
3 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Thats the first place I tried

They don’t tell you what to submit to them.. they don’t even tell you an application exists.. I just want to seed a torrent publicly.. WHY IS THIS SO HARD?!

Yeah, Im not aware of Postman… how i can find it or how to use it..

“You can use i2p” as in install i2p the official software? I tried that years ago , then I became extremely confused because of it so I removed it.. its the opposite of user friendly


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You mean my 2GB Kingston that I bought in 2007, that I rarely use anymore won’t last me 200 years? Damn…

i think this explains why I couldnt register at the time..

Ok, that made me chuckle… ngl

i dont know , maybe.. ijust learned they actually renamed to Squabblr months ago..

I have looked up “encabulate” in the dictionary and it doesn’t exist… 🤨 Your response is funny now, In hindsight …

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Atleast it has full size arrow keys eh?

No bec i live under a rock.. more like a man cave really . Lol

i dont think so , i had tried to register a couple of months ago im gonna try again to register and let u know

Ok, possibly fair enough..

Oh .. that happened numerous times to me in the past on several unrelated subreddits, ive also seen it happen to other users, but my comments in particular are clearly unprovoking. Im sure most Reddit users have experienced it already.. ive just kept silent until now

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Ok, can you give me your opinion as to why i got -8 on this post now?

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Could… ..

Could it be.. Could it be that they will never release that part because it would disprove (the news articles) that he “ SNUCK IN “ 🙊 😮 😵😵

I admire your critical thinking.. I do not deserve negative votes on my post, my point of view is valid!

No , “not the end” .. a final report should come out..

Ofcourse they had seen him! It’s going to take alot (and it should) to convince me they haven’t seen him!

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