trying to find their identity in a way that also includes a healthy relationship with one's own masculinity. If you discuss this I feel like you're quickly drifting into incel and alpha bullshit territory because they're the only ones addressing those problems but of course they don't offer actual solutions because that's not really part of their business model.

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Young female Donald looks uncomfortably similar to Melania.

Fuck your whataboutism. Of course anti LGBT policies are fucked in a lot of other places and that should be condemned on an international level. If you defend locking away people for loving who they want (in a consensual manner) you are an enemy of the free world and this issue definitely has nothing to with drunk people pissing in a pool or whatever.

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Ah ok. I thought getting a 30% rise was a joke about how men earn more than women.

One might come to the conclusion that all of India is just a comically evil racist, classist, sexist and a lot of other bad -ists society while reading news about it.

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Does anyone give a shit? Oh no the horror! The users who browse r/funny won't emigrate to another platform.

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Maybe he's just a dumb old musician surrounded by people who let him believe his opinions are hot shit that has no idea how the real world outside of his utopia operates.

I was into his clips on YouTube for a short while before corona and the Spotify deal. Even back then the algorithm decided to pipeline culture war bullshit into your feed in an attempt to radicalize you to alt right bullshit if you watched his clips.
When I was on Reddit I kept looking at his subreddit to amuse myself with the ignorant stupidity and the insecure overcompensating of the commenters.

How many cats do you have?

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There's also the lumberjack song...

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Imagine how disappointed I was when I opened this NSFW post and I didn't see titties.

Damn he really couldn't help but live out a fantasy of his in this public moment.

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I actually heard that reasoning as well but after I read into it I came to the conclusion that this is most likely false. Roundly shaped grenades have been around for centuries and the first introduction of a pineapple-shaped grenades was by the Brits in WW1.
Also a grenade is around three times as heavy as a baseball.
But it makes sense that Americans were/are especially good at throwing grenades because of baseball.

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Yo you want the Marlboro man to just show up and settle labor disputes by exceptional gunslinging?

When I started writing my intent was to mock you but then I realized that that's exactly what I want.

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A G-cup is what you drink your juice out of while you don't try to be a menace in the hood.

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Do you turn into something when you see the child?
Do you turn into the worst possible being a human could be? A horse girl?

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Poplars are probably the best way to get a lot of biomass quickly. I doubt hemp is a competitive alternative.

And they're not engineering a new species of tree, they just modified the trees to reduce the lignin content so the cellulose can be processed easier and less resource intense.

90% of the fediverse are at least two of those things: trans, cat owners or Linux users.

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Time to install a dictatorship that is willing to sell national resources to the highest bidder.

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