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some shady crypto group bought the rights to the name or something like that after the original creator had let their rights to it expire.

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its really not tho. the creator took it off the market because they felt bad about how addictive it was, the only reason this new one exists is to exploit people.

If they found out it goes to a specific server, why not just block the server and maybe isolate the network from the internet? I guess its easier to replace them but what's to say the replacements can't have the same flaw if other precautions aren't in place, like how do you even get to installing cameras on military bases without thoroughly vetting the firmware on them fist?

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Pixel is the best option, you dont need root these days for anything good, you can still root if you really want to but it defeats a lot of security that you'd otherwise have and for what gain?

I don't think any other phones would have a larger modding scene then Pixels either.

i dont think it works like that, they dont get to leave they just no longer have a home.

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when you turned off your ad blocker

The kremlins not gonna be happy about this, hopefully Stien is enough of a spoiler on her own but i think they aimed to take votes from different demographics and with west trailing stien has been trying to win over more uninformed black voters and getting clowned in the attempt.

Gotta love when the article saying adblock-blocking doesn't work is itself preceded by a notice to disable your adblocker

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I wish someone could explain to me how it is firefox, which is not chromium based but larely dependent on google for funding, has the ability and manpower to maintain not just the manifest v2+all the other stuff, while every single chromium fork has no choice but to use v3. Why can't they just fork the last usable version of chromium and go from there as an independent fork? Is it just that no one wants to?

Like firefox has lots of ports, some of the follow the main branch but then others like waterfox forked off older versions at some point and just kept going, why can't chrome based browsers do a fork like that? How is it there are people making new browsers from scratch like ladybird, but this manifest stuff is just out of reach for everyone, except mozilla (and i guess other firefox forks).

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I'm not sure if hes the best choice, I just want to see them trying to come up with insults for an astronaut.

On Linux most distros do not actually ship chrome but chromium which is the open source version of chrome.

It also comes down to how different groups define FOSS. GNU considers even helper programs (like a package manager or firmware installer) to be "bad" for the user because they "encourage" its use so they dont want them included in GNU approved distros like trisqul or guix . this leads to those "freedom respecting" distros not having things like basic WiFi drivers or support for any 3rd party drivers.

To a less extreme degree but similar is a distro like debian, where there is a "non_free" repository available but users can choose not to enable it.

And so GNU sees having the playstore as a bad thing because its gateway to installing other non free software. Its also safe to assume most gnu evangelists probably don't care much for chromium either.

Its not a violation, they're just abusing the DMCA because they know people won't/can't afford to fight them.

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He's done NFTs, reason there is no trump coin is likely due to his having DJT on the stock market which basically covers the same grift.

There are a bunch of MAGA themed tokens too just none that go back to trump directly.

I think it would lean more left, seeing as they are, childless (so probably favor birthcontrol, pro-choice) and ladies.

no they cant because i pasted that thing saying I didnt give them permission back in 2014

Unless you need online multiplayer it doesn't make much difference. I have my switch block Nintendo by DNS so its effectively me banning them instead of the other way around but if they did ban me I probably wouldn't notice.

Too bad apple users can't just access the site in a web browser /s

I downloaded that 200gb leak from national public data the other day, maybe not the biggest total but certainly the largest single text file ive ever messed with

Its a totally separate thing from LoRaWAN. Its useful for messaging across town (if you live in an area with enough nodes), and it can do things like report on temperature an humidity or when a sensor is tipped, some devices support GPS too.

Only if you are worried about keeping them alive

Does getting an invite mean you can use it without paying? I stopped with Usenet like 15 years ago when my ISP stopped offering it for free. Not really interested in paying another subscription just to pirate stuff but if I can get an invite for free I'd love to check it again and see what all the fuss is about.

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No pay/email wall:


"Alright, sure"

I dont ever recall giving portainer my real email.

Im curious, is your objection that having a bot that doed bias checking is bad for Lemmy or do you disagree with how the bot rates places?

I don't really pay attention to the bot ratings but I get the impression from other peoples comments its primarily the latter.

Its not exactly the same thing but link warden let's you save and archive pages with custom categories.

This dude is on a one man quest to promote third parties on Lemmy, and the crazy thing to me is how generally non combative and polite they are. It seems like rage bait and every one of their posts gets massive down votes but then you see their comments are all like "well I respect your opinion but I disagree'... I really can't tell if this is just a master level troll or some deep cover Russian op.

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I don't really have a problem with the posts/articles you share in general but you must realize you post a pretty large volume in general compared to the average user (politcal or not), and most of them get down voted by a lot. I think its honest of to post it all from a single account, I don't think you are a plant but there is an arguement to be made that you are pushing forward an agenda that is, just not what people here want. I'm not saying you ARE pushing an agenda, Im just saying I can see how it might appear that way to some. Similarly to how I don't believe RFK or Jill Stein are literally russian operatives but I do see how Putin might benefit from their actions.

I say i hope you dont get banned because its clear from all the down votes that a lot of people disagree with what you're posting, not that I think you should be banned, but just online communities and moderators being how they are you never know. You seem genuine to me, but I'm probably in the minority on /c/politics

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â‚¿uttcoin (( should have an emoji too then!

So to be extra simple about it, she'd be the first yellow-brown, where as Obama was white-brown.

In terms of american racism its just the brown part that matters, that makes them both "black" and there was even past comments about Harris not being "black enough" or something to that effect.

It makes more sense to call her the first Asian America that might be president if you want a "first" to claim.

No LibreWolf IS the only fork of Firefox I'll use (meaning i dont use mozilla's branded firefox). Although I guess there is one other firefox fork i use now that i think about it: Tor Browser.

I also use Vivaldi, which doesn't depend on Google for funding and has its own built in adblock that isn't based on either manifest version. In terms of UI vivaldi is completly unmatched, There's a japanese firefox fork that attempts to copy it, but its nowhere near as good.

It is not insurmountable, new browsers made by single or small dev teams exist. If there is enough demand and motivated people to make something like ladybird there is people who could handle maintaining a fork that works, Chrome wasn't always the only game in town and in the IE there was even at least one sort of engine agnostic browser that you could switch between Trident (IE) or Gecko rendering. Its not an easy thing but its very much possible.

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How about Konqeror which uses KHTML the engine both Chrome and Apple's webkit are forked from which has only been getting maintenance updates for a while now, it renders youtube fine, I dont have netflix but i tried Pluto.tv and that also works fine, another browser that works is SeaMonkey, the predecessor to firefox (sort of), if these projects which have both been just maintained for the past decade can keep up with rendering the basics then I see no reason why doing it with a more updated version of Chromium would be any more difficult, but i suppose if it is falling back to KHTML should still work for 99% of websites.

Keys, wallet, phone, USB charger pack, meshtastic radio, weed pen, headphones and my glasses.

I was using a smallish lunch bag I got at a tech conference 15 years ago as basically a purse but it finally gave out this year so I got something a little bigger and can also fit my Nintendo switch or small netbook if I want but those are more for when I'm traveling.

there are trans mormons?

Yeah we wouldnt want politicans to actually go where the majority of the people they serve live

Just block them if you dont want to see it

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yeah where is /u/universalmonk@lemmy.world when you need him?

I never buy new phones but I am excited to see used pixel 8s get cheaper!

you need to get a different device. As others suggested a watch is your best bet but dont expect those options to respect your privacy any more or less than google.